Molecular Plant Final File Checklist

Please complete this checklist asfinal files of the accepted manuscript are submitted. For any questions, please contact the Editorial Office at .


☐Modifiable electronic version of the text (WORD doc/docx file) is included

☐Paper is organized in the order of Title, Authors, Affiliations, Contact Information,Abstract, Introduction, Results, Discussion, Methods, Acknowledgments, References, Figure and Table Legends, Figures and Tables,and Supplemental Information.


☐The title includes 1–3 lines of text at no more than 50 characters (including spaces) per line

☐A running title of no more than 50 characters (with spaces) is included


☐The summary is no longer than 200 words and conveys the interest to a general audience


☐The text has no more than 8,000 words for full-length articles and 1,500 words for short “Letter to the Editor” papers

☐Methods section containssufficient detail so that readers can understand how the experiments were performed and interpret what is shown in the figures without referring to the supplemental information (except for “Letter to the Editor” papers)

☐Each figure or table is referenced at least once in the main text and appears in order

☐Each Supplemental Information item is cited in the main text at least once

☐If the paper reports new gene sequences, protein sequences, structures, or microarray data, the data are deposited in the appropriate database as per the online Information for Authors, and the accession number is included in the final text


☐Are in Harvard style, not numbered

☐Citations appear in text as Smith, 1999 (one author); Smith and Jones, 1999 (two authors); or Smith et al., 1999 (more than two authors)

☐Citations of disambiguated references (e.g., Smith, 1999a and Smith, 1999b) include the "a" and "b" designations

☐Journals: include the volume and page range

☐In-press references: include a date of online publication and/or a DOI

☐Books: include the date, title, publisher, publisher location, and, where applicable, chapter title and editors

FIGURES AND TABLES(see also the Cell Press Figure Guidelines)

☐Error bars defined in figure legend (for example, data are represented as mean +/- SEM)

☐No more than 8figures/tables for full-length Research or Resource Article and 1figure for Letterto the Editor paper

☐Main figures are submitted as separate files in *.tif, *.eps, *.pdf, *.ai, or *.jpg format and are at least 300 dpi for color and 500 dpi for black-and-white figures. Figure files are not in PowerPoint format.

☐Figure titles and legends have been included at the end of the manuscript

☐For each figure, all panels are included on the same page in portrait orientation; the figure does not exceed one page in length

☐Tables are free of graphics and are formatted as Microsoft Word tables—not as images—with contents separated into individual cells forming a grid

☐Tables are not separated into panels; i.e., they are numbered as Table 1, Table 2, etc., not as Table 1A, Table 1B, etc

☐Figures or tables that are linked to supplemental items include a citation of that supplemental item at the end of the legend (e.g., "See also Figure S1.")



☐The total number of supplemental data items (figures + tables + movies) typically should not exceed 2x the number of main-text figures + tables

☐The title of each supplemental item includes information about which main-text figure(s) and/or table(s) it is related to at the end of the title; e.g., "Table S1. Primer Sets Used in This Study, Related to Figure 1"

☐The legend of each main paper figure or Table includes a reference to the related supplemental data items; e.g. “See also Table S2, Figure S3, and Movie S1”


☐One composite WORD or PDF file that contains all supplemental materials, in this order: supplemental figures and corresponding legends, supplemental tables, Supplemental Experimental Procedures, and Supplemental References

☐Tables that are longer than 2 pages are submitted as separate Excel files, and their titles and legends are included

☐Movies are submitted as separate files in .mov, .avi, .mpg, or .mp4 format


☐For each figure, all panels are included on the same page; the figure does not exceed one page in length

☐Supplemental tables are not separated into panels; i.e., all tables are numbered as Table S1, Table S2, etc., not as Table S1A, Table S1B, etc


☐The conflict of interest form has been electronically filled out, saved, and included

☐A note of permission has been included for any author whose work has been cited as "personal communication"

☐A copy of permissions received has been included for any figures reprinted or adapted from previous publications