General Education Online Development Program (GOLD)

Call for Proposals

General Education Online Development Program (GOLD)

Innovative Learning Institute/Teaching and Learning Services

October 14, 2015

RIT is seeking to increase the number of General Education courses that students who are not on campus can complete online throughout the year. We expect this to increase scheduling flexibility for undergraduate students and to help improve the on-time graduation rate.

To support this goal, the Innovative Learning Institute, through Teaching and Learning Services, will support faculty development through a professional development program in which faculty will:

·  Participate in and contribute to a face-to-face Faculty Learning Community on designing and teaching online courses

·  Attend professional development workshops and other events

·  Receive individual support for instructional design and media production during their course design, development, and delivery

·  Receive a $2,000 grant, released in two equal increments, contingent on (a) a complete course design that conforms to a standardized quality rubric, and (b) a post-delivery reflection of the course, including specific plans to revise and improve the course for subsequent deliveries.

·  Be eligible to receive a grant of hardware and/or software to support online course activities

In awarding these grants, there will be a strong preference for approved courses verified by the department chair.

Eligible faculty and courses

Each participating faculty member must be full-time (i.e. tenure-track and tenured faculty, senior lecturers, principal lecturers, or lecturers with multiple year contracts). Faculty who have completed any previous iteration of the GOLD program within the past 2 years are excluded from this iteration.

The practical demonstration of professional development in this program will involve designing or redesigning an online course. Although this program’s assessment includes crafting a course design, faculty members will be compensated for participation in the development program, not for course development per se.

Department Heads must verify that the participating faculty member has sufficient time to participate and succeed in this professional development program. Preferably, this faculty member will have had experience teaching the course, though not necessarily online.

Eligible courses must be designated as General Education and must be likely to enroll enough students in order to run. Eligible courses include those that address the seven Perspectives Categories, as well as popular Immersion Courses. Because of the effort and resources involved in the design, development, and implementation of these courses, to increase the likelihood that they will run, colleges are encouraged to select courses with proven enrollment history. Enrollment history will be a factor in the selection of courses that will be funded through this program. In the case of new courses, Department Heads are required to include a rationale for demand. This may be included in the Demand Profile section of the application form.

Courses must be delivered fully online, and can be delivered in any of RIT’s term schedules:

·  5-week summer TigerTerm

·  10-week summer TigerTerm

·  16-week semester

Departments must agree to offer the completed online course at least once per year for the next five years. At least two of these offerings must be during summer or intersession. At minimum, summer or intersession offerings must be available to students every two years.

Development Program Components

Design Consultation

All faculty will have a TLS Instructional Design Researcher and Consultant (IDRC) assigned to them to provide assistance throughout the online design and teaching process, including strategies for accelerated course design.

Faculty Learning Communities

Faculty will meet face-to-face, as part of a Faculty Learning Community (FLC), with peers to explore and share issues related to online course design and teaching.

It is expected that group members and an IDRC facilitator will meet five times during the program term, and that faculty are expected to attend at least three meetings. These meetings will include a short presentation on course design or academic technology, but are mainly an opportunity for faculty to collaborate, solve problems, and share progress.

Technology Support

TLS will provide targeted technical support for developing and teaching online courses, including:

·  On-demand training sessions on pedagogy and technology, such as: myCourses, Adobe Connect, Camtasia Studio, RIT Wiki, etc.

·  A provision of relevant technical equipment and software, based on proven need.

Course Review

·  Design Review: Teaching and Learning Services will review course designs and materials against a course design rubric, and will provide specific feedback on any issues to be addressed before course launch.

·  Week 2 check-in: During Week 2 of course delivery, IDRCs will review the course with the faculty member to identify any issues, and to address any questions or concerns from faculty.

Reflections on Course Delivery and Improvement Plan

After the course has run, faculty will submit a plan for improving the next offering of the course. Teaching and Learning Services will provide a structured template for this reflection and improvement plan.

Program Completion Requirements

Faculty who develop and teach the course will receive a grant of $2,000 in two equal payments: $1,000 on delivery of a course design that passes a course design review by Teaching and Learning Services, and $1,000 upon submission of a post-delivery reflection/plan to improve the next offering of the course.

To receive the grant, this faculty member must:

·  Collaborate with their Department Head on the course proposal

·  Participate in the Development Program (as described previously in Development Program Components)

·  Attend at least three of five Faculty Learning Community meetings during the program. Meeting times will be scheduled based on the availability of accepted faculty.

·  Design the online course

·  Ensure that the completed course is in myCourses and available for final review at least two weeks before the course is available to students.

·  Teach the initial offering of the course

·  Complete an assessment and reflection narrative on the course development and delivery experience after the initial offering of the course has run. This assessment should include ideas for improvement of the online course based on the faculty member’s observations and experience during the course, student performance, student evaluations, and other evidence gathered during course delivery.

Course development timeline

This timeline is for courses that will be offered during Summer or Fall 2016.

·  Proposals submitted November 20, 2015

·  Proposal acceptance December 7, 2015

·  Kickoff meeting Week of February 8, 2016

·  Detailed course outline submitted Week of February 22, 2016

·  Course review/Initial grant payment
Summer courses Week of May 2, 2016
Fall Courses Week of July 25, 2016

·  Course complete in myCourses
Summer courses Week of May 16, 2016
Fall Courses Week of August 15, 2016

·  Post-delivery assessment submitted and final grant payment
Summer courses Week of August 29 2016
Fall Courses Week of February 6, 2017

Course reviews will be performed by ILI/TLS staff.

Submitting your Proposal

Department Heads and faculty should collaborate on the Online GenEd Course Proposal and submit the completed application by November 20, 2015.

Proposals should be emailed to Dawn Severson, Senior Staff Assistant, Innovative Learning Institute at .

Questions or comments

If you have any questions or comments about completing this proposal application, please contact Marty Golia at .


General Education Online Development Program (GOLD)

Application Form

Online GenEd Course Proposal

Innovative Learning Institute/Teaching and Learning Services

Course number and title:

College: Department:

Department Head name: Email:

Faculty name: Email:

Title: Full time: Yes No

How many online courses have you designed? / None / 1-2 courses / 35 courses / >5 courses
How many online classes have you taught? / None / 1-4 classes / 5-10 classes / >10 classes
Have you taught the proposed course before? / Yes, Online / Yes, in the classroom / No

Course Overview

To be completed by the Department Head

Course Catalog Description

Is this course designated as GenEd? Yes No
Is this course currently taught online?Yes No

How often is this course offered?

Mode for the redesigned course:

16 week semester / 10 week summer / 5 week summer

Initial delivery target:

Summer 2016 / Fall 2016 / A later term:

Demand profile

To be completed by the Department Head

Characterize the number of students the course is likely to enroll. You may refer to historical enrollment patterns, transfer credit coming in to RIT from equivalent courses, the number of waitlisted students, unmet needs, etc.

Proposed Design

To be completed by the faculty member

Online Instructional Strategy

In one paragraph, please articulate the overall strategy for achieving the student learning outcomes effectively in an online format. Include planned use of media, web conferencing, special software or applications, publisher-provided resources, etc.


What instructional challenges, if any, has this course posed in the past (such as DFW rates)?

What challenges, if any, do you foresee in teaching this course effectively online?

Anticipated Support needs

To be completed by the faculty member

Please list any support you would like from TLS to help you successfully develop and deliver this course, including:

·  Faculty technology training

·  Online design consultation

·  Media production needs

·  myCourses support

·  Web conferencing assistance (e.g. Adobe Connect)

Do you foresee the need for any specific hardware or software to create or teach the course? If so, please list those needs and an explanation.


How did you hear about this program? (Please list the name of the person that referred you)

TO Submit this proposal

Proposals should be emailed to Dawn Severson, Senior Staff Assistant, Innovative Learning Institute at by November 20, 2015.

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