MSW Concentration Student Learning Outcome/Competency 11

Articulate how Christian beliefs and values can be ethically integrated in professional social work practice.

Overview: This assignment is designed to assess your ability to identify as a professional social worker and conduct yourself accordingly. The following social work practice behaviors are assessed in this assignment.

Clinical Concentration:

1.  Applies Christian beliefs and values, as appropriate to client needs, in an ethical manner.

2.  Integrates faith-based interventions as applicable to practice contexts.

3.  Integrates clients’ religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities, as indicated, to enhance coping.

Community Concentration:

1.  Understands the contributions and capacity of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of social services.

2.  Demonstrates understanding of the ethical integration of personal faith and core values as a social worker.

3.  Recognizes the contributions of the global Christian community in promoting global social justice.

Assignment Description:

In an integrative field paper, student will reflect on the process of development in the field setting throughout the Fall Semester. Specifically, student is expected to examine 1) the elements of professional social work practice behaviors as viewed in field internship; and 2) how he/she has observed and incorporated faith in professional practice. Include a discussion of the following:

1)  the role of supervision in your development. Reflect on supervision content that has been instrumental in your understanding of a) professional social work behaviors and conduct, and b) how faith has been or can be ethically integrated in the agency setting.

2)  key professional behaviors that have been integral to your effectiveness with the client population served.

3)  a situation in the field setting (client or agency specific) that resulted in significant professional growth. Discuss the challenges experienced, including ethical dilemmas, value conflicts, “blindspots,” and/or personal biases, as well as the process in which the situation was address and/or resolved.

4)  CLINICAL: the manner in which religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities are incorporated in client assessments and interventions. Refer to specific assessment tools and instruments in your discussion.

5)  COMMUNITY: the role of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of services at your agency. As relevant, refer to specific faith-based partnerships in your discussion.

6)  As you continue your field internship in Spring Semester, consider growth opportunities. Identify ways in which you would like to further integrate your faith in professional practice.

Expected length: 5-6 pages. Will require use of seminar content, field competencies, and social work code of ethics. Graduate level written skills are expected. Paper should be edited for grammatical errors. APA format required.

SLO/Competency 11 Clinical Concentration Rubric for: Articulate how Christian beliefs and values can be ethically integrated in professional social work practice

Practice Behavior / Does not meet Expectation
(0) / Beginning level of skill
(1) / Competent
(2) / Advanced
(3) / Mastered
(4) / Score/Level
1. Applies Christian beliefs and values, as appropriate to client needs, in an ethical manner. / Unable to apply Christian beliefs and values, as appropriate to client needs, in an ethical manner. / Demonstrates basic ability to apply Christian beliefs and values, as appropriate to client needs, in an ethical manner. / Clearly understands how to apply Christian beliefs and values, as appropriate to client needs, in an ethical manner.
2. Integrates faith-based interventions as applicable to practice contexts. / Unable to integrate faith-based interventions as applicable to practice contexts. / Demonstrates ability to integrate faith-based interventions as applicable to practice contexts. / Consistently integrates faith-based interventions as applicable to practice contexts.
3. Integrates clients’ religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities, as indicated, to enhance coping. / Does not integrate clients’ religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities, as indicated, to enhance coping. / Demonstrates ability to integrate clients’ religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities, as indicated, to enhance coping. / Advanced ability to integrate clients’ religious, spiritual, and faith traditions and/or faith communities, as indicated, to enhance coping.

SLO/Competency 11 Community Concentration Rubric for: Articulate how Christian beliefs and values can be ethically integrated in professional social work practice

Practice Behavior / Does not meet Expectation
(0) / Beginning level of skill
(1) / Competent
(2) / Advanced
(3) / Mastered
(4) / Score/Level
1. Understands the contributions and capacity of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of social services. / Does not demonstrate understanding of the contributions and capacity of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of social services. / Demonstrates some understanding of the contributions and capacity of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of social services. / Clearly understands the contributions and capacity of faith-based organizations and churches as resources in the delivery of social services.
2. Demonstrates understanding of the ethical integration of personal faith and core values as a social worker. / Does not demonstrate understanding of the ethical integration of personal faith and core values as a social worker. / Demonstrates some understanding of the ethical integration of personal faith and core values as a social worker. / Clearly demonstrates understanding of the ethical integration of personal faith and core values as a social worker.
3. Recognizes the contributions of the global Christian community in promoting global social justice. / Does not recognize the contributions of the global Christian community in promoting global social justice. / Demonstrates some recognition of the contributions of the global Christian community in promoting global social justice. / Clearly recognizes the contributions of the global Christian community in promoting global social justice.