December 4, 2011 4445 West 77th Street 109 Edina MN 55435

Board Members Present: Doug Lothenbach, Brad Aaberg, Joe Sussenguth, Shannon Shaughnessy, Jon Hegerle, Dan Westby, Darla Heikes, Chris Hunt, Crystal Nucech-Duesler, Kacy Keinholz, Twila Roemmich, Ross Erickson,

Board Members Absent: Steph Hanson, Mary Hanson

Staff Members Present: Judy Praska, Ken Miller, Sue Murphy, Jennifer Brathol, Cara Lang, Linzy Merrill, Nicole Olson,

Meeting Called to order at 9:00 AM

Previous minutes had been approved electronically.

Introductions made to new staff Linzy Merrill & new intern Nicole Olson

1.  Executive Directors Report

a.  Officials Report-Cara: Discussion was held about officials concerns. It was expressed that NCR is well represented on a National level and provides often the best group of officials at out state tournaments. Board felt we can council Officials on PR & Marketing i.e. send out info as to what they need to do once certified to procure opportunities, but they ultimately need to market themselves. Officials having questions should contact Cara Lang, Officials Coordinator. If more specific issues are brought to the board we will appoint a committee to look into them as they arise.

Cara reported that in October NCR hosted a National Officials Clinic in Eden Prairie with 40 attendees. In November an advanced clinic was held. There are 98 Junior Clinics scheduled to date; will limit the number of attendees. Teach & Train schedules are being worked on as is Rating Schedules. Ratings will occur at the Area Championship events. 160 Officials will be need for the Presidents Festival and all gold divisions will use paid up officials in all matches.

b.  Boys & Adults Report: Jennifer reported Adults in full swing with events every Friday night rotating between Ralia & M1 Locations. Increase in Men’s & Women’s events and a new Point Award Scoring System (PASS) in effect that rewards attendance along with winning. Most points at the end of the indoor season win’s prizes: 1st (highest point earner) iPad, 2nd iPod, 3rd Kindle, 4th NCR gear, and 5th NCR gear. The top 16 women and men will be invited to the PASS Championships on May 7th, 2012.

Boys Schedule is set and new clubs are being formed. Interest has been shown from Canada. The weekend of Presidents Festival NCR will hold a boys scrimmage. Clinic will be held in January for boys and we are looking for men’s teams to help mentor the boy’s teams. All Boys tournaments will feature paid officials. Also, announced a plan to form an elementary age level combination clinic and league.

c.  Junior Report: Ken reported 153 registered teams to date. Presidents Festival filling fast and 14’s divisions almost full. Expressed an opinion that the reason for our continued growth despite the economy is NCR’s focus on grass roots clubs and tournaments and not only the elite organizations.

d.  Executive Directors Report: Judy reported that a PR effort targeting Elementary Schools under our Volleyball for Life banner met with great success with many schools opting for the pens, shirts and books. NCR has re-signed with Molten as NCR’s ball provider. The proposed online Registration project has hit a snag in that the consult working with NCR could not provide some key elements for NCR’s needs and we will slow down the process until it is worked out. New Employee benefits package has been put in place.

e.  Treasurer Report presented by Joe see attachment A

f.  NCR Policies. Clubs joining NCR can no longer be referred to as Junior Olympic instead all must be labeled Juniors

g.  Registration Numbers for the 2011-12 season Attachment B

2.  Old Business

a.  Conflict of Interest Policy: USAV has asked all members to have in place a Conflict of Interest Policy. NCR’s was presented, minimal discussion held with only one caveat; that a disclosure statement be filled out and attached to said signed & returned policy. Motion Made Chris Hunt , seconded by Ross Erickson, motion carried

3.  New Business

a.  ND Coaches Association Summer Meeting will have Jon Hegerle and Twila Roemmich representing NCR. Exact type of presentation to be determined i.e. host a session, Q&A Meeting or looping power point presentation. Format will depend on what the Association will allow. Purpose to explain how to start and promote juniors in ND.

b.  SD High School Activities Association Coaches Meeting in July to be represented by Kacy Kienholz with same purpose as the ND presentation.

c.  Tryout Policy Question posed by Tom Schuster was answered by Ken and regarded policy of letter of commitment and the perceived limitations placed on athlete’s options for trying out for multiple clubs.

d.  Election of Board Member for Carolyn Bell’s seat. It was decided that we would not wait till June Elections, instead appoint someone. The board revisited last June’s Nominations and concluded to offer seat to Dennis Piechowski and provided a slate of ranked candidates in case he did not accept the appointment. Dennis Piechowski accepted nomination on Monday, December 5, 2011. Motion Made by Shannon Shaughnessy seconded by Ross Erickson, motion carried

e.  Nomination Committee Chair: All Board Members seats that were up for reelection: Brad Aaberg, Twila Roemmich, Kacy Keinholz, Shannon Shaughnessy, and Doug Lothenbach have agreed to stay on for another term. It was suggested to look into our language for what it means to serve 2 consecutive terms , i.e. does it mean two elected terms. Judy will consult with lawyer.

4.  Next Meeting Sunday June 10 2012 at 9:AM 4445 West 77th St STE 109 Edina MN 55435 Motion to adjourn made by Brad Aaberg and seconded by Chris Hunt

Meeting Adjourned 10:40 AM respectfully submitted by Shannon Shaughnessy

Electronically approved on 12/14/2011