2014-15 Tennessee School Improvement Planning Template
The final plan should be no longer than four pages.
School Name: / Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary SchoolAccountability status: / Reward, Focus, or Priority if applicable.
Analysis of last year’s final results: / Areas of Greatest Progress: / Areas of Greatest Challenge:
Students displayed the greatest academic growth in the area of science.
2013-2014 School-Wide Goal: 64 %
2013-2014 Actual Prof./Adv. 65.2%
The 2013-2014 Science goal was met. / Students displayed the least academic growth in the area of math.
2013-2014 School Wide Goal: 66.1%
2013-2014 Actual Prof./Adv. 54.5 %
The 2013-2014 Math goal was NOT met.
Underlying Reasons for Progress: / Underlying Reasons for Challenge:
Academic progress in Science was a benefit of the following implemented strategies and actions:
1) Grade level teachers have common planning time and meet weekly to discuss International Baccalaureate infused lesson plans for the upcoming week, as well as what content needs to be re-taught using their common formative assessment.
2) Teachers review student data weekly to determine which students are in need of intervention and/or enrichment.
3) Grade level teachers worked as a team during planning time to find and/or modify curriculum materials that relate to the standards and are using the textbooks as supplements when appropriate.
4) Teachers received content related Professional Development from district personnel, which provided them with information and guidance on how to allow students to practice and demonstrate mastery through different avenues of exploration. / Challenges in the content area of math can be correlated to the student’s inability to solve math problems mentally. Our students have not learned their multiplication and division facts; therefore, it is difficult for them to solve multistep problems that involve fractions and /or decimals.
Another area of challenge can be contributed to a lack of instructional rigor required to improve students’ educational experience, and the limited opportunity of the alignment of engagement activities to the expected learning outcomes.
Goals for 2014-15 school year: / * Please consult with your district regarding goals and AMO targets for Achievement and Gap Closure.
Math Goal
Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School student Math achievement scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test grades for students in grades 3 through 5 (all subgroups) will increase from 54.5% in 2013-2014 to 59.5% in 2014-2015.
Reading Goal
Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School student Reading achievement scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test grades for students in grades 3 through 5 (all subgroups) will increase from 50.0% in 2013-2014 to 55.0% in 2014-2015.
Science Goal
Balmoral Ridgeway Elementary School student Science achievement scores on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP) test grades for students in grades 3 through 5 (all subgroups) will increase from 65.2% in 2013-2014 to 70.2% in 2014-2015.
Plan for this school year: / Key strategies to achieve goals:
1. Strategy: Data Disaggregation Days
Implementation Plan: October 2014, January 2015 and March 2015
Desired outcomes: Principal, instructional facilitator and grade level team of teachers will review test scores by subgroups to determine if student mobility, professional development for teachers or parental involvement is affecting student achievement.
Projected costs and funding sources: $2500 allocated for sub for the day pay and meeting materials funded by Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Teachers will utilize data from I-Station, Discovery Education, IReady, TCAP, SAT 10 and TVASS to identify students by name and need in order to provide and offer additional before, after, and Saturday school intervention and enrichment opportunities.
2. Strategy: Interim Assessments
Implementation Plan: September 2014-May 2015 – School administration team will create and administer 9 interim assessments based on the SCS pacing guide, grade level curriculum guide, the TN Framework and CCSS.
Desired outcomes: to ascertain the achievement level of individual students and compare that achievement with the district AMO expected goals
Projected costs and funding sources: Mastery Connection Question Bank $200-$2000 funded by Title I funds
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Administration and teachers will utilize the data from the interim assessments to identify students and teachers by name and need in order to plan and provide additional professional development for teacher support and extended learning opportunities for students to enhance student achievement in an effort to meet and exceed our annual measureable objectives in Reading/Language Arts, Math and Science.
3. Strategy: National, Local, School and District Level Professional Development Conferences for Teachers
Implementation Plan: September 2014-May 2015
Desired outcomes: to recruit, retain, support and develop effective teachers
Projected costs and funding sources: Weekly PLCs, DLD and My Learning Plan training and support provided by the school and/or district at no cost
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Teachers will attend self selected or recommended professional development courses in an effort to strengthen and maintain their ability to plan and provide the instructional rigor required to improve students’ educational experience in the areas of Reading/Language Arts, Science and Math.
4. Strategy: Monthly Parental Training
Implementation Plan: September 2014-May 2015
Desired outcomes: Parents will be actively involved in their children’s education and attendance at afterschool functions will increase.
Projected costs and funding sources: Meeting materials, resources and refreshments $6552.00 funded by Title I
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Parents will attend monthly training meetings with a focus on data, reading comprehension, math skills, homework and test taking strategies that will help their child at home. Parent trainings will also support teacher and school efforts, increase their student’s level of achievement on the Tennessee Comprehension Assessment Program (TCAP).
5. Strategy: Math Facts in a Flash
Implementation Plan: September 2014-May 2015
Desired outcomes: Students will learn their multiplication and division facts. Students will become proficient in multiplicand and division. Fact proficiency will make it easier for students to solve multistep problems that involve fractions and /or decimals in the past.
Projected costs and funding sources: $0.00
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: The leadership team will personally drill students in grades 3-5 on multiplication and division facts from 2-12, weekly. Leadership team member will have a discussion with each student regarding his or her efforts and growth. Students will take personal responsibility of their learning and become instrumental in aiding the school and district in achieving the set math goal.
6. Strategy: Academic Tutoring
Implementation Plan: September 2014-May 2015
Desired outcomes: Students will receive instructional support in the areas of Math, Reading and Science to enhance student achievement.
Projected costs and funding sources: $3191.40 Extended Contract and $11375.00 Title I Funds
Describe how this specific strategy will help you achieve your goals for the 2014-15 school year and address areas of challenge from the past year: Grades 2-5 students will receive additional academic support with teacher identified areas of reinforcement and refinement in Reading/Language Art, Math and Science by participating in weekly tutoring sessions to improve student learning and enhance TCAP and SAT 10 achievement scores.
Key benchmarks for progress on strategies: / Benchmark: iStation, IReady, DEA / Timeline:
1. IStation Reading Assessment
Expected Outcomes
85% of students in grades K-5 should score in the Tier 1 range by May of 2015. / Monthly Progress Monitoring and quarterly Universal Screenings will be given to the students to ensure the May goal is met.
2. iReady Math Assessment
Expected Outcomes
85% of students in grades K-5 should score in the proficiency range by May of 2015. / Monthly Assessments will be given to the students to ensure the May goal is met.
3. Discovery Education Results
Expected Outcomes
Students in each grade level, 2-5, will receive reading scores that meet or exceed 85% proficiency levels by May of 2015.
Students in each grade level, 2-5, will receive math scores that meet or exceed 85% proficiency levels by May of 2015.
Students in each grade level, 2-5, will receive science scores that meet or exceed 85% proficiency levels by May of 2015. / Three Discovery Education Assessments will be administered in the 2014-2015 school year.
Test A
September 15 - October 17
Test B
December 1 - December 19
Test C
February 23 - March 13