Clifton Hampden & Burcot Parish Council notes

Cripes! It’s 2015 already and your Parish Council and all its bits and bobs seem so, well, last year. Unlike The Bridge magazine, which, ever keen to surge ahead, burst out of 2014 and hurdled January as if it was never there. At the time of writing, it actualy is. This poor, benighted month is moping around like an abandoned loom band; hoping to relive its moment in the sun but forever doomed to be that neglected Christmas present from a kindly but mildly out of touch auntie.

Keen to be on-trend, if still blinking at the blinding speed of 2015 so far, your Council is here to update you on all that’s happened since last we met.

The Neighbourhood Plan – the December Parish Council meeting was attended by Peter Canavan from South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) who set out the procedure. It all seemed a bit complicated to us, so SODC are holding a meeting for interested parishes to discuss funding (it’s available!) and related matters. Incidentally this Plan is not to be confused with either the Village or Local plans (cf The Bridge, November 2014). More information will be forthcoming after the meeting and will be reported here.

The fight against the gravel extraction plans – as ever, this is better covered elsewhere by those directly involved, including in this magazine. It is still worth mentioning, however, that English Heritage has spotted and designated an ancient monument in Ian and Jaqi Mason’s back garden – Pit Central – which must count for something (correspondent reflects on old gnome fishing contentedly outside window before half-formed plan subsides gently in face of Nottcuts price tag flapping in breeze).

Flooding – none yet this Winter. Even so, the Clifton Hampden and Burcot flooding group stands ready and be-gumbooted. In the meantime, if they haven’t already, the County Council (OCC) will be writing to residents to indicate the availability of grants for more, it seems, than mere be-gumbooting.

Cycle path – as avid followers of your Council activities will be aware, a safe path from Clifton Hampden to Long Wittenham (reassuring note for the wary: and back) has been but a tantalising step away for far too long. Along with the widening of the A34 or the glimpsed ankle of a slinky bypass for the village, this path has had as much truck with reality as the yellow brick road until now. Keep the ribbon and scissors safely stowed for the moment, but SODC are supporting a proposal for a cycle path from the Science Centre to Long Wittenham. And back of course.

Your Council (still) needs you! No particular expertise required, just enthusiasm and a desire to help. If you are interested in joining the Parish Council please see Chris Neill in the Post Office or email the Clerk, Anne Davies at:

These notes were prepared following the 17 December 2014 Parish Council meeting.