CHS will be sponsoring 20 youth affected by a bleeding disorder to attend Rendez-vous 2017, taking place in Toronto, Ontario from May 25 to the 28.
Sponsored individuals will agree to participate in the Thursday evening youth meeting, the Friday Medical & Scientific Symposium, the Saturday Annual General Meeting and Community Engagement Workshops.
Who can apply?
Priority will be given to youth from 18 to 30 years old affected by a bleeding disorder. Siblings not affected may be considered if the maximum number of participants is not reached.
What is covered?
Sponsorships offered by the CHS will cover travel, three (3) nights’ accommodation (based on shared occupancy) and meals provided during meeting days, including the Saturday night banquet.
Interested participants should complete and return the following application form no later than March 17, 2017 to:
and Human Resources
phone: 1(800) 668-2686
fax: (514) 848-9661Canadian Hemophilia Society
301-666 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 1E7
IMPORTANT! Use the arrow keys to navigate between fields, or the TAB key to move to the next field; or click on a field with your mouse to enter data.
Hit the enter/return key ONLY when you have multiple entries to include within a field.
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Name of applicantStreet address
City / Province / Postal code
Tel. (home) / Tel. (work)
(if applicable)
E-mail address
Factor Deficiency & severity VIII IX / Von Willebrand disease
Other factor deficiency / Carrier
Sibling / Other Please Specify:
Date of birth / Day Month Year
Please explain how you will share your new knowledge and information with others in your chapter or region once you get home.
Signature / ______/ Date
A social outing will be organized by Hemophilia Ontario on Friday, May 26 to attend the Toronto Blue Jays’ baseball game at 7pm. The group rate is $ 18.
Please indicate if you will be attending and how many tickets you would like to purchase:
Yes # of tickets: ____
The National Youth Committee is recruiting!
Yes, I am interested in having a discussion with one of the co-chairs on the opportunities available and my future role on the committee.