An important notice was sent home to all families yesterday about anaphylaxis and the students in our school who are endangered by this condition. We appreciate the cooperation of parents in being mindful of what food the y send daily with their children.


Last Market

We had another successful market on Saturday (which would have been even better had it not rained mid-morning). I think the additional promotional work we did has really helped so thank you to everyone who lent a hand. We need to continue to keep the market in the forefront of people’s minds so please help by telling friends& Family. We are also looking to run events at the Market starting with a fashion show at the market on May 10th. Watch out for more details. If you have any ideas for things we could run on market days then please let me know.

As for this week just gone a very big thanks to grade one which provided some very devoted volunteers. Thank you to: Emma, Gabriella, Sue & Thomas, Benno& Althea, Richard & Alisha, Patricia, David, Juliet & Sophie (who for the second week running stayed well beyond the end of their shift), Tamara & Ada, Karen, Rose &Anastasia, Silvia & Emilio, Rochelle &Dailoli, Lori & Tyler, Erika & Tadgh, and Kirstie, Owen, Imogen & Hamish. Thanks also to Heidi from the honey stall she is an excellent pancake cook at most markets. Buying honey from her dad would be a lovely way for people to thank her.


Grade Prep will provide the volunteers for the May markets. A note went home with students this week (along with their pancake licences). Could all parents who are able to volunteer return it to school as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so?


Lemons are in very short supply (and very expensive to buy) at the moment. If you have any spare then please place them in the box in the school office, or drop them into after care.

Liz - (0400 197732 or )


Next Tuesday 6th May is school photo day. All students were sent home with an envelope for families to order their photos. To place your order either complete form and send it back to school or you can order online.

If you would like sibling photos taken order forms are available at the school office.


We are looking for newspapers to enable us to continue our mulching program of our gardens. Please drop any newspapers in the box outside the front office.


Students losing their school jumpers and jackets,is an ongoing problem. If the uniforms are named the children will usually get them back but unfortunately many items of clothing are not named. I know quite often students will pick up the wrong jacket accidently. It would be appreciated if you checked your children’s jumpers and jackets to make sure you have the right one. If you have one that is not yours please return it to the school office and we will find the owner.


On Monday 12th May from 8.45 to 9.30 am (with a break for assembly), a second hand uniform stall will be held in the hall. All items $2.

You can donate any clean used items of uniform by taking them to the office.


The Parent’s and Friends Group are running a Mother’s Day Stall on Thursday 8th May. Each grade and child will have the opportunity throughout the day to visit the stall and purchase something if they wish.

All gifts are handmade, either by the P&F group or sourced locally, and will range in price between $2 and $5.

Please send your child along with money in an envelope if you wish for them to purchase something on the day.


Below are links to the Classroom Curriculum outlines for Term 2.

Please click on them to view your child’s relevant year level.

Prep -

Grade 1-

Grade 2-


Grade 4/5-

Grade 5/6-


One of the great pleasures of my job is to organise the musical performances of our children here at Coburg North Primary. Last week the Performance Choir sang splendidly at a special Anzac day commemoration held at the Coburg Table Tennis Club. The organisers were very grateful for the addition to the ceremony and I had many people congratulating me on the student’s fine performance.

Then on Saturday the choir performed again at the Coburg Farmers Market in an event that featured the very first performance by this years School Rock Band. They were great and certainly demonstrated that their hard work, practicing every week before school, had paid off handsomely.

I’d like to especially thank those parents who were able and willing to bring the students to these two performances as well as helping me to move equipment.

Stephen Sharpe


We now have 55 students registered for the Challenge, but we would love to have more!

When you enter books on the website you may have noticed 5 stars on the far right hand side of the page next to each title. This is an opportunity for your child to rate the books they have read on a scale of 1 to 5. If you choose to do this, don’t forget to click on ‘Save star rating’ at the bottom of your list.

Don’t forget if you received your Consent form back with yellow highlighter on it showing the parts that were incomplete, please send it back to the school as soon as possible.

If you have not yet received your password, please leave a message at the school office or contact me at school on Wednesdays.


Beth (in the Library)


Student / Grade / Right/Responsibility / As demonstrated by:
Juliet / 1B / Personally responsible - safe and comfortable / displaying great sportsmanship during classroom maths games
Ruby B / 1B / Personally responsible - as much work as possible / using a graphic organiser to plan the paragraphs in her recount
Hadi / 3/4A / Personally responsible - as much work as possible / finding fractions in his mandarin during fruit time
Adem / 3/4 B / Personally responsible - as much work as possible / beginning Term 2 with focus & determination
Jem / 3/4 B / Communally responsible - safe and comfortable / his enthusiastic start to Term 2
Ahmed / PB / Personally responsible - as much work as possible / competing his maths with enthusiasm
Tilda / 2B / Personally responsible- as much work as possible / by providing thoughtful comments in classroom discussions
Ella / 2A / Personally responsible- as much work as possible / by finding excellent similarities and differences in a traditional and modern fairy tale


This is what I hope will be the first in a series of recipes promoting ingredients available at the Farmer’s Market. It comes from parent RikkeBundgaard-Nielsen. She writes:

“I bought a bag of the most amazing chestnuts at the markets today, and I am sure I am not the only one! I got a couple of kilos - more than enough for several occasions, and I was wondering if others (readers of the school newsletter perhaps?) might like a recipe with a slightly different angle to just boiling and plain baking... It's so good! Can be a side dish for dinner (like roast chicken) or a standalone treat with a glass of red wine.

Rosemary and butter chestnuts

(serves 4-6 with a good appetite)


1 kilo of chestnuts

100 grams of butter

2 teaspoons of salt

pepper to taste

3 sprigs of fresh Rosemary


Preheat the oven to 250 degrees (230 if fan forced).

Cut deep crosses into domed side of each chestnut (watch out for your fingers, and don't cut the chestnuts in half either).

Melt butter and mix in salt, pepper, and roughly chopped Rosemary.

Soak chestnuts in hot water for a couple of minutes. This will help the chestnuts steam and not dry out!

Dry chestnuts and mix well with the seasoned butter.

Join two pieces of aluminium foil by folding their edges together a few times.

Lay foil in big tray.

Tip out buttered chestnuts onto foil and make sure they are all 'cross side up'.

Scrape in any leftover butter.

Scrunch foil to leave a largish opening while keeping in lots of moisture.

Bake for 30 minutes or so. When skin peels back, the nuts are done.

Transfer to serving dish and drizzle over tray butter and herbs.

Serve warm.



School Council Meeting 6;30 in staffroom
7 / Coburg District Cross Country
8 / Mother’s Day Stall
Prep Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea
10 / Farmers Market- Grade Prep
13-15 / Naplan Testing
16 / Interschool Sport Round 1 AWAY at St Bernards
21 / Evening 2015 Prep Information session
22 / Open Day
23 / Walk Safely to School Day
23 / Interschool Sport Round 2 HOME V Moreland
24 / Farmers Market- Grade Prep
30 / Interschool Sport Round 3 AWAY V Coburg
2 / Curriculum Day – no school for students
6 / Interschool Sport Round 4 HOME
14 / Farmers Market-
17 / School Council Meeting 6:30 staffroom
18 / Junior Parent Teacher Interviews
19 / Senior Parent Teacher Interviews
27 / Last day of term 2 , 2:15 assembly & 2:30 dismissal
28 / Farmers Market
