The Union County Vocational Technical Schools Intramural Sports Program is about to begin. The program is offered to all full time students, regardless of ability, who would like the opportunity to participate in athletics on a competitive level and have a lot of fun. Everyone who attends regular activity sessions will get the chance to play. The fall season will begin on October 1, 2012 and end on November 7, 2012. The program will run on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm – 5:00pm. On Monday the sport will beBasketball and on Wednesdaythe sport will beVolleyball. Each student may participate in all sports if he/she desires. Students will proceed to the gym in Bistocchi Hall after the 2:50 bell. Students are responsible for bringing all necessary books with them to complete their daily schoolwork as they will not be allowed back to their lockers.
Please encourage your child to actively participate in athletics and help us build an outstanding intramural program. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Colleen Prince, District Extra-Curricular Activities Coordinator at 908-889-8288 ext. 435 or by email:
Intramural Policies
  1. Every full time academic student is eligible to participate in the intramural program. In order to be placed on a team, students must get this permission slip and emergency contact form signed and returned to a physical education teacher by Tuesday, September 25th, 2012.There will be no exceptions.
  2. Students must follow all district policies, rules, and regulations as outlined in the student handbook.
  3. Students must be placed on a team by an intramural proctor. Once on a team a student cannot switch teams.
  4. Students must be prepared to participate in intramurals. Preparedness means arriving on time and with proper dress.
  5. If a student misses 3 unexcused sessions or is late 3 unexcused times, or is late being picked up a combined total of 45 minutes, then he/she must leave the program and have to wait for the next season in order to participate. Students will be considered late after 3:05pm and all students must be picked up by 5:00pm
  6. If a student is absent from school than he or she may not be a part of intramural competition for that day.
  7. Any student assigned detention/suspension is not allowed to participate in their next intramural meet.
  8. All students will promote good sportsmanship.
  9. Students can be removed from intramurals at the discretion of the administration and/or the intramural subcommittee. Parents will be informed.
  10. Parents must pick up/drop off their children in the parking lot behind Bistocchi Hall.
  11. Students must sign in upon arriving to the program each day and the students must sign out before leaving with his/her ride. Upon signing out, the student must write down the name of the person they are leaving with.
  12. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent. If a child is to continue to participate,
    pick-up times MUST be followed. It is the parent’s responsibility to arrange safe transportation. If you are not picking up your child, you need to fill out and return a permission slip regarding your child’s transportation home, which is on the last page. Please return with permission slip and emergency form.
Intramural Permission Slip
My son/daughter ______has my permission to participate in the Union County Vocational Technical Schools intramural program after school for the Fallseason of the 2012-2013school year. I am aware that I am responsible to provide transportation to and from school for scheduled intramural meetings. I am also aware of the general rules that my child must follow in order to participate in the program.
I agree that if it is determined that my child needs medical or dental treatment while participating in athletics, I will be responsible for any such treatment determined to be necessary by a physician, dentist or emergency medical personnel.
I also understand that my son/daughter is expected to adhere firmly to all established rules,regulations, and policies of the Union County Vocational-Technical Schools as well as abiding by any individual team rules set forth by the intramural proctors.
[parent/guardian signature] [Date]
I ______[student] have read over this form and I am prepared to adhere to the rules set up for me to prove I am deserving of the opportunity to participate in intramurals.
[student’s signature] [Date]
Please Circle the Sport(s)/Day(s) the student will be playing (You may select more than one).
Circle day and sport:
Monday Wednesday
Basketball Volleyball
Emergency Contact Form
We need the most current information in the event of an emergency. Intramural Proctors will have access to this information.
Student’s Name:______Gender:______Grade:______
School Name: ______
Home Street Address: ______City:______State: ______
Zip Code:______
Cell Phone:______
Family Doctor ______Phone:______
Hospital ______Illnesses:______
In the event of an Emergency, contact (Please list information for people who will be able to pick up your child if necessary):
Name: ______Alternate Name:______
Phone:______Alternate Phone:______
Relationship______Alternate Relationship:______

Intramural Self Transportation Permission Slip

I, ______, give my permission for ______

(parent/guardian) (child’s name)

to drive himself/herself home from Intramurals at 5:00 pm.


Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian SignatureDate


Intramural Permission Slip for another student/parent to drive my child home

I, ______, give my permission for another student/parent,


______to drive my child, ______

(student/parent driver’s name) (child’s name)

home from Intramurals at 5 pm. This permission shall continue until ______.



Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian SignatureDate


Intramural Bus Transportation Permission Slip

I, ______, give my permission for ______

(Parent/guardian) (child’s name)

to take the NJ Transit 112 bus home from Intramurals at 5:00 pm. I understand that students will not be under the direct supervision of UCVTS employees while awaiting the arrival of the NJ Transit bus.


Parent/Guardian NameParent/Guardian SignatureDate