Christian Education Newsletter-2011-Issue 1
The newsletter will give teachers updates from the Christian Ed Committee meetings. The meetings are held throughout the year and everyone is invited. The next meeting will be on Monday, June 20, 2011 @ 7:00 PM at the church. Hope to see you.
Flower Fund Balance @ 1/17/2011 = $220.00. Thank you for your support.
Confirmation Classes-The nearly 30 confirmation students are keeping busy with church duties, church attendance, and Sunday school classes. Pastor Jami led the first retreat in October and the next one will be in March. Both levels have received their Mentors and have some fun events planned. During the past few months, you could find the students and their parents helping at the Basket Party, the Food Bank, and the Nativity Display. Thanks to Kerry Follweiler for her help with the church charts.
Sunday School Classes- have been busy with all sorts of activates. Some sent holiday greeting cards to the church shut-ins. Several classes decorated bags for the Ingathering gifts. The nursery class celebrated Baby Jesus’ birthday with a party. Nancy Creyer’s advent calendars were enjoyed in the younger classes during the month of December. Several classes are learning about baptism and there is one group who is excited about manna! The post confirmation students are raising money for their annual camping trip. The fifth grade students are busy with the first Holy Communion training (mark your calendars for this special day-March 27, 2011). Finally, there are more than 20 adults who are attending class with either Dale or Bob. Exciting.
The Cat Shack-Four volunteers from the Cat Shack visited our church in November. This group is a local no-kill, non-profit, tax-exempt cat rescue organization. They attempt to find permanent homes for stray and unwanted cats and kittens. In addition, coming along for the Hope visit was the special kitty, “Kai”, who has cerebral palsy but loves to go into closets and meet new people. The children enjoyed lining up to pet “Kai”. The Cat Shack was thankful for the cat food and litter that were collected by the Sunday school classes. If anyone is interested in adopting a cat or volunteering, please contact the Cat Shack at 610-967-9097 or email them at .
Cherub Choir-The choir will continue to sing at the 10:30 AM Service on the first Sunday of the month. We will have reminder notices to send home with the kids. Thanks again to Bev and Vicki for their music time with our students.
Holiday Program-Thank you to Kim Roth, Trish Ninos and all the teachers and students in the program. It was a clever skit with a simple holiday message. Thank you also to those who donated cookies and snacks for the reception. Next year, we will have the program on December 18, 2011 at 6:00 PM at the church. Mark your calendars now!
Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Program-May 8, 2011 during the Sunday school hour!
Check the church website for pictures from the winter events: www.hopecherryville.org
Thank you for all your support, time, and energy in your teachings at Hope!