Whitefish Little League Board of Directors (WFB LLBOD)

Meeting Minutes: Feb 10, 2010 – Approved

Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM


Board members in attendance:

Scott Deakin, President

David Koziol, Vice President

Crystal Luehne, Secretary

Bruce Anthony, Treasurer

Tom Gaeta – Commissioner/ Players Agent - Juniors

Paul Otero, Commissioner/Players Agent – Majors

John Finerty, Commissioner/Players Agent – Minors

Mark Szumski, Commissioner/Players Agent – PeeWees

Merrick Fruchtman, Concessions

Darren Miller, Fields Maintenance & Line Coordinator

Chris Coplan, Fundraising, End-of-Year Tournament and Party Coordinator

Rich Yurkowitz, Umpire Coordinator, Umpire-in-Chief

Tim Kerwin, Safety Officer,Equipment, All Stars, Grill & Board Member on Duty Coordinator


Minutes from Jan 13, 2010 BOD meetings were read and approved. Gaetamotioned to approve minutes, seconded by Anthony. Vote to approve carried.

The following agenda items were discussed;

Treasurers report - reported by Bruce Anthony.

Overall the budget is in a respectable place. FY10 budget shows a $7,900 net loss but this does not reflect a donation commitment, which will be received in November 2010 (FY11). Registration income is tracking slightly ahead of projection because of some additional families joining WFBLL and will come in at approximately $93,000.

Additionally, 4 families did not have the correct totals and a board member will be following up to collect the correct amount.

Jr. Blue Duke's Tournament Team Update - reported by Darren Miller.

Parent meeting has taken place and registration to be completed within the next few weeks. Practice will start for this league in March. A clinic for coaches was attended by approximately 25 of the tournament team coaches and was put on by the WFB High School Coach and additional baseball professionals. "How to teach baseball's basic techniques to young players" was taught. These seminars will be offered on occasion to assist coaches in building a player's baseball skill level. Seminars will also be offered to WFB LL coaches.

This is a separate league from WFBLL but working in cooperation with little league and the high school program. Jr. blue Duke's liaison, Spencer Frank, did not attend.

Umpire Update – reported by Rich Yurkowitz

E-mail will go out soon to all eligible players interested in umpiring (players can consider becoming an ump after completing 1 year of major play). Training sessions will be held so potential umpire will understand what is expected of an ump during a game, paperwork requirements and to improve knowledge of baseball rules. Coaches will be sent a code of conduct and must remember this is a learning opportunity for young umpires and calls must be respected.

Umpire training schedule is as follows;

-March 15 - Notice to all eligible membership inviting umpires to training

-April 17 - Majors Training

-April 17 - Minors Training

-April 18 - PeeWee Training

-April 24 - Makeup Training

Confirm 2010 Coaches – Reported by Tom Gaeta, Paul Otero, John Finerty and Mark Szumski

Not all coaching positions have been confirmed. Any remaining coach positions not on the following list will be voted in by the board via e-mail due to the upcoming draft date.

The board voted and approved the following coaches as of 2/10/10, as follows;

Jrs Head Coach/1st Assistant- motioned by Koziol, 2nd by Miller, vote carried.

Greg Loyda/Chuck Steinmetz

Bob Leckie/TBD

Jim Borris/TBD

Tim Kerwin/TBD


Majors Head Coach/1st Assistant - motioned by Miller, 2nd by Gaeta, vote carried. (pick up from e-mail)

Ross Harmsen/Rick Rojahn

Evan Miller/Ricky Schallack

Spencer Frank/Brad Caspari

Jason Steigman/TBD

Doug James/Mark Kortebein

Harris Turer/Scott Seibert

Chris McElduff/Kevin Noonan

Minors Head Coach/1st Assistant - motioned by Gaeta, 2nd by Luehne, vote carried.

Jon Cyganiak/Todd Duval

Kevin McMahon/ Joe Kimple

Tim Nau/Darin Vincent

Dave Fergus/Brad Quade

Pail Otero/Mike Zabell

Chris Copland/Rob Greene

Bob Peterson

Steve Umland/Paul Dryden

Steve Garcia/Paul Grunau

Bruce Anthony/Bruce Hutson

Martha Fleck/Jim Sullivan

PeeWee Head Coach/1st Assistant - motioned by Koziol, 2nd by Gaeta, vote carried.

John Donovan/Bill Hall

Jason Burroughs/TBD

Wayne Boland/Kyle Ebersole

Dave Heller/John Desing

Dave Lukach/Steve Strye

Jason Brunner/Doug Marx

Josh Levy/Mark Stecker

Dan Schneck/Tom Hayden

John Harris/Steve Provancher

Wade Heidmann/Ed Patterson

Mike Bartolotti/Pat O'Neil

Scott Wells/TBD

Nick Weide/Nike Jones

Mike Hentzen/TBD

Darren Miller/John Specter

2010 Participation League Numbers are as follows;

Peewees = #202 confirmed for 2010 season and we will expect #99 at tryouts

Majors = #105 confirmed for 2010 season and we will expect #60 at tryouts

Minors = #155 confimed for the 2010 season and we will expect #77 at tryouts

Jrs = # 61 confirmed for the 2010 season and we will expect #46 at tryouts

2010 Tryouts

Board members present at the first try out will be all but the following; Luehne, Kerwin, Otero, Geata

Fri, Feb 19 at High School from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Pee Wee 6:00 to 7:30 PM

Minors 7:45 to 9:15 PM

Fri, Mar 5 at High School from 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Majors 6:00 to 7:30 PM

Jrs 7:45 to 9:15 PM

Sun, Mar 21 at High School from 1:00 – 4:00 PM

Pee Wee 1pm Depends on # of kids

Minors Depends on # of kids

Majors Depends on # of kids

Jrs Depends on # of kids


WFB LL Draft will be held on Thurs., March 25 at Cahill from 5:00 - 10:00 PM

After much discussion, draft rules are as follows;

Draft order to follow last year's regular season record.

Motioned by Koziol, 2nd by Geata, motioned carried.

The following considerations will be addressed in the draft process to create equity in teams to ensure proper skill, team development and safety within all levels of league play. All existing teams will be grandfathered in. Moving forward, teams will be expected to draft an age appropriate percentage of the team (a balanced number of each age represented on a team). An effort to achieve an appropriate baseball age balance on all teams is the goal. Guidelines and age numbers needed for each team will be provided to all coaches prior to the draft along with a list of players being evaluated with their birth date, grade and school.

Season start finish review schedules

Pee Wee May 1 to July 2 for 16 games

Minors April 24 to July 2 for 16 games

Majors April 24 to July 2 for 16 games


The board agreed to repeat the fundraising activities with the Brewers and California Pizza Kitchen.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 10 at 7:00 PM at Cahill Park.

Koziol motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Gaeta. Vote to conclude carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Submitted Thurs, Feb 11, 2009– Crystal Luehne, Secretary

Whitefish Bay Little League