Dear Norma Rose Point Kindergarten Parents:

Welcome to Norma Rose Point School. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know your family better. We also look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 9, 2015the first day of school for Kindergarten students (Tuesday, Sept 8 is the first day for grade 1 - 7 students).

September 2015
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Labour Day
School Closed / 8
No Classes for New K Students / 9
No snack
9:15 – 10:15 am
(Surnames A to L only)
10:45 – 11:45
(Surnames M to Z only)
Welcome to K Interviews
1:00 – 3:00pm / 10
No snack
9:15 –10:15 am
(Surnames A to L only)
10:45 – 11:45
(Surnames M to Z only)
Welcome to K Interviews
1:00 – 3:00pm / 11
No snack
All K Students
9:00 –10:30 am
Welcome to K Interviews
1:00 – 3:00pm
All K Students
9:00 -11 Noon
Send snack
Welcome to K Interviews
1:00 – 3:00pm / 15
All K Students
9:00 -12 Noon
Send snack
Welcome to K Interviews
1:00 – 3:00pm / 16
Regular Classes
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Send snack & lunch / 17
No School for Students / 18
Regular Classes
8:55 am – 3:00 pm
Send snack & lunch

Kindergarten usually runs Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm every day. However, we follow a gradual entry schedule for the first 5 days of school forall Kindergarten students only. Please note the schedule below:

On Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015all Kindergarten students should meet in the main entrance of the school, outside the school office at either 9:15am, or 10:45am (depending on child’s surname). The teachers will meet you there. The purpose of the meeting time is to avoid the grade 1 – 7 arrival of students and the recess crowds so please do not arrive earlier than indicated. Children will be dismissed from the Kindergarten Community doors by the playground.

The gradual entry is in place to facilitate your child’s transition into Kindergarten and these sessions will be for the children only. The children will meet all teachers. By the end of the five days, each child will be assigned a specific teacher.

Attending on Sept. 9 is very important as our confirmed enrolment determines our school’s organization. If your child is unable to attend on this day but hope to keep your child’s spot at NRP for the 2015/16 school year, please phone the office (604.713-5950) during the week of August 31–September 4between 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. to let us know and to confirm your child’s registration. Please leave a message on the answering machine if no one is available to answer your call.

Welcome-to-Kindergarten (Parent-Teacher) Interviews will be held daily from Wednesday, Sept. 9to Tuesday Sept. 15 for 20 minutes each, andsign-up for a session will be on Wednesday, September 9that the school.

To stay up to date with school information, please feel free to download our school app to your device. It is available in various platforms. Please go to the app store and type Norma RosePointSchool. You may also wish to preview our latest YouTube video as an introduction to our school:

Listed below, and as attached (2015-16 school calendar), is information that may prove to be useful. You will receive more information in September from our school office and from the Kindergarten teachers regarding specific items your child will need at school.

In general . . .


Kindergarten students will be asked to pay a fee of $25.00 for school supplies. The supplies will be purchased in bulk and kept in the classroom for students to use. This way the children can share materials without having to be responsible for too many of their own supplies. If payment is a problem please feel free to contact the school. Students will also need a medium sized backpack to bring snack and lunch in, and to take home some of their learning.

Besides school supplies, here are the other fees (a letter will be sent home the first week of school with a clear explanation):

Book Bag - $7 (K only)

School Performances – $12

Activity Program Fee - $10

Field trips — determined throughout the year at classroom level


Students are asked to bring a pair of running shoes (Velcro and labeled with child’s name) to be worn indoors at school for gym, and when it is rainy. The easier they are to put on, the better!


Each day the children will have a healthy snack break. I am sure your child will appreciate having a bite to eat – perhaps apples, raisins, carrot sticks or crackers.


Lunch is officially from 12:10pm to 12:57pm. As all students are dismissed at 12:25 foroutsideplay, teachers start the year allowing students to eat lunch much earlier in order for them to finish by the 12:25 dismissal. Once dismissed, Kindergarten students play in the designated K5 playground.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school at (604) 713-5950. We hope you have a wonderful summer, and look forward to seeing you in the fall!


Rosa Fazioand Sean Marlyn, Admin Team

Anne Canning, Office Administrative Assistant

David Johnson, Lauren Spotzl, Erin Ritchie, Kindergarten Teachers

Judy Cottrell, Kindergarten Learning Support Teacher

-- Rosa Fazio, Principal

Norma Rose Point School

-- Rosa Fazio, Principal

Norma Rose Point School

5488 Ortona Road

Vancouver, BC, Canada

V6T 1S2


Twitter: @RosePointSchool

App: Norma Rose Point School