Accredited Prior Learning (APL) / Accredited Prior Experiential Learning(APEL) Application Form

The APL service is free to BCU Home Nation members. For non-members a £25 charge is payable on submission of this form. Cheques payable to British Canoe Union.

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Are you a BCU member Yes No

Contact Number

Post Code

If so what is your BCU No

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Is membership with: (please circle)Canoe England Canoe Assocition of NI

Canoe Wales Scottish Canoe Association

Section 1: Supporting evidence

To be completed by applicant and submitted to The BCU Awarding Body APL/APEL Officer, 18 Market Place, Bingham, Nottingham NG13 8AP together with Section 2.

Please indicate which BCU Award/Qualification/Provider Status you wish to achieve

Which pre-requisites/requirements of the above do you wish to apply for APL/APEL against?

Do you hold any relevant BCU Qualification Yes No

Do you hold anyrelevant certificates from another organisation or body?Yes No

If yes to the above please give details:

Are you currently paddling? Yes No If yes at what level?

Please outline how your existing qualifications and/or verifiable experience are equivalent to the pre-requisites you wish to APL/APEL against. Please provide copies of any certification held,and supporting evidence as available;

Are you currently coaching/leading Yes No

If ‘no’ when where you last active as a coach/leader

If ‘yes’, please give details of the level and disciplines are you currently coaching/leading:

Section 2: Referees

Please provide the details of two referees who will be able to support your application. We may contact your referees if additional support for this application is deemed necessary.

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First Referee Name


BCU Membership Number

Contact Number

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Capacity in which you know this person

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Second Referee Name


BCU Membership Number

Contact Number

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Capacity in which you know this person


I confirm that this application has been completed honestly and accurately:

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Signature of applicant


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