United Way of North Carolina

2012 Spirit of North Carolina Campaigning for Excellence Awards

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Submission Deadline Noon, January 23, 2013

Sponsored by the

Campaigning for Excellence Committee of

United Way of North Carolina

Save this application to your computer before completing!

For additional information visit www.unitedwaync.org

About the Spirit of North Carolina Awards Program

The Spirit of North Carolina Awards for Campaign Excellence are sponsored annually by the United Way of North Carolina. The awards program provides statewide recognition for exceptional commitment and support to communities through local United Way involvement. Competitive awards are presented to honor corporate and not-for-profit organizations that demonstrate excellence in their United Way campaigns.


All organizations that run United Way campaigns in North Carolina are eligible and encouraged to enter the Spirit of North Carolina Campaign for Excellence Awards competition (SECC & CFC campaigns are not eligible).

Award Recognition

Recipients of Spirit of North Carolina Campaign for Excellence Awards will be recognized and honored at the United Way of North Carolina Annual Meeting Luncheon at noon on Friday, February 15, 2013 in Pinehurst, NC. Organizations must be present to receive their award. By submitting an application, each company/organization agrees to have their application details shared with other United Ways and their corporate partners, in multiple formats including, but not limited to, posting on-line to be used as a resource and best practice for future campaigns.

In addition, several select award recipients will be asked to participate in the Spirit of North Carolina Best Practices Showcase preceding the Annual Meeting luncheon. This morning event will provide an opportunity for several award winning companies to highlight their campaign/year-round strategy for United Way and provide an opportunity to showcase best practices from United Way campaigns. Those companies selected to present a best practice will be notified following the judging competition.

Standards of Excellence

The Spirit Award recognizes an organization’s overall commitment to United Way and the generous support of management and employees who express their dedication to the community through a partnership with United Way. Ten Standards of Excellence have been developed that highlight that commitment.

Campaign/Application Time Frame

This application is intended to provide recognition for the United Way campaigns taking place for the 2012 campaign cycle. If the campaign is completed before the application deadline of January 23, submission must be made during this award cycle. The Spirit Committee is very aware that not all campaigns will take place in the traditional fall time frame and will not be finalized by the application due date. In order to be more responsive to company and organizational time lines, these Spirit Awards will acknowledge campaigns that took place from January 11, 2012 through January 23, 2013. Campaigns completed after January 23, 2013 may be submitted for consideration in the 2013 awards cycle.

How to enter the Spirit of North Carolina Competition

1.  Applicants are judged with other similar type organizations and employee size.

2.  Applicants earn points based on the 10 Standards of Excellence. While nominees are not required to incorporate all Standards to be eligible for submission, up to 5 points are awarded for each of the 10 Standards to provide a total application score. The Standards marked with an asterisk (*) are weighted and are awarded a maximum of 10 points. A Standard with no corresponding information is given a score of “0”. Therefore, it is beneficial to provide full and complete information on as many of the Standards as possible.

Spirit of North Carolina Application Process

3.  Applicants must complete the online Application in its entirety.

4.  To familiarize the judges with your company/organization, an organizational overview (no more than 1-page) is required. In this section include the mission, vision and philanthropic culture of your company/organization. Also, please provide bullet points highlighting the reasons the campaign was exceptional.

5.  Each Standard of Excellence will be addressed separately in a narrative of no more than 1-page in length.

6.  Pictures and ancillary information may be submitted electronically with your application.

7.  All submissions become the property of the United Way of North Carolina and may be used for publication and/or training purposes.

Judging and Notification Process

Judges for the Spirit of North Carolina Campaign Awards consist of professionals from various areas of expertise representing United Ways both large and small. Each judge knows the importance of United Way’s community partners and the powerful and lasting impact that is made through their contributions in support of their communities.

Response to each Standard is scored using the following point system:

5 = Outstanding Truly excellent, exceptional campaign, high rates of participation, raising the bar for others

4 = Very Strong Strong commitment, participation, involvement, demonstrates a first-rate campaign model

3 = Good Successful campaign approach indicative of good commitment, support, and participation

2 = Average Standard or typical support, involvement and participation

1 = Weak Less than average participation and involvement - demonstrated room for progress

0 = Non-participation in a Standard

Scoring Information will remain confidential and cannot be shared.

All submissions will be notified by their local United Way as to their award status by January 30, 2013.

How to submit an application

This online application must be saved to your computer to complete. Once you have completed all necessary information, email just the application beginning with Page 1, without the instructional pages, as an attachment to Vicki Elmore at A confirmation email will be sent once the application is received. If you do not receive a confirmation email receipt, then your application was not received. To submit a notebook version of the application, complete the online application, copy and place in a 3-ring binder (no larger than 2”) with tab-dividers identifying each Standard of Excellence and mail to United Way of North Carolina, 875 Walnut Street, Suite 150B, Cary, NC 27511. All applications must be received no later than noon on January 23, 2013. Applications submitted after that date will not be accepted. Questions should be directed to Vicki Elmore, Member Services Director, United Way of North Carolina at 919.834.5200 or

Page 1

2012 Spirit of North Carolina

Campaigning for Excellence

Application Form

(available at www.unitedwaync.org)

Company/Organization Name
Address / City / Zip
Name of Person Completing this Application / Phone / E-mail
Name of Sponsoring
United Way / Metro Size
Name of United Way Staff for Questions / Phone / E-mail
Does the company know a Spirit Application has been submitted on their behalf? Yes No


Place a check by each Standard used to support your application (note: each Standard of Excellence is scored separately with a maximum of 5 points awarded to provide a total application score. Those marked with an * can receive up to a possible 10 points).

REMBEMBER: EACH standard must be addressed completely in order for the submission to be scored.

/ 1.
10. / Volunteer Culture/Promotes Community Volunteerism
Raises Awareness of Community Assets and Needs
CEO/Senior Leadership Involvement*
Corporate or Foundation Contributions Other Non-traditional and In-kind Gifts
Employee Incentives and Recognition
Overall Per Capita Gift*
Participation Level*
Leadership Giving Program
Employee Campaign Coordinator/Manager or Planning Committee
Partnering with United Way to Help Improve the Community

*Indicates Standards that receive a weighted score of potentially 10 points.

Page 2


Employee Size
Check the appropriate box for this application submission. /
Type of Organization
Check the appropriate box for this application submission.
Up to 50 employees
50 – 100 employees
101 - 200 employees
201 - 500 employees
501 - 1000 employees
1001 - 1500 employees
1501 - 2500 employees
2501 - 5000 employees
5001 + employees / Financial/Banking Institutions
Business Campaign
City/ County Municipality
Higher Education
School Campaigns
Hospital/ Health System
Not-for-Profit Agency - 501(C)3 (Excluding United Ways)

Company/Organization Campaign Giving History

Year / Total Employee Giving Amount / Percent Change
¹ / Employee Per Capita
³ / Percent Change
¹ / Number of Leadership Givers / Percent Change
2012 (current) / $ / % / $ / % / %
2011 / $ / % / $ / % / %
2010 / $ / $
Year / Total Number of Employees / Percent Change
¹ / Total Number
of Givers / Percent Change
¹ / Percent Participation² / Corporate Gift / Percent Change
2012 (current) / % / % / % / $ / $
2011 /
% / % / % / $ / $
2010 / % / $

Percentage Change Example: 2012 minus 2011 divided by 2011, use a + or – to show a positive or negative % change.¹

Percent Participation: Total Number of Givers divided by the Total Number of Employees.²

Per Capita Gift: Total Employee Giving Amount divided by the Total Number of Employees.³

To certify the contents of this application, the signature of the nominating United Way CEO or his/her direct designee must be obtained. An email from the United Way may accompany the application submission stating that it has has been reviewed and approved if electronic signature is not available.

United Way CEO/Designee Name E-mail

Page 3

Applicant Organization Overview

1. Describe the mission, vision and philanthropic culture of your organization. 2. Provide four to six bullet-points outlining your campaign successes. 3. Provide a little bit of “color” about your company/organization during the campaign that was unique, tasteful but fun-loving and lively. This information will be used during the Awards Ceremony for winning companies.

Page 4

Standard 1

Volunteer Culture/Promotes Community Volunteerism

Describe the company culture that fosters giving back through volunteerism and any events that the company supports or ways volunteerism is encouraged within the workforce. If available, list the number of volunteer hours employees gave this year including the dollar value of this time to the community (estimated value of volunteer time for 2011 is $21.79 per hour). Potential 5 points

Page 5

Standard 2

Raises Awareness of Community Assets and Needs

Describe how United Way campaign information is disseminated to employees including unique campaign rallies, group meetings, agency tours/speakers/fairs and special events to raise awareness and foster a spirit of giving. These events provide a great opportunity for employees to learn more about the needs within the community and how their gifts will be used. Does the company provide a new hires program to provide employees an immediate opportunity to begin supporting their community? Potential 5 points

Page 6

Standard 3

CEO/Senior Leadership Involvement

Describe how the CEO and Senior Management support/drive company/organization-wide participation and how they are involved in supporting the campaign by engaging employees and fostering the culture of giving. Describe any outreach efforts for retirees to give back to the community through United Way participation. Potential 10 points

Page 7

Standard 4

Corporate or Foundation Contributions and Other

Non-traditional and In-kind Gifts/Support

Describe how management is involved with the enhancement of the United Way campaign with the inclusion of resources, including but not limited to, in-kind support such as sponsoring events, printing materials, advertisements, providing loaned employees, supporting/participating in You-tube videos, blogs, etc. Potential 5 points

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Standard 5

Employee Incentives and Recognition

Describe what opportunities and incentives were used and how employees were recognized within the workforce for their campaign contributions to support their community through United Way giving. Potential 5 points

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Standard 6

Overall Per Capita Gift

1. Show the Per capita giving by taking the total 2012 employee giving divided by total number of 2012 employees. 2. Then use the formula to show the % change from last year (show your actual numbers using the mathematical equations below to calculate each). 3. Describe what workplace, economic and/or environmental issues made a difference this year in per capita giving by employees. Potential 10 points

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Standard 7

Participation Level

Use the formulas below to show the participation level/percentage change within the company (show your actual numbers using the mathematical equations below to calculate each). 1. Number of employees and the % change from 2011; 2. The actual number of givers and the % change; 3. The overall % participation by employees. It is important that each employee have an opportunity to support their community through participation in the United Way campaign. 4. How does the company/organization make an effort to ensure all employees have an opportunity to participate? Potential 10 points

Page 11

Standard 8

Leadership Giving Program

1. What is the amount/s that is considered the leadership giving level? 2. Describe management’s support for the leadership giving program including incentives. 3. Other than management, what motivates/encourages employees to give at this level? Use the formulas below to demonstrate leadership giving (show your actual numbers using the mathematical equations below to calculate each). 4. Provide the number of leadership givers with the percent change; 5. What is the percentage of givers that are considered in the leadership category? Potential 5 points

Page 12

Standard 9

Employee Campaign Coordinator and/or

Planning Committee

Describe the involvement and work of a company/organization campaign coordinator and/or planning committee and the difference it made in supporting the United Way campaign. Potential 5 points

Page 13

Standard 10

Partnering With United Way to Help

Improve the Community

United Way partners with many organizations on a year-round basis to make the community a better place to live, work, raise a family and do business. Describe how your company/organization partners with United Way and other organizations to enhance the community as a good corporate citizen. Potential 5 points