Sports Authority of Thailand(SAT),
Exercise and Sport Sciences Program,Graduate School,Khon Kaen University (KKU),

Asian Nutrition Society for Sports and Health (ANSSH),

The International Society for Adaptive Medicine (ISAM),

Office of Naval Research Science and Technology (ONRG)

July 18-20, 2018
Bangsaen Heritage Hotel, Chonburi, THAILAND

Detail and Request form for conference sponsorship

1. Dinner talk: 100,000 Baht

- Presentation on stage during dinnerfor 30 minutes.

-A golden location for 1 Booth for 3 days

- 3 Delegates registration

2. Support for 2 overseas guest speakers : 100,000 Baht


-A golden location for 1 Booth for 3 days

-3 Delegates registration

3. Golden Location Booth: 50,000 Baht/booth (3*3 m dimension) with two tables, two chairs and two boards
- One Unit of Exhibition Booth (3M X 3M)
- 2 Delegates registration
- Right to show company logo or product logo in the conference rooms and conference website, limited to one logo only (The logo in high resolution file must be provided to the Organizing Committee)
- Full Page Advertisement of company and products in the program book (The advertisement in high resolution file is to be provided to the Organizing Committee)

- Right to announce the Coffee Break and lunch session sponsored by the company- Lunch Symposium which does not include the cost of invited speakers, printed materials and lunch (Contents and invited speakers are subject to the Organizing Committee’s approval)

4. Silver Booth: 40,000 Baht/boothwith two tables, two chairsand two boards
- One Unit of Exhibition Booth (3M X 3M)

- 1 Delegate registration
- Right to show company logo or product logo in the conference website, limited to one logo only (The logo in high resolution filemust be provided to the Organizing Committee)
- Full Page Advertisement of company and products in the program book (The advertisement in high resolution file is to be provided to the Organizing Committee)
- Right to announce the Coffee Break and lunch session sponsored
by the company

5. Bronze Booth: 30,000 Baht/boothwith one table, two chairs and one board
- One Unit of Exhibition Booth (3M X 3M)
- Right to show company logo or product logo in the conference website, limited to one logo only (The logo in high resolution file is to be provided to the Organizing Committee)
- Full page advertisement of company and products in the program book (The advertisement in high resolution file is to be provided to the Organizing Committee) - Right to announce the Coffee Break and Lunch session sponsored by the company

6. Advertisement in the program book: 5,000 Baht

For more information on sponsorship, please contact:
Assoc.Prof.Naruemon Leelayuwat PhD.

Co-chair ICANS2018

Director of Exercise and Sport Sciences Program, Graduate School, Khon Kaen University
Head of Exercise and Sport Sciences Development and Research Group, Khon KaenUniversity
Tel: +66-89-7108584, +66-43–63185 E-mail:

Request form for conference sponsorship

Company Name......
Tel...... Fax...... E-mail…………………………

would like to support the conference meeting “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADAPTATIONS AND NUTRITION IN SPORTS 2018 (ICANS2018)” which will be held by

Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT),
Exercise and Sport Sciences Program,Graduate School,Khon Kaen University (KKU),

Asian Nutrition Society for Sports and Health (ANSSH),

The International Society for Adaptive Medicine (ISAM),

Office of Naval Research Science and Technology (ONRG)

as the following detail:
1. Dinner talk: 100,000 Baht

2. Golden Booth: 50,000 Baht
3. Silver Booth: 40,000 Baht
4. Bronze Booth: 30,000 Baht
5. Advertisement in the program book: 5,000 Baht

1. Cash Amount...... Baht(...... )
2. Cheque to “KLUMWIJAI”for international participants or “กลุ่มวิจัยและพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์การออกกำลังกายและการกีฬา” for Thai participants

...... Baht (...... )
Please send the cheque to Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine,Umbhur Muang, Khon Kaen 40002, THAILAND.
3. Transfer to bank account “KLUMWIJAI” for international participants or “กลุ่มวิจัยและพัฒนาวิทยาศาสตร์การออกกำลังกายและการกีฬา” for Thai participants

Bank account number: 551-418994-8 Siam Commercial Bank,Saving account

...... Baht (...... )

After the transfer, please sendthe transfer slip to “” or fax to +66-43-348394.

Thank you.




Contact phone…………………..….. Email………………..………….