Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at Iowa State University

P.O. Box 1726

Ames, IA 50010-1726

Dear College of Veterinary Medicine Alumnus:

Stay connected! Now is the time to join with over a thousand other alumni to support the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at Iowa State.

Your dues help you stay connected by providing…

*assistance with class reunions (please contact us if we can help!),

*funding for the Gentle Doctor publication,

*the Homecoming luncheon and football game (members receive Homecoming invitations

and discounted tickets),

*support for the Lloyd Veterinary Medical Center and the Ramsey Alumni Room,

*funding for the White Coat Ceremony for entering students,

*sponsorship of the Stange Awards,

*alumni receptions at three national meetings (AVMA, Western Veterinary and North

American Veterinary Conferences),

*sweatshirts for all sophomore students

*two awards to current ISU veterinary students, and

*communications between alumni and friends.

For additional information of interest to alumni, be sure to check the ISU College of Veterinary Medicine website ( Homecoming information and nomination forms for the VMAA Outstanding Service Award can be downloaded from that website.

Your membership is a valuable part of the continued success of the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association. If you have any questions, the Veterinary Medical Alumni Association can be reached by e-mail at or by telephone at 515-233-5183.


Dr. Alan Farnsworth, President Dr. Kathy Mullin, Secretary-Treasurer

Dr. Tom Ulrickson, Vice-President Dr. Mark Brinkman

Dr. Laurie Meythaler-Mullins, Past-President Dr. Rachel Allbaugh

Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU

P.O. Box 1726

Ames, IA 50010-1726


Dues for 2017 are $40.00.

Dues are individual only.

Please provide us with the following information for our records, including any corrections. The address should be the location where you prefer to receive your VMAA at ISU mailings. The information is used only for alumni activities, including reunions, and will not be sold to other organizations.

Please print:

Name: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Class Year: ______Phone: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Please print

I prefer to receive mailings by (please check one): [ ] Mail [ ] E-mail

Return this form and your check for $40 made payable to VMAA at ISU to:

Veterinary Medical Alumni Association at ISU

P.O. Box 1726

Ames, IA 50010-1726

If you prefer to pay by credit card, please send an email to and a website link will be sent to you. A convenience fee of $2.00 is included in your Paypal payment.

Please pay by March 1, 2017. Remember – early payment saves money spent on multiple reminders!