Meeting or Event: Poltair Public Consultation Meeting, 11 December 2013, Penzance
Attendee: Debbie Pritchard, CEO
Persons present :
A well attended meeting, with representation from the public, Councillors, West Cornwall HW, Penwith Carers Forum, Dr M Boulter and many others.
HC represented by self but also supported by Jeremy Preedy, Chair of Steering Group and Kathy Doeser, from E&V volunteers.
A large number of the consultation team were also present (approx. 10) including NHS Kernow, the GP lead for Penwith Dr Neil Walden, PCH Director of Nursing Helen Newson
Summary :
This event was the first public consultation over the future of Poltair Hospital, held in St John’s Hall, from 6.00p.m. to 7.30p.m.
Future events are planned during December and January in St Just, St Ives and Penzance 1 Stop Shop.
After a short scene setting presentation by Dr Walden, people were asked to work in groups supported by a member of the team to discuss their concerns which were then summarised and fed back. This was a different approach to public consultation, which did upset some people, but possibly allowed more people to contribute, and felt safe and less confrontational. Carol Steer, from NHS Kernow, has requested that HC act as independent overseers of the consultation process, which I did agree and was stated at the meeting.
I circulated the tables prior to the presentation, saying who I was and asking people to feedback their views directly to HC, as we are the independent people voice. I left leaflets and Have Your Say Forms.
The consultation ends on 10th February and people are asked to complete a paper or online survey to rank their preferred option.
The options being proposed are:-
Option 1:- Poltair site for outpatients and outreach, clinics at Poltair, outreach in patient’s homes and the hospital, inpatient beds at Edward Hain and Helston. Patients cared for in own home where possible.
Option 2:- Poltair site for outpatients, outreach and 5 inpatient beds. As 1 but with 5 beds.
Option 3:- Poltair site for outpatients and outreach but with more clinics than in Option 1. Otherwise the same.
Option 4:- Relocation of all services to West Cornwall Hospital. Inpatients as Option 1. Poltair closes.
Option 5:- Relocation to include other sites than just West Cornwall – e.g local GP practices.
It is worth noting that Poltair Hospital has been closed since October 2012 and a new build has been ruled out due to cost. PCH state that money saved from maintenance and staffing Poltair will be re-invested in the area. Running costs are high – predicted 750 K per year and upwards.
The building was originally donated to the NHS for Cornwall by the Bolitho family and there is no guarantee that any funds raised by NHS Prop Co would go back into building in Cornwall – although negotiations may be possible.
There were people in the room who had a personal investment in the hospital – either in terms of having made donations for its improvement or who had personal experience of good quality supportive care from there.
Comments or further action:
The process can be followed through the NHS Kernow website:-
Healthwatch Cornwall CIC,
Mansion House,
Princes Street,
TR1 2RF.
Website: www.healthwatchcornwall.co.uk
Information and advice line: 0800 0381 281
Registered Company Number: 8399730