Monday 21st November 2016
At 7.30pm in the Village Hall, Back Lane, Hethersett
Present: Ms. J. Sutton (Chairman), Mrs. A. Quinlan (Vice-Chairman), Dr. A. Edwards, Mrs. V. Hawes, Mr .S. Hull, Mr. C. Morriss,Ms. E. Mulvaney, Mr. J. Nightingale, Mrs. M. Savory, Mr. S. Slack,Mr. P. Steward.
In attendance:County Councillor J Virgo, Mr. D. Bills, District Councillor, Mr. L. Dale, District Councillor, Mr. I. Weetman (Clerk), PCSO D Sore (part)
Members of public: 9
1. Apologies
Mr. J. Bartram
2. Co-option to Parish Council
The Chairman introduced both candidates who were present at the meeting and referred to their summaries that had been distributed with the agenda papers.
The Chairman asked both candidates as to whether they wished to say anything in support of their application.
Mr West amplified his application, and responded to a question from Mrs Quinlan regarding his planning experience.
A vote was then taken, following which, Mr West was co-opted to the Parish Council.
The Declaration of Acceptance of Office was completed by Mr West.
The Chairman invited PCSO D Sore to give his report.
THEFT FROM SHOPS – 23/10 @ 18:00 whereby males from a foreign registered car stole a quantity of fresh meat.
THEFT of power tools over night 03-04/11 from an address on Nch Rd where a property is being gutted and renovated.
THEFT of money overnight 07-08/11 from a resident in a sheltered housing complex by, the victim believes, someone he knows.
CRIMINAL DAMAGE to a vehicle during the late evening of 08/11 whereby the vehicle has been entered and then pushed.
No calls to police ref ASB during same time period.
PCSO Sore reported that he had visited the resident in Great Melton Road who had taken action regarding the parking of his van.
PCSO Sore corroborated the view that it had been a quiet summer with regard to anti-social behaviour at the Memorial Playing Field.
The Chairman confirmed with PCSO Sore that ASBO’s had been replaced by Community Orders.
There being no further questions for PCSO Sore the Chairman thanked him for his report and he left the meeting at this point.
3. Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 19.46pm to 20.11pm.
Mr Perkins introduced himself to the meeting and provided an update on the pavilion refurbishment project at the Memorial Playing Field. He said that planning permission for the project had recently been extended and that quotations for the associated works had been obtained with an estimated cost of c£250k. Grants were being sought but, to date, applications had been unsuccessful.
Mr Perkins explained the current demands on the pavilion and stressed the need for action to provide a facility appropriate for the needs of the Community.
He requested that, should suitable funding become available, the Parish Council consider supporting the pavilion project financially.
Mr Johnson, Chairman of Hethersett Football Club, echoed the comments of Mr Perkins and queried the status of current S106 funding, which, he felt, could be utilised to contribute to the pavilion project.
The Chairman thanked both Mr Perkins and Mr Johnson for their contributions.
County Councillor Virgo reported that she had attended a recent planning meeting at South Norfolk Council where she had spoken against the proposal for the provision of extended rugby facilities at the Colney Lane/ UEA site. The planning application was subsequently approved.
She mentioned the current situation regarding proposed Devolution involving Norfolk and Suffolk, with recent developments indicating that Devolution in its current form would not go ahead.
County Councillor Virgo reported on the situation in regard to Children’s Services at Norfolk County Council. In spite of continuous good work by committed staff, further improvement in service provision was required. A new Director of Children’s Services had been appointed to assist with the process.
4. To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of 17th October 2016
The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting of the 17th October 2016 were approved on the proposal of Mrs Quinlan, seconded by Mr Nightingale. All agreed.
5. Declarations of Interest
Mr Morriss declared an interest in Agenda item 7(i)3
6. Progress reports and responses relating to the following previously raised issues: -
a) Highways
The Clerk reported on the status of the 2 Parish Partnership projects with Norfolk County Council.
The trod and crossing facility for the B1172 at Church Farm had been scheduled for early next year.
The Parish Council was still awaiting confirmation of the location of the third proposed bus shelter from Norfolk County Council, the other two having been confirmed.
The Clerk also reported that the Road Safety Audit for the centre of the village by Norfolk County Council was still awaited.
7. Accounts: -
i) To consider the recommendations made at the Finance and General Purposes Working Group meeting of 15th November 2016.
- Accounts to End October 2016
Recommend that the Parish Council Accounts to end October 2016 (details attached) be approved.
The recommendation was agreed on the proposal of Mrs Quinlan, seconded by Mr Nightingale. All agreed.
- Budget 2017/18
Recommend that the Parish Council draft precept for 2017/18 (details attached) be noted.
Further recommend that the Parish Council notes that:-
i) Further detail will be requested from the Memorial Playing Field Committee regarding its running costs requirement for 2017/18.
ii) Councillors are requested to review the Facilities Management Agreement (copy attached) and advise whether the agreement should be terminated and the Parish Council assume all responsibilities as detailed in the document or that the agreement continues with some modification.
iii) Councillors are requested to review the precept allocation for the Jubilee Youth Club and advise as to whether the amount should be increased, decreased or remain the same.
The Parish Council noted the detail and actions outlined above.
- Village Hall Facilities Management Agreement
Covered by item 2 above.
ii) To approve payment of the accounts
Mazars LLPAudit Fee£ 360.00104426
T T Jones LtdColumn remedial work£ 1358.21104427
R BellCar Pk/ Bus Shelter Clean £ 62.50104428
South Norfolk CouncilChurchyard Grass Cutting£ 1404.00104429
RBL Poppy Appeal FundWreath£ 17.00104430
Jubilee Youth ClubYouth Wkr/Running Costs £ 616.25104431
T T Jones Electrical LtdElectrical Test/ St. Lights£ 663.82104432
South Norfolk CouncilDog Bin Charge£ 624.38104433
K & N FencingReplacement Fencing£ 2198.00104434
T T Jones Electrical Ltd.Street Light Mtce. – Oct.£ 990.73104435
Village HallRoom Hire – Oct£ 120.00104436
I WeetmanSalary/Expenses- Mth 8£ 1710.59104437Post Office Ltd Tax/N.I. – Mth 8 £ 588.48 104438
British TelecomTelephone Charges£ 102.91DD
E.onStreet Light Energy£ 2779.19DD
Late Payments
NorfolkALCPublications£ 35.70104439
The accounts were approved for payment on the proposal of Mr Morriss seconded by Mrs Quinlan. All agreed.
8. a) To receive the Planning Committee Minutes of 3rd and 17th October 2016.
The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of the3rd and 17th October 2016were approved on the proposal of Mr Morriss seconded by Mr Nightingale. All agreed.
b) A report of the Planning Committee meetings of 7th and 21st November 2016.
Mrs Hawes provided a report of the Planning Committee Meetings of 7th and 21st November 2016.
9. Development in the Village
The Chairman invited Mrs. Quinlan, as Chairman of the Development Group, to give a report on a recent meeting with South Norfolk Council. Mrs. Quinlan said that the meeting had clarified a number of issues, specifically with regard to confirmation that S106 funding could be utilised for a number of projects and the fact that additional time was available to make decisions regarding the S106 spend.
The Clerk said that subsequent to the meeting, information had been received with regard to potential funding being available from the Heathfields development.
Mr Hull asked how much S106 funding would be available in total.
Mr Slack queried as to how future use of additional football facilities would be managed.
The Chairman said that time would be available to assess all competing claims for S106 funding.
Mrs. Quinlan made the point that all projects must be sustainable.
Mr Hull queried the ‘trigger point’ from the Heathfields development for S106 funding.
The Clerk responded that the Parish Council would be advised by South Norfolk Council when this had been reached.
Mr Hull asked whether all residents would be consulted on potential uses of S106 funding.
The Chairman said that the needs all sections of the community should be considered.
The Chairman said that Councillor Steward, via HaMSA, had agreed to consult with all sporting groups in the village.
The Chairman also mentioned the South Norfolk Sports Strategy and encouraged Councillors to familiarise themselves with its content.
Finally, the Chairman mentioned complaints received from mud on the road from the new development and said that there had been lots of contact with the Site Agent to request action on this issue.
10. Jubilee Youth Club Report
The Chairman introduced the item and referred to the report that had previously been circulated to Councillors. She reported that an additional assistant would be joining the Youth Club. The Chairman added that the report should inform the decision regarding funding for the Youth Club.
Mr Hull asked what percentage of attendees at the Youth Club where either from Hethersett or were attending Hethersett schools.
District Councillor Dale undertook to find out the information requested and, in response to a question, explained the issue regarding contact with the Academy. He also added that South Norfolk Council may be in a position to help to re-launch the 14+ age group on Friday evenings.
11. Community Update from South Norfolk Police
The Chairman reported on a recent meeting that she had attended at Police HQ regarding the above, when the future vision of policing and priorities was outlined. She mentioned that budgets would be managed more effectively and that more community based mental health support would be introduced. The Chairman mentioned the consultation on the Police Budget that was underway and suggested that the Parish Council considers re-starting Community Speedwatch.
12. Meeting Dates 2017
Mrs Quinlan pointed out that the suggested date of April 17th for a Council meeting was in fact a bank holiday.
The Clerk would liaise with the Village Hall booking officer to agree an alternative date.
13. South Norfolk Council Development of a Community Assets Strategy
The Chairman introduced the item and explained the background and major theme of the proposed strategy, together with the opportunities that may present themselves to the Parish Council.
She encouraged Councillors to familiarise themselves with the proposed strategy.
14. Electoral Review of South Norfolk: Draft Recommendations
The Chairman introduced the item and the Clerk outlined the main proposals contained in the draft recommendation.
It was agreed that this be carried forward as an agenda item to the next Parish Council meeting.
15. Correspondence
Letter from Tesco - Re Late deliveries to store
DONG Energy – Hornsea Project Three Offshore Wind Farm Community Newsletter
The Pensions Regulator – Automatic enrolment duties – Acknowledgement of declaration of compliance
16. Public Participation
The meeting was adjourned for public participation from 21.05pm to 21.25pm.
A member of the public, associated with the football club, asked when the S106 funding from the Heathfields development would be made available and when it would be spent.
The Chairman said that there would be consultation with all relevant groups with regard to possible uses of the S106 funds.
There followed a lot of discussion regarding what should or could be the way forward which was concluded by Mrs Quinlan summarising the position regarding future consultation.
District Councillor Mr Dale commented on the proposed electoral boundary changes and also reported that the Early Help Hubs were working well.
17. Items for Good News
-New Councillor
-Low Crime rate
-Trod progress
-Road Safety Audit
-Street names
-Neighbourhood Watch
-Tesco letter
-Parochial charity
18. Items for Newsletter
As above
19. Dates of next meetings
Next Planning Committee meeting – 5th December 2016 – 7pm at the Village Hall
Next Planning & Parish Council meeting – 19th December 2016 – 7 and 7.30pm at the Village Hall
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 21.26pm
Minutes approved……………………………… Date………………………..