Examiner’s Preliminary Report
Notes:Examiners should be provided with a Code of Practice for Research Degrees, and refer to Chapter 7 for the PhD Learning Outcomes in considering the thesis. Each Examiner is required to make an independent preliminary report and provisional recommendation on the thesis and to submit this to the Faculty Postgraduate Research Administrator normally one week prior to the Viva Voce examination. Text fields will expand as required. Use the TAB key to move to the next field.
[to be completed by the Research Administrator]
Student number
Candidate’s full name
Faculty / Faculty of Health & Social Sciences / Faculty of Management / Faculty of Media & Communication / Faculty of Science and Technology
Title of thesis
PGR Additional Learning Needs / Yes / No / If yes, details of any specific considerations will be provided prior to the examination.
Dates of registration / From: / To: / (Max End Date)
Date of submission
Date of viva voce
Attached Documents / Codes of Practice (including Appendix 3 - Assessment Regulations)
Guidance for Supervisors and Examiners of PGRs with Disabilities (if required)
- Report of the Examiner on the doctorOF PHILOSOPHY Thesis
The Examiner is requested to give a reasoned assessment of the candidate’s thesis and whether the candidate has met the requirements for the award of Doctor of Philosophy.
Generic Requirements
Does the thesis demonstrate the candidate’s:
i)competence in the investigation of the chosen topic(s)?
ii)competence in undertaking a critical study of the chosen topic(s)? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Is the thesis satisfactory as regards presentation and succinctness? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Is the abstract of the thesis submitted acceptable? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
In the case of a candidate whose research programme is part of a collaborative group project, does the thesis indicate clearly the individual contribution and the extent of the collaboration? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
PhD Specific Requirements
For PGRs enrolling after 1 September 2015, the programme of research should align to the relevant learning outcomes for guidance in Section 7.2 of the Code of Practice. For PGRs enrolling prior to 1 September 2015, the programme of research should align to the Doctorallevel descriptors (Appendix 6 of the Code of Practice). See Section 7.2 for further guidance.
Does the thesis provide evidence of originality through the creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research or other advanced scholarship? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Is the thesis of a quality to satisfy peer review, extend the forefront of the candidate’s discipline or area of professional practice, and merit peer-reviewed publication? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Does this thesis demonstrate a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of the candidate’s academic discipline or area of professional practice? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Does this thesis demonstrate the candidate’s general ability to:
i)conceptualise, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of their discipline or area of professional practice?
ii)adjust the project design in the light of any unforeseen problems? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
Does this thesis provide evidence of the candidate’s conceptual understanding and appreciation of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry? / Yes No
If NO, please explain why:
A report of about 300 words should suffice
- Provisional Recommendations
Note:The Examiner should refer to Section 9.6 of the Code of Practice. If the Examiner wishes to suspend judgement until after the oral examination this should be stated below. If the candidate’s performance in the oral is such as to necessitate an amendment to the recommendation made on this form, the final recommendation should be stated on the Examiners’ Report Form.
- IssUES with the THesiS
Note: The Examiner should refer to Section 9.5.3 of the Code of Practice.
If the Examiner has any significant issues or concerns about the thesis, and/or is of the opinion that the thesis submitted by the candidate is so unsatisfactory that no useful purpose would be served by conducting a viva voce examination, this should be stated below. The Examiner should refer to Section 5.2 MRes Learning Outcomes and Section 6.2 MPhil Learning Outcomes should they feel a loweraward be more appropriate.
In such instance, the Examiner should return this form to the Postgraduate Research Administrator at least 7 working days in advance of the viva voce.
Name of Examiner
Signature / Date
Preliminary Report1
March 2016