The Catholic University of America
GENERAL FUNDS (11) – ACADEMIC AREAS (Excluding Performance Based Areas)
The General Fund 11 supports the University’s day to day operations which includes paying for administrative and general operating expenses. Each School or Department with a Fund 11 or 15 program is responsible for submitting an operating budget to the University Budget Office that reflects the proposedfinancial plan for the upcoming fiscal year.
TheSalary Budget Spreadsheets and Division Summary Reports are included in the budget preparation materials sent to the Provost/Vice President. The BudMemo report is generated from the PeopleSoft financial system. Therefore, the general fund budget targets are captured using the following templates:
- Salary Budget Spreadsheets; and
- Division Summary Report (provides the proposed FY 2016 budget increases, adjustmentsand division target).
Please ensure that the information returned to the Budget Office reconciles to the FY 2016 budget totals provided.
These guidelines provide instructions for submitting Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budgets for the General (Fund 11)and Auxiliary (Fund 15) budgets.The University Budget Committee has approvedthe attached budgets and the final approval comes from the Board of Trustees.The Board of Trusteeshas approved the FY 2016 Operating and Capital Plan, thus the budgets will be entered into PeopleSoft financial system in Cardinal Financials and spending may begin on May 1, 2015.
For FY 2016 budget planning, all Fund 11 and 15 budgets are due to the University Budget Office on or beforeMarch 31. It is very important to meet the March 31 deadline as this impacts the ability of the Budget Office staff to review all budgets and prepare them for uploading into the financial system by the start of new fiscal year.
I. DIVISION Summary for FY 2015/ FY 2016BUDGET TARGETS
The purpose of this summary is to provide the Provost/Vice President with a summary of salaries, benefits and other general and administrative expenses for each ORG arriving at a total for the entire division. Additionally, it provides the Provost/Vice President with the proposed FY 2016 increases, budget reductions and final Budget targets.
The Division Summary presents the following in a rollforward format:
- Current year (FY 2015) budget for each category of expenses by ORG code for each Provost/Vice Presidentdivision;
- The FY16budget changes recommended by the University Budget Committee - These changes include FY 2016 budget increases and any other FY2016 adjustments.
- The proposed FY16 Budget Targets - Budgeted expenses for FY 2016 are pending final approval by the Board of Trustees. The Provost/Vice Presidenthas the discretion to re-allocate the budgets for each ORG, provided the total budget for the area remains the same.
Directions for Submitting FY 2016 Budgets
- You do not need to adjust the Division Summary if you do not move funds from one category to another or from one ORG to another. If you do make changes, return the summary clearly noting and highlighting the changes. It is highly recommended that you submit the Salary Budget Spreadsheets and the Division Summaries together. This will enable you and the Budget Office team to confirm that the budgets submitted by your departments are in balance with the overall area budget provided to you. Budget revisions can be made during the fiscal year using the budget revision form; however, they must be balanced and submitted to the Budget Office for processing. Email the completed attachments to your respective budget analyst (see page six) on or before March 31, 2015at COB.Late submittals will impede the department’s ability to spend its FY 2016 budget starting May 1, 2015. Spending (other than salaries, fringe benefits and scholarships) cannot occur until the Budget Office has reviewed, uploaded and reconciled the budget in the financial system.
- The budgets will be entered into the PeopleSoft budget module based on the information provided on the BUDMEMO report submitted by the departments (see instructions below).
Other Items – Five Percent Budget Reductions
Please note the FY 2016 budget includes the carryover of budget reductions from FY 2015. You may recall, several unique cost reduction accounts were set up in 2009 to keep track of the budget reductions and these accounts will continue to be used in FY 2016. These account codes are for budget use only and should not be modified. The account codes are as follows:
0499Salary Reduction – Budget Use
0899Fringe Benefit – Budget Use
8999Other Expense Reduction – Budget Use
If you need to make changes to the original reduction submission, please send an email to the Budget Office detailing the substitution. The reduction amounts for each division should remain the same, but you can move between categories of expenses.
For most departments, salaries and wages are the largest component of the budget; therefore, it is critical for each department to reconcile the salary spreadsheet to the approved staffing level for your program area. By doing so, this will ensure the compensation budget for your department is sufficient to cover the annual salary expenditures that will be charged to each individual ORG within a program area.
Directions for reconciling the Salary Budget Spreadsheets:
- The individual department salary budgets have been prepared for you based on your current employees and salaries.
- Managers should review and reconcile the salary spreadsheet for each ORG to ensure there is a budget for each employee, which in most cases is the annual salary. If staffing changes occur (i.e. new hires, staff resignations, etc.), those changes should be reflected in the salary spreadsheet submitted to the Budget Office by March 31, 2015, as part of your budget request package, as well as submitting an Employee Data Form (EDF) to the Office of Human Resources. Failure to submit an EDF may cause a delay in loading your FY 2016 budget request.
- An employee identification number or EMPLID is listed for each employee. If this is a new position, there is a column for you to input this information on this attachment.
- The Salary Budget Spreadsheets were prepared using the current FY 2016 salary budgets,as well as the salary amounts for account codes such as student (0220) and overtime (0500). This will enable you to easily reconcile the total salary budget for the ORG.
- If an employee is split funded (charged to more than one ORG), the salary should be allocated according to the approved distribution for each ORG to which his or her salary is charged. Additionally, the Salary Budget Spreadsheets to which she or he is charged should indicate the details of the split. Current employees who are split funded have been prepared for you. If you need assistance with adding newly, split funded employees or with completing the information for current split funded employees, please contact the Budget Office for assistance. Only temporary employees with a specified end date can be funded through a Reserve Fund (18 or 19).
- If you have any individuals working for you who are charged partially or 100% to a Fund 26 or 27 (grants) or Funds 31 or 51 (endowments), then salary spreadsheets are not required. For Funds 12 budgets are due to the Budget Office onDecember 19, 2014.
III. accessing and running nVision BUDMEMO Report
Use the specially designedNVision report to complete your ORG budgets for FY 2016. The BudMemo report has columns showingtheFY14 Actuals, the current FY 2015year to date expenditures and the FY 2015annual budget, as well as a column for you to enter the upcoming FY 2016budget. This report is used to submit the FY 2016 budget request.
Training sessions will be offered for those employees needing a refresher on running reports and entering data into the BudMemo report, or those employees new to the process. The Budget Office recommends that you designate at least two employees (a primary and alternate) who are able to enter the budgets for your area. If additional training is needed, the Budget Office staff will assist, on an individual basis. Please contact Tom Petersat X6356to arrange for this training.
Instructions for Running PeopleSoft NVision Reports
- In PeopleSoft, log in to Cardinal Financials
- Proceed with the following navigation on the left side menu:
-Reporting Tools
-Define Scope
- Under Scope Definition, Find an Existing Value:
- Set ID = Defaults to “CUA”
- Report Scope = enter “BudMemo”
- Click on ‘Search’
- Once the new screen Scope Definition opens:
- Select Value = enter six digit ORG or DeptID number
- If you want to run the report for multiple orgs, click the “+” button to add more rows and enter the ORG numbers
- Click “SAVE”
- On the same screen, Click on “Report Request” button
- Once the new screen ‘NVision Report Request’ opens:
-Under the section ‘Report Date Selection’ specify date = click on “today’s date”
-Click on “SAVE” button
-Click on “run report” button that appears right above the ‘Save’ button
- New screen opens up under the ‘Administration’ tab
- Click “refresh” button to update the screen until report runs and the status is ‘Posted’
- Tab down to appropriate report title and click on title
- The report will open up in Excel
- At this point you can save or print out the report
- In the BudMemo, the FY 2016 revenue and expense amounts arealready populated with the FY 2015 amounts.Enter any FY 2016 budget changes (found on your Division Summary Report)under the FY 2016twelve-month budget column on the line with the corresponding account code. You do not need to re-enter the fringe benefit rate changes. Example: If you have a FY 2016 budget increase for a supplies contract, you will increase the FY 2016 amount in account 2000. The BUDMEMO must equal the FY 2016 ending budget shown on the Division Summary.
Directions for Completing the BUDMEMO
Qualitative descriptions should accompany the expense projections for your FY 2016 department budget on the BudMemo, or on the Division Summary attachment. Outlined below are guidelines for program managers to use in developing your expense estimates:
- Compensation Account Codes
Compensation is budgeted at the detailed account level: 0100,0110, 0120, 0170,0200,0220,0500, etc. New position titles should be clearly indicated in the line item description.
Calculating Benefits
Fringe benefits are budgeted under account code 0900 rather than at the detail level.
In FY 2016, the applied benefit rates by employee classification are noted below:
- 0100, 0101 and 0121 for faculty salaries23% = .23
- 0110 and 0113 for Grad RA & TA stipends1% = .01
- 0170 and 0171 for staff salaries23% = .23
- 0200 for part-time staff10% = .10
- 0220 for part-time students 1% = .01
- 0230 for work-study students 0%
- 0240 for part-time summer maintenance10% = .10
- 0250 for private music instructors10% = .10
- 0270 for part-time lecturers10% = .10
- 0300 and 0301 for union 23% = .23
- 0330 and 0331 for public safety23% = .23
- 0500, 0510 and 0520 for overtime 10% = .10
Ex.If your budget is for $50,000 in staff salaries (0170)) and $20,000 in part-time students (0220), then your benefits would be ($50,000 x .23) + ($20,000 x .01) = $11,700.
- Other Direct Expenses
- Other direct expenses are budgeted at the detailed account code level. The Budget Office recommends a review of actual expenses for both the current fiscal year (FY 2015) and prior fiscal year (FY 2014) as a guideline.
oThe appropriation code “Z004” includes all other direct expenses. Money within the appropriation code cannot be moved to other appropriation codes.
Email the completed attachments to the appropriate Budget Office staff member (see “Assignments” on page 5) no later than March 31, 2015. Print out the spreadsheets and have the Provost/VicePresidentsign the hard copies. Deliver the signed spreadsheets to the Budget Office located at 230 Leahy Hall no later than March 31, 2015 COB.
During this annual process, the Budget Office is available to answer questions or provide informal training to new employees. If you have any questions, below is the contact information for staff in the Budget Office who support the Academic Areas:
Tom Peters, Senior Budget Analyst –; extension 6356
Richard Lewandowki, Senior Financial Analyst – ; extension 6355
Provost and Academic Departments (includes Columbus School of Law)
Rita Kovach, Associate Director - ; extension 6300
Paula Blackwell, Senior Budget Analyst – ; extention 6283
President’s Office (General Counsel, Office of Compliance, University Relations, Public Affairs
Finance (includes HR, CPIT, and Facilities)
Institutional Advancement (including Alumni Relations)
Enrollment Management
Important Dates to Remember:
February 28, 2015
oLast day to contactTom Petersifan employee requires budget training or refresher on running reports.
March 31, 2015 (COB)
- Operating Budgets are due to the Budget Department. The following submission documents are required:
- Signedcopies of the SalaryBudget Spreadsheetsby Provost/Vice President;
- BudMemo report showing the FY 2016 annual budgetrequest by ORG with detailed qualitative comments and descriptions;
- If reallocating funding, return the Division Summary(reallocating new funding for FY 2016requires approval by VP of Finance).
April 30, 2015
- Department budgets reviewed, reconciled, and loadedinto PeopleSoft financial system (if received by March 31, 2015).
May 1, 2015
- Start of Fiscal Year 2016
If you have any questions, please contact the Budget Office: