Paper Prompts

Class by Stephanie Hinshaw Hatten

This session will focus on how to use the newspaper to prompt students to write creatively in every curriculum area. We will also discuss how to integrate the newspaper into the K-2 differentiated curriculum. Teachers will learn how to motivate students to be creative and apply their talents in real life situations. This class should count for two hours of GT Curriculum credit.

About My Classroom

I teach a GT class that is not entirely filled with GT students. I have all levels in my classroom and need to meet all their needs. Many of the GT workshops I have attended assume that GT teachers have all GT students. I find this is rarely the case. In classrooms like mine all over my district and the state I have discovered that teachers want to do more GT activities but they are always pressured to focus on the students that are struggling to pass standardized tests. When something has to give in their schedules the GT activities get pushed back in their priorities. This is understandable but regrettable. When the Houston Chronicle was introduced to my room it was the one curriculum jump start I needed to do the same activities with all my students but challenge my GT students at the same time. Everyone was learning! I now share my curriculum with other teachers to help them keep their GT students challenged but not isolated.

Class Outline

I. Introduction of myself and my beliefs

A. All children are gifted in some area

B. Gifted does not mean perfect or easy to teach

II. Motivation-

A. Why do students at this age love using the newspaper?

B. How does this coincide with the different learning styles?

C. What success stories do we have?

II. Curriculum

A. How do we use the newspaper to differentiate among our students?

B. Activities and Curriculum Ideas in the Four Core Areas, All aligned to TEKS

1. Language Arts

2. Math

3. Science

4. Social Studies

III. Questions and Comments