- Regularity
The review is published every six months, with a minimum of ten Articles per year. Eventually there will be extraordinary numbers.
- General Rules for Article Publication
- Unpublished works will be accepted to be submitted to the approval of the Publishing Commission, or the Publishers of the magazine.
- The works must be of themes of styles of learning and similar literature.
- The originals may be published in: Spanish, French, Portuguese or English.
- The opinions issued by the authors of articles will be of your exclusive responsibility.
- The magazine will classify the contributions in accordance with the following sections: Articles, Research, Experience Report, Book Summary.
- The ortographic corrections of articles will be of exclusive responsibility of the authors
- After receiving the works, the material will be sent to the Scientific Commitee in order to be submitted to evaluation.
- The second evaluation will be carried through by the External Reviewers.
- The article will be placed in pdf format (Portable Document Format - Acrobat/Adobe) by the magazine team.
- The rules of the Riview are based on the model of the APA (American Psychological Association).
- Style Rules for Publication
The model of the norms of APA (American Psycological Association).
Bibliographic References and digitals
Alonso, C. M and Gallego, D.J. and Honey, P. (2002) The learning styles: procedures of diagnosis and improvement. Madrid: Messenger.
Book Chapters
Domínguez Caparrós, J. (1987). “Literature and language acts”, in J. A. Mayoral (comp.), Pragmatic of literary comunication, 83-121. Madrid: Gedisa.
Magazine Articles
Alonso, C. M y Gallego, D.J. (1998) “The education toward the guideline of the new paradigm of the information and communication mechanisms”. Complutense Education Magazine, 9(2), 13-40.
Wesite References
Bryant, P. (2007) Biodiversity and Conservation. Available in: Consulted: 14/10/2007.
Article of a daily journal or a digital magazine
Adler, J. (2007, May 17). “Ghost of Everest”. Newsweek.Available in: Consulted: 05/05/2007.
Quotations and text references
Quotations in the text
Alonso (2006) states that “the educational computer science … in the future” (p.21)
Quotations in the text content
- García (2003) designates that...
- Gallego et al. (2006) it has discovered that...
- In 1994 Freire discovered the method...
- ... idea in the text (García, 2003)
- ... idea in the text (Gallego et al., 2006)
If they are more than two authors, they must be separated with “ ; ” (semicolon).
- idea in the text (Olid, 2000; Rubí, 2001)
Context Quotations
- The theory of emotional intelligence has modified many concepts of psychology (Goleman, 1995).
- Kolb (1990) and Pere (2002) have focused the importance of abstract ideas in linear algebra
Quotations of quotations
- Gutiérrez, 2003, quoted by López (2005) described atmospheric changes throughout the works…
- In 1975, Marios, quoted by Oscar (1985) stablished that …
- Presentation Work Procedure
- All contributions must be submitted directly to the email address:
- The text must be in Word editor
- Space between lines: Simple
- Numeration of the epigraphs (1, xxx)
- Paper size: office A4
- Text source: Arial 12
- Work title: Arial 14 in bold
- Name and last names (as requested in publication), institution to which you belong or are affiliated to, City/State and country, email address: Arial 10
- The title, the abstract and, the key words must be in native language and in English
- The abstract must have in the maximum 150 words
- The wesites references must be separate of the references
- The key words must contain 3 to 5 scientific terms which represent the article context
- The author must send a photo (in jpg or bmp format) and a short resumé with country, education studies, current activity and last publication (5 lines)
- As an option, the author may send a vídeo, a power point presentation, multimedia file or photos about the content of the work sent.
- Procedure of Arbitration
- The Technical Coordination notifies that they have recived the document.
- The Editorial Advice Board makes the first revision of the work to verify if it is in accordance with the basic requirements for publishing in the review
- The Scientific Committee evaluates the content and communicates the Technical Coordination if it is A) Accepted, B) Accepted with minor modifications, C) Accepted with major modifications or D) Rejected.
- The Technical Coordination will send to the External Evaluators who have expertise in the ad hoc subject for an evaluation.
- The Technical Coordination proves if the evaluations coincides. If it's a negative case the work is send to third specialist.
- The author will receive the Technical Coordination the decision if the work is A) Accepted, B) Accepted with minor modifications, C) Accepted with major modifications or D) Rejected.
- This revision process will last approximately three months.
- The author must pronounce his/her accordance with the modifications proposal (if is the case), compromising himself by sending a revised version which must include the changements account, in a period less than 30 days.
- The Scientific Committee will prove if the author revised the corrections suggested.
- Originals Revision Policies
- The publishing body reserves the right to return articles to the authors that are not in accordance with the specified editorial guidelines.
- The Review Editorial Advice Board 1. is composed by well-know scholars and researchers coming from several distinguished international institutions. Notwithstanding it can happen, in some cases, considering the article’s content that would be necessary to request other reviewers for further advices, taking in account that the reviewers will be selected based on the article’s content .
- Case the author lasts more than 15 days for replying to the reviewers and Editorial Council suggestions, his/her article will be dismissed for publication.