Scientific Programme

Day one: Thursday 30 August / N°
8:00 – 9:00 / Registration - Poster installation
9:00 / Welcome by the Organizing Committee
9:30 – 12:15 / Session 1 : Cell lineages and proliferation
Chairs: B. Rinkevich & D. Doumenc
9:30 – 10:00 / Keynote Speaker 1: Buki Rinkevich (National Institute of Oceanography, Haifa, Israel)
“Cell cultures from marine invertebrates: past failures and future promises”
10:00 / Nelly Odintsova (Institute of Marine Biology - Russia )
Spicule formation and pigment cell differentiation in primary cell cultures of sea urchin embryos. Cryopreservation of the cultures
10:20 / Vyacheslav Dyachuk (Zhirmunsky Institute - Russia)
Extracellular matrix is required for muscle differentiation in primary cell culture of larval Mytilus trossulus (Mollusca: Bivalvia)
10:40 / Clotilde Heude (Université Caen- France)
Germinal niche of the oyster Crassostrea gigas : cellular and molecular characterization.
11:00 / Coffee break
11:30 / Olga Petukhova ( Institute of Cytology St Petersbourg - Russia )
Subpopulation of coelomic epithelium cells of starfish Asterias rubens L. able to long-term proliferation in culture
11:50 / Valerie Smith ( University St Andrews-UK )
Towards establishing a proliferative cell lineage from decapod prohaemocytes.
12:15 / Lunch Buffet
14:00 – 15:30 / Session 2 : 3D culture and tissue regeneration
Chairs: A. Klimovich & N. Odintsova
14:00 – 14:30 / Keynote Speaker 2: Aleksandr Klimovitch (University Kiel, Germany)
“Hydra - a simple in vivo model allowing cellular analysis at the in vitro depths”
14:30 / Carla Huete-Stauffer (University of Genoa- Italy )
New perspectives in cnidarian cell culture: the model of octocoral
14:50 / Agathe Lecointe ( MNHN Paris- France)
Coral cell proliferation in situ (polyp) and in primary culture (3D aggretates)
15:10 / Esti Kramarsky-Winter (University of Tel Aviv - Israel )
Developing coral explants and micropropagates for biotechnological uses
15:30 – 16:30 / Coffee-break - POSTER SESSION 1
16:30 – 18:20 / Session 3 : Cellular models for biomineralisation and nanomaterial studies
Chairs: W. Müller & S. Auzoux-Bordenave
16:30 – 17:00 / Keynote Speaker 3: Werner Müller (University Mainz, Germany)
“Genetic – cell biological – structural aspects of biomineralization: Sponge biosilica formation an exceptional model.”
17:00 / Qingling Feng (Tsinghua University - China)
The relationship among cell, organic matrix and biomineralization in fresh water pearl oyster
17:20 / Matthew O’Neill (Keele University-UK)
Expression of biomineralisation genes in tissues and cultured cells of the abalone, Haliotis tuberculata
17:40 / Xiaowong Wang ( University Mainz - Germany)
Bio-silica and bio-polyphosphate: applications in biomedicine (bone formation)
18:00 / Heinz-Christoph Schroëder (University Mainz - Germany )
Silicatein interactors and structure-guided biosilica formation
19:30 / Dinner at «Sables Blancs» Restaurant
Day two: Friday 31 August
9:00 – 10:30 / Session 4 - Cell –micro organism interactions, cellular models for pathology
Chairs: I. Söderhäll & C. Paillard
9:00 – 9:30 / Keynote Speaker 4: Irene Söderhäll (Uppsala University- Sweden)
”Hematopoietic stem cell culture in crayfish as a model for studies of hemocyte differentiation and immunity”
9:30 / Joao Dantas-Lima (Faculty of Veter. Med Belgium)
Development of two reproducible haemocyte culture systems for application in crustacean immunity studies
9:50 / Vernon Coyne ( University Cap Town - South Africa)
Expression of an NFκB homologue in cultured haemocytes from the South African abalone Haliotis midae
10:10 / Damien Rioult (Université Le Havre - France)
Cell tracking and velocimetric parameters analysis as an approach to assess
activity of mussel hemocytes in vitro
10:30 / Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 / Session 5 – Cell-micro organism interactions, cellular models for symbiosis
Chairs: S. Pomponi & I. Domart-Coulon
11:00 – 11:30 / Keynote Speaker 5: Shirley Pomponi (Harbour Branch Ocean. Inst., Florida, USA )
“Sponge Cell Culture State-of-the-Art: What’s Worked, What Hasn’t, What’s Next”
11:30 / Gaël Le Pennec (UEB France)
A 3D-sponge cell culture to study the pre-requisites of the installation of a bacterial symbiosis
11:50 / Stéphanie Barnay - Verdier (Nice University- France )
Anemonia viridis primary cell culture : a new tool for cnidarian studies
12:10 / Hjorleifur Einarsson (University of Akureyri-Iceland)
Characterization of heterotrophs from Icelandic waters
12:30 / Lunch Buffet
14:00 – 15:00 / POSTER SESSION 2
15:00 – 17:00 / Round Tables (Open discussions)
- Strategies to address technical challenges
- Applications of cell cultures in ecotoxicology and natural substances production
17:30 / End of the Symposium