Lab 2Jurjevich

GEOG 101

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY: Weather and Climate

Fall 2008


1. Differentiate between the wavelength difference for incoming solar radiation and outgoing terrestrial radiation.

2. Explain the relationship between the different wavelengths of colors within the visible light spectrum.

3. If the surface temperature of Mars is 202K, at what wavelength does Mars emit radiation? Can you see it? Why or why not?

4. If the surface temperature of the Sun is 5800K, at what wavelength does the Sun emit radiation? Compare the Sun’s wavelength to Mars (considering the temperature of each) and suggest whether or not the relationship between temperature and wavelength exists.

5. What is the average temperature of a body with an intensity of incoming solar radiation of 8.32L?

6. What is the average temperature of Neptune with an intensity of incoming solar radiation of 1.45L?

7. What are the 2 primary reasons why the Stephan-Boltzmann Law under predicts the Earth’s temperature?

8. Calculate the net radiation be if insolation were 1,100 W/m2; the albedo of the surface was .10, emissivity was 0.95, temperature was 250K, and downward longwave radiation from the atmosphere was 400 W/m2?

9. Calculate the net radiation of a snow covered surface assuming insolation is were 1,000 W/m2, the albedo of the surface is .97, emissivity is .95, temperature is 220K, and downward longwave radiation from the atmosphere was 350 W/m2?

10. Name the 4 factors (in hierarchical order) that are responsible for the intensity of Insolation (Incoming Solar Radiation)?

11. What is the maximum value of Earth’s Solar Constant?

12. Define the Subsolar point. What tool do we use to determine the latitude of the Subsolar point? Additionally, where on the Earth’s surface is the Subsolar point on Sept. 21 and March 21?

13. Distinguish between the Sun Angle (SA) and the Zenith Angle (ZA). When you add them together, what is their complementary value?

14. On June 21, the Sun Angle at Noon in Charlotte, NC is 78.5 degrees. Using the Sine Law, calculate the maximum potential intensity of radiation in Langleys at Noon on that day.

15. On December 21, the Sun Angle at Noon in Charlotte, NC is 31.5 degrees. Using the Sine Law, calculate the maximum potential intensity of radiation in Langleys at Noon on that day.

16. Compare your results for numbers 14 and 15—do they make sense considering the variability in the intensity of radiation for those dates? Why?

17. Albedo
Below is a list of reflectivity for different surfaces. Following the example given for asphalt, plot the
reflectivity/absorption ratio of each material listed below on the graph provided.
Material / Reflectivity
Snow / 75%
Sand / 35%
Concrete / 25%
Grass / 15%
Dark Soil / 15%
Asphalt / 10%
Water / 8%
Dense Forest / 5%
Asphalt / Concrete / Dense / Sand / Dark / Snow
Forest / Soil

18. Distinguish between Sensible and Latent heat. Which one can we accurately measure with a thermometer?

19. What is Ozone and why is it important?

20. What are the 3 most abundant gasses in the atmosphere?

21. What are the 4 greenhouse gasses?

Questions 22-27 require the use of the Analemma on the following page.

22. What is the subsolar point on March 27?

23. What is the subsolar point on August 5?

24. What is the subsolar point on June 21? ______

25. On what dates is 11°N the subsolar point? ______

26. On what dates is 10°S the subsolar point? ______

27. What is the highest latitude that the analemma reaches in the Northern Hemisphere?

What is the name of this line of latitude? ____

When does this occur? __ What is another name for this date? ____