8th Grade General Science
Information 2014-2015
Ms. Brown, Mrs. Saint-Louis, and Mr. Clementelli
Orange Preparatory Academy
Hello, and welcome to the 2014-2015 school year! I anticipate that it will be a year full of new learning experiences for all. Our 8th grade focus is general science, which means we will learn about the inorganic, or the non-living part of the scientific world. We will also learn and reinforce life science concepts. Our goal is to emphasize critical thinking skills and learning through the use of the scientific process. In this class students will often find themselves reading, writing, and completing hands-on laboratory assignments. My teaching philosophy incorporates high expectations, hands-on learning instruction and development of scientific inquiry,consistent questioning about the world around us,and the relationship of our learning to our everyday lives.
We will cover the following topics throughout the year:Properties of Matter, Building Blocks of Matter, Phases of Matter, The Periodic Table, Chemical Reactions, Physics (Energy, Motion, Forces, and Newton’s Laws), and a review of Earth Science, Astronomy/Solar system, and Life Science. Our curriculum will be guided by the Common Core State Standards, and the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards for 8th grade science.
- Hsu, Tom, Ph.D. CPO Science: Physical, Earth, and Space Science - An Integrated Approach.
- 1½” hardcover 3-ring binder or larger
- Composition notebook
- Pencils and pens
- 6 or more tab dividers for science binder
- Lined notebook paper to put in binder
- Various other project materials required
- Performance tasks
- Projects
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Academic prompts
- Informal observations
- Discussions
- Cooperative learning assignments
Grades will be calculated categorically and weighted using the following percentages:
- 25% - Authentic Assessments (Labs, Projects, Portfolios)
- 25%- Tests (and Summative Evaluations)
- 20%- Class work
- 20% - Quizzes (and Formative Evaluations)
- 10% - Homework
Points will be awarded within each category and then averaged into the overall grade according to the categorical percentages. Overall grades will be awarded according to the following:
- A…….. 90 – 100 %
- B…….. 80 – 89 %
- C…….. 70 – 79%
- D…….. 65 – 69%
- F……... 0 – 64%
Extra credit can be earned on quizzes and tests.
Homework & Absences:
Homework will be posted daily, both in the classroom and on my web page that can be accessed through the school website. Late work will not be accepted. If you miss class, it is your responsibility to get the missed work. You are to do the following to help yourself get caught up:
- Collect missed handouts from the blue boxes (current week) or binder (previous weeks) near the door.
- Have Ms. Brown, Mr. Clementelli, or Mrs. Saint-Louissign the“Make-up Work”sheet and give you due dates.
- Hand in completed work when it is duewith the make-up work sheet attached.
Any missed labs will be made up after school at our convenience.
In order to maintain a positive classroom environment where we can maximize learning, you are expected to do the following:
- Show respect for yourself and others.
- Be self-directed (be responsible for your own success!).
- Demonstrate Self Control.
- Get Involved!
- Be on time and prepared for class (homework completed!).
- Every3tardies = detention
- No getting out of your seat without permission. This includes throwing garbage out.
- Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a zero.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the classroom.
- Remain quiet when the teacher is speaking.
- Raise your hand to ask and answer questions.
- Be respectful of your teacher and fellow classmates.
- Safe behavior in the lab is required at all times.
- We may be working with a variety of equipment, materials, and chemicals that are to be handled with care.
- Should you have to be removed from class due to unsafe lab behavior, you will receive a zero on the assignment, a detention, and may lose your privilege of participating in future labs.
- NO cell phone or electronic device usage – Unauthorized electronics will be confiscated. Repeated violations will result in device being turned into the office for retrieval by a parent or guardian.
Failure to meet above behavior expectations will be treated with appropriate consequences: warnings, phone calls home, detentions, exclusions, suspensions, and referrals if necessary.
Tardy Procedure:
To be considered on-time you must be in your seat when the bell rings, otherwise you are tardy. Detentions will be given for excessive tardiness.
Communication between home and school is important in helping students succeed and there are a number of ways to maintain that connection.
- Contact Us: Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us. The best way to communicate with us, aside from in-person, is through e-mail ( and ). We can also be contacted via telephone during our prep. period or after school. You may leave a message with the main office as well and we will return your call as soon as possible.
- Teacher Webpage:Includes additional information, as well as resources, assignment due dates and class notes: Go to (OPA website) and click on “Faculty” at the top. Then scroll down and click on “Brown, Jennifer, Science”.
We look forward to working with you!
Ms. Brown, Mrs. Saint-Louis, and Mr. Clementelli
My name/signature below attests that I have read, understood, and agreed to comply with the attached rules and regulations of this 8th grade physical science class.
Student Name ______Date ______
Parent Signature ______Date ______