Delius Special School
Teaching & Learning Committee Meeting
Friday 6th May 2016
Meeting commenced at: 2.30pm
Present: Rob Cameron, Peter Sumpter (Chair), Beth Rothery, Lucy Nelstrop (observer)
In attendance: Claire Hogg – minute taker
Apologies: Heidi Bradshaw, Ferzana Hussain & Jodie Crabtree
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of meeting held 18.03.16
3. Matters arising
4. Communication
5. Data analysis
6. Pupil progress
7. Quality of Teaching
8. Policies to review:
· Relationships & Sex Education Policy
· Communication Policy
9. AOB
10. Date of next meeting
1, 2 & 3 / Minutes from previous meeting & 2 Matters ArisingMinutes were reviewed and agreed. However confidential minute regarding point 4 needs to be removed from the minutes and typed and saved separately.
PS asked for there to be a couple of standing items on the agenda:-
· Teaching Teams
· Interactive Learning Walks / Actions
CLH to remove confidential minute
4 / Communication
Lucy updated the board on communication. Lucy indicated that all classes are embedding and shadowing the Ofsted framework. Fiona is working 2 ½ days in class working with high tech devices. Going forward the numbers of pupil accessing the devices will increase.
Lucy stated that all staff attended some CPD Training around communication last week. Also last week we hosted a DAP meeting and shared positive practice.
Lucy advised that every week there is a signing club for all staff to attend and also that Jade Cracknell is also offering intensive interaction around signing.
Lucy and Clare Blackburn will continue to imbed communication in classes. Lucy also advised that every child has a communication passport which travels with child to appointments etc. These are refreshed every year and is tied into PSHCE.
Lucy added that we also have a signing choir every Friday and that we are looking to do charity events and going out into the community.
Therefore communication is looking really positive and Pupil Premium has really increased.
5 & 6 / Data Analysis & Pupil Progress
The School 2 School Review is based on outcome of data through CASPA. Too much green means that the data was not triangulated enough. Rob Cameron & Emma Hardaker are re ragging data on aspirational target. RC & EH are hoping this will triangulate better. If once this has been re ragged the data looks better they will use this as their script.
RE: Pupil progress. Using PIVATS and this should push the targets up for July however the data has to tally up. Rob indicated that we need to be looking at children’s targets eg, were children in school etc – look at each case study.
7 / Confidential minute
8 / Policies
The PSHCE & RSE Policy have been deferred as Rob Cameron would like to incorporate some wording from the Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy. Rob indicated he could need to confer with Sally Joy and Clare Blackburn and review the policies and bring the policies back to the next meeting.
The Communication Policy was agreed by Governors and is to go to the next Full Governing Body meeting.
9 / Any Other Business
Peter indicated that he had started to do Governor inductions and had indeed inducted Jodie Crabtree and PS & JC visited Class 3. Inductions take about half an hour to complete. Peter confirmed that once Lucy Nelstrop has been co opted at the full governor meeting he will do Lucy’s induction.
Lucy asked if it was appropriate to discuss staff absence and for this to be put on the next meetings agenda. PS recommended it should go to the Finance & General Purpose meeting.
PS did confirm that he had recently been present at interviews where 4 people had been recruited and were to start as soon possible. However PS & RC did acknowledge that staff absence does impinge on other staff members.
PS & RC congratulated Beth Rothery on her Governor position and wished her the best of luck for her teaching qualification through Bradford DAP Schools Direct programme. Therefore we have a staff governor vacancy to fill.