College of Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences

Dean Primary Approver
Eric Muth
Associate Dean for Research
& Graduate Studies
/ Alternate Approver
Brett Wright
/ Budget Officer
Regina Carroll
Chief Business Officer

Center for Research and Collaborative Activities

Bobbi Curry

Amy Merck

Melinda Fischer

Kristin Trowell

Jean McKendry


Dean, CBSHS / Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life / Communications Studies
Number / 0701 / 0132 / 0533
Primary Approver / Brett Wright / James R. McDonell / Bryan Denham
Title / Dean / Interim Director / Department Chair
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Eric Muth / Mark Small / Eric Muth
Title / Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies / Interim Associate Director / Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies
E-mail / / /
Center for Research on Health Disparities / Institute for Engaged Aging / Clemson University Institute for Parks
Number / 0712 / 0721 / 0734
Primary Approver / Veronica Parker / Cheryl Dye / Robert Powell
Title / Director / Director / Professor
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Ann Wetsel / Ron Gimbel / Fran McGuire
Title / Interim Director / Chair / Interim Chair
E-mail / / /
Dept. of Parks, Rec. & Tourism Mgt. / Recreation, Travel & Tourism Institute / PRTM Leisure Skills
Number / 0735 / 0736 / 0739
Primary Approver / Fran McGuire / Robert Powell / Fran McGuire
Title / Interim Chair / Professor / Interim Chair
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Bill Norman / Fran McGuire / Bill Norman
Title / Professor / Interim Chair / Professor
E-mail / / /
Clinical Educ./Prac. & Med. Surv. Program / School of Nursing / Public Health Sciences
Number / 0742 / 0743 / 0745
Primary Approver / Paula Watt / Ann Wetsel / Ron Gimbel
Title / Director / Interim Director / Chair
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Will Mayo / Julie Eggert / Rachel Mayo
Title / Manager Clinical Education & Wellness / Coordinator Doctoral Program / Professor
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Center for Research & Collaborative Activities / J. F. Sullivan Center / Youth, Family, & Community Studies
Number / 0747 / 0750 / 0756
Primary Approver / Kathy Headley / Paula Watt / Jim McDonell
Title / Senior Associate Dean / Director / Interim Director
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Brett Wright / Will Mayo / Mark Small
Title / Dean / Community Health Improvements Coordinator / Interim Associate Director
E-mail / / /
Political Science / Psychology / Sociology and Anthropology
Number / 1354 / 1355 / 1356
Primary Approver / Jeffrey Peake / Pat Raymark / David Eitle
Title / Chair / Chair / Chair
E-mail / / /
Alternate Approver / Adam Warber / Robert Sinclair / Catherine Mobley
Title / Associate Professor / Professor / Professor
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Strom Thurmond Institute / Policy Studies
Number / 1354 / 1355
Primary Approver
Alternate Approver