Students who are interested in speech and debate scholarships:

At TrumanStateUniversity, we recognize the variety of options available for students interested in continuing their speech and debate careers after high school. Yet, because Truman State offers the competitive and supportive environment students need to make the transition into college forensics, we encourage you to consider the opportunities at Truman.

TrumanStateUniversity has a history of excellence in speech and debate. In 2001, 2002, 2003, 2010, 2011, and 2012 the team placed first at the Missouri State Championship. The team won the National Parliamentary Debate Association National Championship twice and was runner up in 2003. During the 2010-2011season, the team claimed six state championships. In 2010, at nationals, Truman placed first in Individual Events sweepstakes for the small school division and fourth in debate. In 2011, the debaters placed second overall in debate, while speech competitors placed in the top 24 in persuasion, and 2nd place overall in both impromptu and editorial impromptu. In 2012, the Lincoln-Douglas debaters claimed the National Championship!! The Individual Events team took 5th in the mid-sized schools division. Additionally, the program has hosted debaters from Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom and has sent numerous competitors to China to judge and compete in debates.

For students interested in joining the team, we offer the chance to compete for merit- based speech and debate scholarships. During our scholarship weekend we invite students to campus for workshops and individual auditions. Students are welcome to audition with any prepared piece from high school or in a limited preparation event. Debaters are asked to prepare a first affirmative constructive ahead of time on the topic “resolved: the United States federal government should substantially change its trade policy and/or practices with the People’s Republic of China.” The debaters and their case will be cross examined by judges at the audition. A sample case will be available at

Attached is a tentative schedule for the weekend as well as more information on the scholarships. Students can learn more by contacting the Director of Forensics, Dr. Kristi Scholten, at [until January 1, 2013] or by visiting After January 1, Dr. Scholten will be on maternity leave and you should direct all inquiries to the Assistant Director of Forensics, Russ Luce at but the mailing address and fax number will stay the same.


Dr. Kristi Scholten

Director of Forensics

Truman State University

100 E. Normal St.

Kirksville, MO 63501

660-785-4065 (office number) 660-785-7101 (fax)

The Try-Out Process

Do Try-Outs Determine Whether I’m on the Team?

No. This process is being used primarily to determine whether or not you will be awarded a Forensics Talent/Service Scholarship or the Robert Newman Freshman Scholarship in Debate. Information obtained in the try-out process might be used in determining a potential travel schedule, but it will not be used to exclude individuals from the team.

What are the Scholarships?

The Forensic Union has been authorized by the University to award a fixed, but substantial, amount of scholarship money to talented students interested in forensics. These awards are designed to supplement existing scholarship and financial aid awards already granted by the University to make attending Truman (and participating in forensics) more affordable. If you have already been offered a full ride to the University you will NOT be eligible for additional funds from the Forensics Team. However, you are still invited to the scholarship weekend as it is an opportunity to interact with team members. Awards may range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars depending on the number of deserving/qualified individuals and the funds available. Awards are not automatic and they are based on competitive merit and a commitment to forensics. Full rides are not available. The scholarships are renewable provided students meet certain renewability criteria.

The Robert Newman Freshman Scholarship in Debate is a single, separate award made available only to students planning to compete in debate. Its current value fluctuates between $700-$1000, based on stock market conditions. The Lincoln Scholarship is also a single, separate award made to students planning on competing in Lincoln-Douglas Debate. Its value is $1,000 and it is non-renewable. Both of these scholarships are only available for incoming freshmen, and winning such an award does NOT preclude you from receiving other forensics scholarship money.

Additional scholarships, including the Aileen Corbin Scholarship, the Amy Ayers Rosebury Scholarship, and the Craig Evans Scholarship are all available to students AFTER their freshman year and may be appended to awards already granted in the Talent Scholarship process. These awards are not impacted by the try-out process.

What Are the Criteria for Renewal?

In order to receive a Talent/Service Scholarship, a student must commit to a fixed amount of service to the forensics program. That means the student must travel to a minimum of two tournamentsper semester during the year they receive the scholarship and they must meet normal weekly practice requirements (which includes a mandatory 3-hour evening practice each week and additional coaching appointments as needed to prepare events for competition) necessary to justify travel to those tournaments. Students must also maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25. If these requirements are met, and the student continues as a member of the team, the scholarship will be automatically renewed. However, the dollar amount cannot be increased. Students may earn other scholarships offered by the program to add to their aid amount after the freshman year. Again, both the Robert Newman and Lincoln Scholarships aregranted for a one-year period only.

Purpose of Orientation Weekend

Our orientation weekend is designed to achieve three goals:

-To identify outstanding recruits for scholarship consideration.

-To orient you toward a career with Truman Forensics and to answer important questions about participation.

-To help you become a part of the team’s culture before your arrival at Truman.

We will achieve these goals through a series of workshops, interviews, and try-outs. We will ask students to bring material they are currently working on in high school for informative critiques, helpful suggestions, and practice performances/debates. Impromptu simulations of college events may also be employed.

Students can be housed in campus residence halls with existing Truman Forensics students. They will eat and socialize with these students between recruitment events. Separate meetings will be available for parents who accompany these students on their trip to Kirksville, but parents will need to arrange their own housing off campus in local hotels. Students can opt to stay with their parents if they desire.

Selection Criteria

Awards will be assigned by the Truman Forensic Union coaching staff, in consultation with faculty advisors from the Communication Department who may participate in the screening process. Criteria that will be considered in determining award eligibility or assigning awards may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

-Does the student possess a strong potential for success in intercollegiate speech and debate while also remaining committed to their education?

-Does the student provide evidence of a work ethic that would support a successful college forensics career?

-Does the student demonstrate personal interest in, and enthusiasm for, participating in college forensics?

-Does the student view forensics passionately enough to exceed the minimum requirements and obligations necessary to maintain the scholarship?

-Does the student possess a strong recommendation from a high school coach or teacher?

-Will the student contribute to a positive team collaborative dynamic?

While we are interested in seeing a “competitive resume” of awards won in high school competition, if available, our experience indicates that prior awards are not a reliable indicator of success in collegiate competition. Students should focus their efforts in the screening process on honestly expressing what interests them in forensics and what they can bring to the forensics program as members. They should also seek to perform to the best of their ability in interviews and workshops.

How to Register

Students interested in participating in the scholarship/orientation weekend should send materials electronically to Russ Luce,, fax (660) 785-7101, or send your information to 100 East Normal St. Kirksville, MO 63501 C/O Russ Luceno later thanFriday, February 15, 2013. Students should submit a competitive resume, listing awards and honors won in speech, debate, theater, mock trial, model UN, student council or other similar activities. They should also submit a letter of recommendation from a high school coach or team advisor. If the student does not currently compete in a forensics program, a letter from a language arts or social studies teacher should be submitted. The student should also complete the application form for the tryout weekend—this will let us know about rooming/food preferences, etc.

Additional information on where to report for the weekend will be mailed after receipt of your registration.

Students not able to attend the orientation weekend due to immovable conflicts should submit the material described above, along with a videotape of performed speeches, interpretation events, a debate, or other content reflective of their competitive strengths. It is also strongly recommended that such students engage in an active dialog with members of the coaching staff or make a campus visit prior to the try-out weekend. Preference for scholarships will, of course, be given to those students with whom the coaching staff has met and can establish reasonable confidence in their competitive and academic potential.