Application for fundraiser registration or renewal

Fundraising Act 1998

Before starting your application


To be eligible for registration a company or any person (appeal manager, company director, associate or any other person) who has managerial or financial responsibility for or significant influence over any fundraising funds cannot be:

  • insolvent or under external administration
  • a represented person under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986 (where a guardian or administrator has been appointed)
  • a person who has committed a disqualifying offence (an offence involving fraud, dishonesty, violence or drug trafficking that is punishable by imprisonment for 3months or more in the case of a natural person, or by a fine of $10,000 or more in the case of a body corporate; or an offence under the Fundraising Act1998).

You must also be able to provide a Victorian address as the fundraiser’s principal place of business.PO boxes cannot be accepted.

Exemptions from registration

Fundraisers that only use unpaid volunteers and raise less than $10,000 (gross) per year do not need to be registered.

Certain activities are excluded from fundraising including raffles, lotteries or other gaming activities that are authorised or permitted under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003 (Vic). For more information on raffles and lotteries, visit the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation website ( or contact 1300 18 24 57.

Other exemptions also apply. You should check to see if you are exempt by visiting the Exemptions from fundraising registration page on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website( or by calling 1300 55 81 81.

If you are unsure how the exemptions relate to your circumstances, you should seek your own independent legal advice.


There is nofee to lodge an application for fundraiser registration or renewal.

When to lodge this form

For new registrations, you must apply for registration at least 28 days before conducting any fundraising activities. Urgent applications can be considered when there are special circumstances such as a natural disaster. If you seek urgent approval, you must include with this application a letter detailing your special circumstances.

For renewals, you must lodge this form by the due date specified in the renewal notice.

Registration period and annual statements

The registration period is for 3 years and can be renewed. Each year you will need to lodge an annual statement form, to provide details of funds raised and how they were distributed.


For privacy information, please refer to the Privacy statement page on the Consumer Affairs Victoria website(

How to complete this form

  • Enter text in spaces provided only. We will not accept your form, nor consider it lodged, if you remove or change any questions or other text.
  • Mark relevant fields with an ‘X’.
  • If completing this form by hand, please complete details in block letters, using a black or blue pen.

After you lodge your application

After receiving your application, CAV will send you written correspondence:

  • consenting to the registration or renewal, or
  • consenting to the registration or renewal but with conditions imposed on your fundraising, or
  • requesting further information(You must not proceed with any fundraising until those requests have been resolved),or
  • informing you that you have been refused registration and cannot conduct any fundraising.

If you disagree with a decision made on the registration process, you can appeal to the Victorian Civil Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) within 28 days of receiving notice of the decision.

You will be deemed registered and can proceed with your fundraising appeal(s) if you do not receive a further response within 21 days of CAV receiving your application.However, you must conduct the appeal(s) as youdetailed in the application. Any variations to the appeal(s) must be agreed to in writing by the Director of Consumer Affairs Victoria.



  1. Will you (the fundraiser) only use unpaid volunteers and raise less than $10,000 per year or are you otherwise exempted from registering as a fundraiser?
Mark with an ‘X’.
In accordance with the Fundraising Act 1998 you do not need to be registered. Please do not continue.
Go to question 2
  1. Is any company, company director, appeal manager, associate or any other person who has managerial or financial responsibility for or significant influence over any fundraising funds:

  1. currently insolvent or under external administration?

Provide the following details
Full name
  1. a represented person under the Guardianship and Administration Act 1986(where a guardian or administrator has been appointed)?

Provide the following details
Full name
  1. a person who has committed a disqualifying offence within the past 10 years (an offence involving fraud, dishonesty, violence or drug trafficking that is punishable by imprisonment for 3 months or more in the case of a natural person, or by a fine of $10,000 or more in the case of a body corporate; or an offence under the Fundraising Act 1998)?

Provide the following details
Full name

Type of application

  1. This application is for:
Mark with an ‘X’.
A new fundraiser / Go to question 4
A renewal of an existing fundraiser / Provide your registration number, then go to question 4
Registration number
If applicable.

Fundraiser details

  1. Fundraiser name

Name of company or incorporated association
Australian Company Number (ACN) or association number
Or name of individual person or persons. If an unincorporated body, list the names of members.
Given name
Family name
Given name
Family name
Given name
Family name
Given name
Family name 1 of 14

  1. Are you a commercial fundraiser?
A commercial fundraiser is retained on a commercial basis and paid by another person or organisation to administer all or part of fundraising activities on their behalf. Mark with an ‘X’.
Go to question 6
Go to question 6
  1. What is the address of the fundraiser’s principal place of business in Victoria?
This must be an address located in Victoria. It can be the address of your solicitor or accountant, or for an individual it can be your residential address. PO boxes cannot be accepted. This information may be shown on the public register.
Full address
Include postcode.
  1. Public contact person
All fundraisers must provide a public contact person. This information may be shown on the public register.
Given name
Family name
Contact address
Include postcode. PO boxes accepted.
Daytime telephone number
Mobiles OK. If a landline, include area code.
Email address
  1. Will you (the fundraiser) be operating your own website for fundraising purposes?
Mark with an ‘X’.
List the website address below
Go to question 9
Website address
  1. What category of fundraiser applies to you?
Mark with an ‘X’. This information may be shown on the public register.
Go to question 12
One natural person
Go to question 12
Incorporated association
Go to question 10
Unincorporated organisation
Two or more persons that have not been formally incorporated, conduct an activity under a common name and maintain a list of members in relation to the conduct of that activity.
Go to question 12
  1. Was the incorporated association incorporated in Victoria?
Mark with an ‘X’. This information may be shown on the public register.
Go to question 11
Go to question 12
  1. Designated person
Under the Fundraising Act, incorporated associations and unincorporated organisations must nominate a designated person. Ideally, this person should be a company director, the secretary of an incorporated association or one of the persons applying for registration. This information may be shown on the public register.
Same as public contact person nominated in question 7?
Go to question 12
Provide the following details 1 of 14

Given name
Family name
Contact address
Include postcode. Must be a Victorian address. PO boxes cannot be accepted.
Daytime telephone number
Mobiles OK. If a landline, include area code.
  1. Responsible person
If you are an incorporated association incorporated outside of Victoria, you must nominate a responsible person. As part of this application, this person must complete a Responsible person consent form listed in theDocuments required as part of this application section.
Given name
Family name

Fundraising details

  1. What activities will you conduct for fundraising?
Choose all that apply. Mark with an ‘X’.
Merchandise sales
Please provide details below.
Details of the type of merchandise and the percentage of the sale price of the product to be distributed to the beneficiaries
Please attach telemarketing script along with your application.
For example, volunteer fundraising, clothing bins, highway collections. Please provide details below.
Details of the type of other fundraising activities
  1. What is the purpose of this fundraising activity?

Beneficiaries and distribution of money

  1. Who are the beneficiaries of your fundraising activities? For each beneficiary you must provide:
  • their name (including you if you are a beneficiary ). The name must be specific. Either the actual name of the person or organisation.
  • the date you intend to start fundraising for each beneficiary.
  • how the money/benefit raised from fundraising will be distributed to each beneficiary. What will the beneficiary receive? For example, money handover, building a rehabilitation centre, buying an x-ray machine.
  • a letter of consent from each beneficiary (other than you). If for any reason you cannot provide the letter of consent for a beneficiary, you must attach a letter that outlines the reason/s why.
  • If you have more than 2 beneficiaries, attach a separate list showing the beneficiary name, fundraising start date for the beneficiary and what the beneficiary will receive.

Beneficiary 1
Full name
Fundraising start date
What this beneficiary will receive
Beneficiary 2
Full name
Fundraising start date
What this beneficiary will receive
  1. Provide the details of all bank accounts where money from fundraising will be deposited.
All proceeds must be banked into a bank account in either the name(s) of the beneficiary(ies) or a bank account with a name that indicates it contains fundraising proceeds and from which it is only possible to withdraw money by a cheque signed by at least 2 people. If more than 2 bank accounts, attach a separate sheet.
Bank account 1
Name of financial institution
Account number
Account name
Bank account 2
Name of financial institution
Account name
Account number
  1. Will you use any fundraising money to help you conduct or administer your fundraising activities?
This includes employee salaries, director fees, payment for collector services, promoters, telemarketers, caterers, venue hire, etc. Mark with an ‘X’.
  1. What is the estimated percentage of your total fundraising proceeds that will be spent on conducting or administering activities and what percentage will go to beneficiaries?
These two amounts must equal the total amount fundraised.
Percentage to go to beneficiaries
Percentage to be spent on fundraising administration
Provide details of the anticipated fundraising expenditure to help you conduct or administer your fundraising activities
What is the estimated amount you expect to raise over the next 12 months?

Appeal managers and associates

  1. Who are the fundraising appeal managers?
An appeal manager is any person or corporation who has managerial or financial responsibility for any fundraising funds. All appeal managers must complete a Criminal record and personal insolvency declaration listed in theDocuments required as part of this application section.
If more than 3 individual person appeal managers, attach a separate sheet.
Name of person 1
Position in organisation
Name of person 2
Position in organisation
Name of person 3
Position in organisation
If more than 2corporation appeal managers, attach a separate sheet.
Name of corporation 1
Name of corporation 2
  1. Besides the appeal managers already listed above, is there any other person who is concerned in the management of your organisation?
This includes all company directors, CEOs and all committee members of an incorporated association or unincorporated body; such as president, treasurer, secretary etc. These people are associates. All associates must complete a “Criminal record and personal insolvency declaration”,listed in theDocuments required as part of this application section.
Go to question 21.
Provide the details below. If more than 3 associates, attach a separate sheet
Name of person 1
Position in organisation
Name of person 2
Position in organisation
Name of person 3
Position in organisation

Working with other fundraisers

  1. Will you be:
  • using the services of any other fundraiser to help you conduct or administer fundraising activities?; or
  • working on behalf of any other fundraiser to help them conduct or administer fundraising activities?
Mark with an ‘X’.
Go to Declaration and signature
Provide the details below. If more than 2 other fundraisers, attach a separate sheet
Fundraiser 1
Registration number
If registered.
Full address
Include postcode.
Fundraiser 2
Registration number
If registered.
Full address
Include postcode. 1 of 14

Relationship to you as the fundraiser
Specify all that apply. Mark with an ‘X’.
You are using their services
You are working on their behalf

Declaration and signature (applicant to complete)

  • I declare that to the best of my knowledge the contents of this application and any attachments are true and correct
  • I acknowledge that it is an offence under section 62 of the Fundraising Act 1998 to make a false or misleading statement in relation to an application for fundraiser registration
  • I declare that if making this application for a fundraiser renewal, I am authorised to do so
  • I acknowledge that Consumer Affairs Victoria will accept this communication as containing my signature for the purposes of the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000
  • I acknowledge that by lodging this form I consent to give and receive information in respect of this application/notification etc. by electronic means.

Type name if lodging online or sign if lodging by post.

Documents required as part of this application

Place an ‘X’ in the fields once you have attached the forms.
Forms are available from the Fundraisers section of the Consumer Affairs Victoria website (
All fundraisers must attach:
A completed and signed Criminal record and personal insolvency declaration for individual applicants, all directors of a company applicant, all persons nominated as appeal managers in question 19 and all persons nominated as associates in question 20. This is required at both application and renewal
A letter of consent from each new beneficiary other than you. If there is a reason you cannot provide a consent from your beneficiary, you must attach a letter that explains why. If you are renewing your registration and have already provided consent from your beneficiary, you do not need to provide it again
If you will be raising funds in order to send them overseas you will need to include a letter of verification from each of the beneficiaries. There also needs to be verification from the local government, embassy, consulate or a recognised aid provider in the area (e.g. Red Cross) confirming that each beneficiary exists. This can include a certificate of registration from the appropriate overseas authority(if applicable)
For urgent applications, you must attach a letter detailing your special circumstances for urgent approval. This should include the reason you are asking for the urgent application, as well as the specific date by which you are requesting the urgent application (if applicable)
Telemarketing scripts (if applicable)
If you are a commercial fundraiser, you must attach:
Copy of agreement with nominated beneficiary
If you are conducting face to face fundraising, provide a copy of the pledge form
If you are conducting telemarketing, face to face, or merchandising sales, please provide a copy of the scripts
If you are a company limited by guarantee applying for a fundraiser, you must attach:
A copy of your company constitution
If you are an incorporated association incorporated outside of Victoria, you must attach:
A completed and signed Responsible Person Consent form.
Forms are available from the Fundraisers section of the Consumer Affairs Victoria website (
A copy of your association’s statement of purposes
A list of your key committee members, complete with contact numbers and addresses 1 of 14

If you are an unincorporated body, you must attach:
A copy of your association’s statement of purposes
A list of your members complete with contact numbers and addresses
If you are applying for fundraising registration as a trustee for a trust fund, you must attach:
A copy of your company constitution
A copy of the trust deed

How to lodge



Consumer Affairs Victoria
GPO Box 4567
Melbourne VIC 3001


Telephone: 1300 13 54 52
NRS: 133 677
ABN: 32 790 228 959
Web: 1 of 14