W.A.R.C. REGULAR MEETING – March 08, 2017

The Meeting was brought to order at 7:01 p.m. with President Kevin (VE1 KEV) in the chair. Twenty-one members and guests were present. Introductions were made around the table.

Regrets: Mike (VE1 XDT)

Minutes From the Last Meeting:

The minutes from the February 2017 regular meeting were posted on the WARC website and distributed in the Newsletter. It was moved/seconded by Ron (VE1 BIC)/Jim (VE1 JBL) that the minutes be approved, with one small correction: Under “Unfinished Business”, it should have said: “ the donation made by Bob (VE1 EDP) was actually his paying for the callsign VE1XPR.”.

Bob is the Trustee of the new DMR repeater. Motion carried.

Business Arising From the Minutes:

Nothing to report.

New Business:

Jim (VE1 JBL) reminded members that we had talked awhile back about using PayPal for on-line donations and payment of dues. He noted that PayPal retails 2.9% of the transaction amount, plus charges 30 cents per transaction. Jim suggested using e-Transfer. He also suggested streamlining the current dues structure, saying that the

family membership is too complicated, especially if there is more than one family member and also if they are RAC members or not. It would also be very expensive for more than one family member. He would like to see a family membership no matter how many in the family adding ten dollars to each membership RAC member or non-RAC member.

Example: RAC family $25.00 ( 15+10 ) Non-RAC family $35.00 ( 25+10 )

There was also a question raised about what the RAC Insurance would cover at Club events, such as Field Day location or any activity to do with amateur radio. Would family members of a registered RAC club member be covered for these events, and if so, what are they covered for?

Treasurer's Report:

Jim (VE1 JBL) presented the Treasurer’s Report.

It was moved/seconded by Jim (VE1 JBL)/Peter (VE1 SM) that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Motion carried.


Nothing to report.

Field Day:

Jon VE1 JSG said we should think about teaming up with another club this year, and have a Field Day as it is Canada’s 150th Birthday.

Jim (VE1 AFH) suggested we involve the Fire Departments.

Jerry (VE1 KW) noted that the last “real” Field Day was at Beech Hill.


Jerry (VE1 KW) said that when it came to education, he felt he had “out-lived his usefulness” and was finding it hard to keep up with the new technology. He suggested the Executive find someone else to take over Education, or just have an item on the agenda for technical and operating information. He also noted that in April, he would be reaching the milestone of having been a licensed Amateur Radio Operator for 60 years.


Ron (VE1 BIC) reported that he had mentioned the re-scheduling of the March 1st meeting on CFTA.

Public Service:

Nothing to report


Peter (VE1 SM) reported no problems, but noted there had been a mix-up in dates for the last Brunch. It was correct in the Minutes.

Web page:

Jim (VE1 JBL) showed an example of the proposed dues form, using e-Transfer. He wondered if he should remove the PayPal link. Jim was also still having problems with using email blast, so now everything is done with Gmail.


Mike (VE1 MWJ) reported they are working to install a radio at the Parrsboro Fire Department, and for the new Amherst Police Station.

He gave an update on the upcoming emergency exercise in April called “Operation Staunch Maple” and that there was no need for Amateur Radio Operators to participate. However, he said we could set up a tabletop exercise to simulate evacuations form the Halifax area. Dealing with shelters, comfort stations, buses etc could strongly involve the Amateur community. Mike also noted that since Halifax was the main center for communications, we may be able to help with that.

Jim (VE1 AFH) said we could monitor the Nets during the exercise, and log all stations heard. He said this could be submitted to the Province as a good indication of what our capabilities are, and show that Amateurs are doing something worthwhile.

Mike (VE1 MWJ) said he would like to se us “fill in the gaps” in communications. He said that since the scenario of “Operation Staunch Maple” is that all communications are down, including TMR, we could set up communication within Cumberland County.


Jim (VE1 AFH) said he had participated in the “Worked All Counties” contest on HF on behalf of Cumberland County.

President’s Report:

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Brad (VE1 ZX) reported that he and Lorne (VE1 BXK) had been to the Salem repeater and had restored the UHF link to Sand River. The problem was the link radio and not the antenna. Sand River is still linked to Parrsboro and South Brook. The new DMR repeater in Springhill is up and running, but they have noticed a few dropouts.

Dana (VE1 VOX) noted that it is sometimes hard to wake up the repeater.

Lorne said they will have to do a site check. He said the duplexer is fine, so it is probably the router or some site noise.

Brad (VE1 ZX) suggested comparing the Springhill Hospital repeater to the DMR repeater.

Unfinished Business:

Dana (VE1 VOX) said he had run into a snag in getting a license to sell tickets to raise money for the DMR repeater. He was planning to sell tickets at the three upcoming fleamarkets and at the Symposium. However, the license from the Lottery Commission is only good for the “local geographical area” which means Cumberland, and possibly Colchester County. Selling tickets in outside areas is not allowed. He also had a price on the radio for the raffle.

It was moved/seconded by Brad (VE1 ZX)/Mike (VE1 MWJ) that Dana purchase the DMR radio to be raffled off this spring.

New Business:

Jerry (VE1 KW) brought in a Yaesu FT101 HF transceiver to be used by any club members wanting to get on HF. It is a tube rig, and has been bench tested. It comes with a mike, key and dummy load. Jim (VE1 AFH) has an antenna tuner he could lend, and Al (VE1 ZS) has a homebrew G5RV antenna.

Ron (VE1 BIC) suggested the Club should decide about the meeting dates for the rest of the year. Mike (VE1 MWJ) confirmed that the County Council would be holding their meetings in the building in the evenings, the first and third Wednesdays of each month, which conflicts with the WARC meeting on the first Wednesday of the month. He suggested we hold our meetings on the second Wednesday until further notice. Mike said the Council may decide in the future to go back to afternoon sessions.

Hints & Kinks:

Nothing to report.

Sick and Visiting:

The Club noted the passing of Bill Wheaton Jr at age 65. Bill was the son of Bill Sr. (VE1 CFK) and silent key Irene (VE1 CF).

Jerry (VE1 KW) reported Bill (VE9 UH) was still living at the Drew in Sackville.


The March Brunch will be a Patterson’s in Sackville on the 18th, and in April at the Parkview in Oxford on the 22nd. The May Brunch will be held in Parrsboro at the Harbourview on the 13th.

The 50-50 ($21.00) was won by Ron (VE1 BIC) who donated it to the Digital Repeater fund.

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, April 12th 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Municipality of Cumberland Building in Upper Nappan.

Adjournment: 8:45 pm. Ron Bickle (VE1 BIC) Secretary

Following the meeting, Club members met with visitor James ( DS5NKO) who is originally from South Korea and is now living in Sackville. He is planning to get back on the air, but needs to be certified in Canada.