Anderson-Oconee Behavioral Health Services

Outcome Evaluation Management Report

3rd Quarter of FY-2015

January – February – March

Client Satisfaction Survey

Upon discharge from any of our agency programs, the client is asked to complete the Client Satisfaction Survey. The rating scale is 1 to 5: 1 is strongly disagreeing and 5 is strongly agreeing. This survey measures 12 areas.

Total Surveys turned in for this quarter 36, Oconee clients turned in 11 surveys and Anderson clients turned in 15 surveys. All areas were averaged together in each database to find the total satisfaction in each area surveyed. Fifteen (15) or 35% of completed surveys had comments. Please see below for a synopsis of these comments.

2014 -2015 Survey Averages

2014 / 1ST QTR
2015 / 2nd QTR
2015 / 3rd
2015 / Avg
Receptionist / 4.72 / 4.80 / 4.72 / 4.61 / 4.71
Appointment Time / 4.69 / 4.78 / 4.72 / 4.58 / 4.69
Seen Quickly / 4.48 / 4.73 / 4.47 / 4.53 / 4.63
Intake Counselor Courteous/Professional / 4.73 / 4.82 / 4.77 / 4.69 / 4.76
Comfort of the Building / 4.53 / 4.54 / 4.65 / 4.64 / 4.61
Pleased with Treatment Goals / 4.70 / 4.73 / 4.74 / 4.72 / 4.73
Services Helped Client Meet Treatment Goals / 4.75 / 4.82 / 4.70 / 4.83 / 4.78
Information and Skills Learned will Help in Future / 4.77 / 4.82 / 4.84 / 4.81 / 4.82
Group Leader Helpful and Professional / 4.81 / 4.88 / 4.86 / 4.86 / 4.87
Use Less Alcohol/Drugs at Discharge / 4.73 / 4.61 / 4.67 / 4.69 / 4.65
Know More About Problems Caused by AOD at Discharge / 4.78 / 4.75 / 4.91 / 4.83 / 4.83
OVERALL Satisfaction of Services Received / 4.75 / 4.77 / 4.88 / 4.86 / 4.83

Below is a verbatim report of the comments from the client satisfaction surveys. Staff were mentioned by name Six (6 ) times

Client Satisfaction Survey- Intensive Family Services

One (1) Satisfaction Surveys were completed by IFS families this quarter. Below are the results of the survey.

Questions Asked / TOTAL SCORE
Counselor Courteous and Helpful / 5
I was involved in the development of my child’s treatment goals / 5
My relationship with my child(ren) has improved since coming to IFS / 5
Parent-Child bonding time was useful in helping me learn to spend quality time with my children / 5
Parent education was helped me learn new skills / 5
I know more about how my (wife, husband, son)addiction has affected my children / 5
The services met my child’s therapeutic needs / 5
I am satisfied with the quality and amount of help my child and I received / 5
I would recommend IFS to others / 5
OVERALL I am satisfied with the services I received from IFS / 5

Survey is rated on a scale of

5 = Strongly Agree4 = Agree3 = Neutral2 = Disagree1 = Strongly Disagree

Liked BEST About IFS / Most Helpful PARENTING Topics / How could IFS IMPROVE
“Topics were specific for our needs”
“Concern was genuine” / “healthy boundaries”
“Being Assertive”
“Learning to communicate in a healthier way” / None, the program is great

Client Satisfaction Survey- Targeted

Outcome Evaluation Committee is conducting targeted surveys for each group. Each group leader and their supervisors are being asked to submit a questions for questionnaires for a specific group.

In the month of February ADSAP-PRI was the focused survey. Below is the following results. Comments to each of the questions are verbatim.Total number of surveys from both offices Sixteen (16). Ten (10) from Anderson office; Six (6) from Oconee office. Four (4) surveys were from Melissa Dunn’s group, Six (6) surveys were from Rita Macon’s group and Six (6) from Sara Smith group.

Below is a verbatim report of the comments from the client satisfaction survey.

Questions Asked / Anderson
Office / Oconee
Office / Average
The receptionist is friendly and helpful when I report in for my group / 4.2 / 5.0 / 4.50
I feel that my group leader is knowledgably about the information they are presenting / 4.4 / 5.0 / 4.63
My group leader is courteous and professional / 4.7 / 5.0 / 4.81
My group leader listens and answers any questions I have / 4.4 / 5.0 / 4.63
I have increased my knowledge about the problems caused by alcohol and drugs since attending this group / 4.6 / 5.0 / 4.75
I feel that the information received will assist me in lowering my risk of any additional charges that brought me into services / 4.2 / 5.0 / 4.50
What can your clinician do to enhance your exercises at AOBHS?
  • Stay updated with laws
  • Nothing I had a good positive experience in class
  • Good services
  • Nothing
  • Melissa has been professional, knowledgeable and first rate throughout
  • Nothing
  • I am satisfied with the services I have received.
  • Shorter class times/ do more work at home. Make courses hybrid.
  • Keep doing what they are doing!
  • Nothing. Just need to finish ADSAP successfully
  • Not mush it been prity spot on

The services at this agency can be improved by:
  • Adding a smokers class; how to stop smoking
  • More class times
  • Better communication about weather cancelations on website
  • Nothing. Services was very good
  • Notification of closing, class schedule
  • Notification of closing etc. was woeful at best. More specifics should be provided to clients. Time etc.
  • It’s good
  • Can’t really think of any improvement: Cups to drink water instead of buying drinks.
  • More interesting presentation of material
  • Everything is okay!
  • No suggestions
  • n/a I couldent see any problems

Any additional comments or suggestions are appreciated
  • Notification of closing should be better
  • None
  • Thank you for your help and the knowledge I obtained to be more responsible
  • See above
  • Good helpful information.
  • I am glad this opportunity exists in our community to help
  • Nope

I could benefit from additional services at this agency in the area of…
  • Hopefully after these classes I will have my life back on track. To make low-risk choices.
  • None. Overall this class will help me get better in all areas of my life
  • None.
  • Nothing

Survey is rated on a scale of

5 = Strongly Agree4 = Agree3 = Neutral2 = Disagree1 = Strongly Disagree

Client Satisfaction Survey- Targeted (continued)

Review regarding Targeted Satisfaction Survey for PRI

Prepared Survey:
Asked for input on content of PRI survey staff and management of those who provide the services / M. Dunn, J. Houston, T. Cain, R. Macon, S. Smith, S. McKinney, K. Padgett, D. Rosino
Effectiveness of Survey? / Survey appeared to be clear as evident by the responses of the clients. Most elaborated on the open-ended questions.
Efficiency of Services? / Comments concerning length of time in service and cost. For this level of service the client requirements are mandated by ADSAP. As well as, the content. Ratings indicated that the staff was knowledgeable about the information presented.
Any Extenuation/Influencing factors? / None noted
Identify areas needing improvement? / Notification to clients of inclemently weather. NOTE: This survey was conducted after agency had been closed for wintery weather.
Action Plan for improvements noted: / Suggestions from the committee:
  1. During the winter months inform clients the following:
  1. Client to call the agency before attending group to assure that the agency has not closed.
  2. Notify client’s that all closings are located on local TV channel
  3. Informed client that if the road conditions are unsafe to use their judgement regarding driving and notify clinical staff of the reason for missing.

Outline of Actions Taken or changes made: / Informed Executive Director of results of survey
Will notify staff through e-mail to do the above recommended procedures.

In the month of March Customer Satisfaction Surveys were sent out to twenty-six (28) referring agencies. Below is the following results noted in GREEN. Comments to each of the questions are verbatim. Five (7) or 25% of the consumers responded to the survey.

1 / When was the last time you made a referral to Anderson-Oconee Behavioral Health Services (AOBHS)?
(please check one)
  1. ______Previous Month
/ 72% of customers has sent client with-in the past 30 days
  1. ______Previous 3 Months
/ 14%of customers has sent client with-in past 3 months
  1. ______Previous 6 Months

  1. ______Previous Year

  1. ______Longer than a Year
/ 14%of customers has sent client longer than 1 year
  1. ______Never

Poor / Fair / Satisfactory / Good / Excellent / N/A
2 / Timeliness in scheduling an appointment / 14% / 14% / 58% / 14%
3 / Timeliness in providing information concerning your referral’s status / 14% / 14% / 43% / 29%
4 / How do you rate the quality of care your referral received while at AOBHS? / 14% / 57% / 29%
5 / Ability to contact the referral’s Primary therapist? / 14% / 14% / 43% / 29%
6 / Please rate how your overall experience has been with AOBHS regarding our communication with your referral/agency / 14% / 14% / 58% / 14%
7 / Suggestions for improving our services or additional comments: Verbatim from surveys
  • For our purposes at Adult Ed we refer students to your services based on their own inquiry. We give them information and instructions on how to contact you, but we do not have a follow-up method to see whether or not they did.
  • Our experience in the past has been positive in terms of quality of treatment services. The only comment would be how you give med services others in the community who do not have insurance or the resources to pay.
  • Maybe you could occasionally send out information about all of your services.

8 / Suggestions for additional services provide at our agency:
  • None
  • Mostly we make informal referrals; but long history with BHS. Good job in all you do.

Client Satisfaction Survey- Targeted (continued)

Review regarding Targeted Satisfaction Survey for Referring Agency

Agencies that participated in the survey are as follows:

  • AnMed Health- Access Center
  • Oconee DSS
  • Anderson SCDPPPS
  • Shalom House Ministries
  • Anderson Adult Education
  • Family Counseling Center
  • SC Vocational Rehabilitation Department

Prepared Survey:
Asked for input on content of PRI survey staff and management of those who provide the services / Outcome Evaluation Committee
Effectiveness of Survey? / Survey appeared to be clear as evident by the responses of the clients
Efficiency of Services? / Survey gave a 19% response rate. Feedback was constructive
Any Extenuation/Influencing factors? / None noted
Identify areas needing improvement? / Communication to referring agencies regarding services provided and payer sources available.
Action Plan for improvements noted: / Suggestions from the committee:
  • Mail out the brochure/letter to all agencies that participated in services and/or a letter explaining how clients can pay for services.

Outline of Actions Taken or changes made: / Informed Executive Director of results of survey
Discussion of sending out brochure/letter at the next Outcome Evaluation Committee Meeting
  • Client satisfaction surveys are being conducted for Adult IOP (April) all adolescent services (May) and all adult Level I services except OBI (June).

Contract Objective Update

Due to the conversion to a new system CareLogic and/or DAODAS has been unable to generate a report for our Contract Objectives.

Phone Survey

Our phone survey were conducted on6clients. Survey consisted of twelve (12) basic questions surrounding the first 70-110 days after last service. In the past a comprehensive report was given by DAODAS to AOBHS. However due to the recent software changes we have not received the report. At this time, we are unable to generate similar report.

The phone surveys are compiled from a report generated from CareLogic (Discharged by AOBHS between a specific dates). Due to the challenges in obtaining the required information the OEMR will report starting in 4th Quarter FY 15 information that will include, but not limited to, the number of discharges on the report and the results of the ability of the committee to obtain the information required.

Statistic below were compiled manually and reported only on the outcome survey. Results of each question are below:

Enrolled Full Time in School / 0.00%
Suspended/Expelled from School in Last 30 Days / 0.00%
Employment in Last 30 Days / Layoff most to 30 days / 0.00%
Unemployed actively looking / 16.67%
Not in Labor Force / 33.33%
Employed Full-Time / 50.00%
Employed Part-Time / 0.00%
Past 30 days Living arrangement / Living Independently / 100.00%
Living w/ Parents/Guardian / 0.00%
Group Home / 0.00%
Other Residential Treatment / 0.00%
Unknown / 0.00%
Number of times arrested during last 30 days / 0.00%
Number of nights spend in Correctional Facility/Jail last 30 days / 0.00%
Past 30 days use of Alcohol / No Use / 100.00%
3 Day of Use / 0.00%
4 Days of Use / 0.00 %
10 Days of Use / 0.00 %
Past 30 days use of Alcohol to Intoxication / Not to intoxication or no Use / 100%
Past 30 days use of Tobacco / No Tobacco Use / 0.00%
Used Daily / 0.00%
Use 15 days out of 30 days / 0.00%
Use 25 days out of 30 days / 0.00%
Past 30 days use of Illegal drugs or misuse of RX or OTC drugs / 0.0%
Past 30 days Injection Drug use / 0.0%
Past 30 days use of outpatient care for physical health care / Did not use Health Care / 100.00%
Used OP Health Care - One (1) time last 30 days / 0.00%
Past 30 days use of emergency room care for physical health care / Did not use ER services / 100%
Past 30 days use of inpatient care for physical health care / 0.0%
Past 30 days use of outpatient car of mental health use / 0.0%
Past 30 days use of emergency room care for mental health care / 0.0%
Past 30 days use of inpatient care for mental health care / 0.0%
Past 30 day use of outpatient care for substance use related health care / Did not Use / 100%
Past 30 day use of emergency room care for substance use related health care / 0.0%
Past 30 days use of inpatient care for substance use related health care / 0.0%
Client’s opinion of their overall health / Excellent / 33.33%
Very Good / 16.67%
Good / 33.33%
Fair / 16.67
Stress due to AOD use / 0.0%
Emotional problems due to AOD use / 0.0%
Reduced activities due to AOD use / 0.0%
Aftercare/self Help participation during last 30 days / Did not Participate / 100%
How satisfied were you with our services? / Very Satisfied / 50.00%
Satisfied / 33.33%
Did not answer / 16.67
Would you recommend our services to others? / Yes would recommend / 66.67%
Follow up comments
  • The counselor was nice. Rachel was fine. Everything was just perfect

Excerpts from the recentDAODAS Accountability Report FY 14

Full report is available through DAODAS website at – FY14 DAODAS Accountably Report

DAODAS Strategic Direction

Capitalizing on more than 55 years of success in ensuring access to substance abuse services for the citizens of South Carolina, and continuing through FY14, the department’s director continued to provide the necessary leadership to re-vision the strategic direction of the agency, as well as the direction of substance abuse field, which includes the improvement of the effectiveness of the public and private provider system striving for long-term client outcomes and recovery. System-wide, the goal for 1415 is to continue implementing a coordinated system of care, to implement research-and science-based protocols that increase chances for recovery, and to refine the federal and state block grant process to rationalize funding decisions, to enhance performance of providers, and ultimately to achieve improved health outcomes for clients. With an emphasis on prevention, access, capacity, treatment quality and recovery, the department has place at the forefront the issues of maintain legacy programs of success, healthcare integration, and administrative compliance and transparency.

DAODAS Key Strategic Goals: “Clients in treatment will achieve sustainable recovery.”

DAODAS Prioritized 1415 Strategic Goals

1)Increase the capacity of service providers to serve South Carolinians in need of substance abuse prevention, intervention and treatment services thereby impacting access disparities, enhancing individual, family and community outcomes, and increasing coordination efforts.

2)Implement Recovery Systems of Care.

3)Implement system integration with primary healthcare and behavioral healthcare systems.

DAODAS is mission-focuses as it works to maintain existing services while partnering to develop new strategies for providing services, including an emphasis on management, accountability, and performance. DAODAS focuses on efficiency and effectiveness.

Governor’s Dashboard Measures(no new measures have been released for FY-15)

1)Increase Client Admissions

2)Increase admissions of pregnant clients entering services

3)Increase admission of co-occurring clients (clients with both mental health and substance use disorder)

4)Increase the count of alcohol compliance checks (preventing alcohol sales to minors)


3rd Quarter FY-15

January, February, March, 1415


6 Employee Health file was initiated for intern and/or prospective employees.

7 clients were tested for HIV all results negative.

2 clients were tested for TB.

In-House Staff Development Update:

  • 1/12/15 –31 attended Trauma Informed Care by Lori Beyer


Formal DHHS for this quarter audit was due by 4/30/15 our agency’s was completed and sent 3/30/15 the report is below for your review.

  • Strengths:
  • The majority of staff continues to do an above average diagnostic assessment.
  • Session notes are timelier for most of the clinicians.
  • I continue to observe some of the clinicians making more personalized and meaningful session notes.
  • Our treatment team continues to be a strength as new clinicians seek and receive guidance for level of care placement, diagnosing as well as understanding AOD treatment modalities.
  • Problems-
  • This audit noted three (3) files where the LPHA had not ordered services
  • These issues were discussed with assessing clinicians as well as their supervisors.

•Note: This has been more challenging in CareLogic as the clinician must forward the assessment to the LPHA for signature. When it was in hard copy the assessments were signed usually during the treatment team.

  • Noted mention of medical issues listed throughout the assessment then not mentioned in Axis 3 diagnosis.
  • Noted one (1) file where the Master Problem list was not comprehensive.
  • But, had several where the problems were written in the form of objectives.
  • Noted that the agency is still having issues with an SPD note not written for each treatment plan update completed
  • Seven (7) files with this issue found during this quarter.

Corrective Actions taken/recommended

I suggest that the supervisors focus training for the staff on the following:

  • The Master Problem list is addressing problems not needs
  • SPD notes for every update/revision of the clients treatment plan
  • More closely supervise the non-licensed staff to insure the services for each Medicaid recipient is ordered by an LPHA prior to the beginning of services.
  • We had several random errors noted, clinicians reminded to watch the details in documentation

The errors found in this quarters audit were brought to the attention of responsible clinicians.

All that could be corrected were.

Based on the above report and my audit observations I informed supervisors of the following findings, to aide in planning training and supervision of staff: