SAP e-Forms Sign-Up Pack
Saving Money for your School
Section 1Introduction
Section 2 Technical requirements
Section 3 Frequently asked questions
Section 4Security guidance
Section 5 Do you want to sign-up
Appendix 1SAPe-Forms schools sign-up- form
Background to SAP e-forms
In April2010 the Business Service Centre (BSC) undertook a survey of our schools customers to hear views on the services the BSC provides and asking for feedback concerning possible service improvements. The feedback we received included a suggestion to extend the range of electronic forms offered to schools.
71% of schools said that an extended range of electronic forms that can be completed online is important or very important. This lead the BSC to develop and implement a range of SAP e-Forms
What are SAP e-Forms?
e-Forms are electronic forms available through the SAP system. They replace our existing paperforms and, in time, will replacethe Excel spreadsheets currently available to schools via Formslink.
What are the benefits of using e-Forms?
Saving money for your school – sign-up for 2 or 3 years and you will save 3% or 5% of the cost of your pay and conditions service - financial savings are always of importance but particularly in the current climate. The introduction of e-Forms will give you efficiency savingsfor schools using the full range of e-Forms. With no postage costs, sorting cost, time spent looking for “missing” information even more savings will be made.
Easy to use–e-Forms were designed and piloted by schools with schools in mind.
Longer input period - the introduction of SAP e-forms will allow schools on average an extra week each month to submit their input.
Quicker with improved quality - your data will be entered into SAP on the same day that you input it. In addition,tools such as drop down menu’s which are built into each form mean there is less room for error and requirements are clearer.
Provide you with up to date staff information - each e-Form shows up to date staff information. Employee staff numbers are readily available and each form provides further form specific information, for example, open absences.
You are in control – whilst a level of visibility was introduced through Formslink, SAP e-Forms take this to the next level. School can track forms right from form creation through to the date and time that SAP is updated. Submitted forms can be accessed from the history section of each user’s mailbox.
Forms available
- Absence
- Claims
- Expenses
- Contract change
- Starter
And coming soon
- Leaver
- Personal details
- Statement of particulars
- Absence form enhancement for supply mutual reimbursements
2.Technical requirements
In order for you to use SAP e-Forms the following technical standards must be met:
PC Specifications
Basic PC requirements are:
- Internet Explorer Version 6.0 and above
- Adobe Reader Version 8.1.3 or above (except 10.0).
If you have a version that is earlier than 8.1.3 or if you have version 10.0 you will need to upgrade to 10.1.
- If you are using Internet Explorer 8+, you must use Adobe 9.1 and above.
Full details on how to check your Adobe and Internet Explorer versions will be provided with your new log-on details.
Your password will need to include at least one upper case letter and one number.
You should keep this password confidential and not divulge to any other person.
Further advice and good practice on passwords can be found at the back of this document.
- BSC administrator – your normal pay and conditions contact is available to provide advice and support on the completion of forms. In addition, visits can be arranged – either you can visit the BSC or we can visit you.
- e-Forms Guidance on the BSS site – provides you with information, guidance and training materials.
3.Frequently Asked Questions
Is there any charge to use E-Forms?
No, using the system and all associated training and support is free of charge. In fact, we will be giving schools who sign up for a period of two years or more a reduction for using e-Forms!
What will happen to the existing Formslink system?
Formslink will be phased out when all the planned e-Forms are live.
What happens if our approver leaves/is off on Long Term Sick?
We can reallocate the approver license to a nominated person within the school. We would need the Chair of Governors to nominate this person in the head teacher’s absence.
There is more than 1 person who does input at our school. Can we still do this?
Additional licenses are available on request but you will need to pay for the initial purchase and ongoing maintenance of your extra license.
4.Security Guidance
Your password, why you have it, how to create it, protect it, and more...
You wouldn't tell your neighbour your pin number, so why would you share your work passwords? Sharing your pin number could have financial implications, sharing your password could be just as costly in other ways.
Often the sensitive and/or confidential information we work with is protected only by a username and password, use of your username and password confirms that you accessed, created, amended or deleted data. Therefore it is essential that you choose a good, strong password and ensure that it is known only to you.
Why worry about passwords?
A significant number of computer break-ins are due to the use of poor passwords which are then exploited to gain access to personal and/or sensitive data or potentially compromise an entire system's security. If you work with sensitive and/or confidential information then you need to protect that information with a strong password.
What is a poor password?
A poor password is one that can be easily guessed, or can be cracked using software easily available on the Internet. Do not use any of the following in your password:
- Your name, the name of your spouse, child, pet, boss etc. Do not use names in any form.
- Your username.
- Anything that can easily be found out about you e.g. your house name, street, city, your birthday, license plate number, your social security number, phone number, favourite pop star, movie, song etc.
- Family member’s birthdays.
- A password composed of all digits or all letters.
- A word with a single digit on the end e.g. summer1.
- Key patterns such as 'qwerty'.
What is a good password?
- At least 8 characters long.
- Have both upper and lower case letters.
- Have both alpha and numeric characters.
- Have digits and punctuation (e.g. @ : } { ) ( " ! ?).
- Do not appear systematic e.g. abc, or 123.
- Are easy to remember so that they don't need to be written down.
How do I choose a good password?
- Use a sentence like 'I love shopping, especially for Christmas presents' and turn this into a password such as - Ils,e4Cp - using the first letter of each word, substituting numbers for words where possible (e.g. 4 instead of for). This looks like gobbledegook which is good because it is hard to crack.
- You could do something simple like picking 2 words, splitting them into non dictionary words and adding a number and other characters in the middle, e.g. summer evening becomes Sum99*ng (note at least 1 letter is capitalised).
- Substitute numbers for letters - some numbers look like a letter e.g. number 5 looks like the letter S, number 2 looks like the letter Z, number 1 looks like the letter L, number 3 looks like the letter E.
- Substitute special characters - e.g. use the $ to replace S, use ! to replace l. Combine this with using the first letters of words that make up a movie such as 'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Episode 5' - this becomes $Wte$be5, or also include some number for letter substitution and this becomes $Wt3$b35.
- Use compound words and spice them up with numbers or special characters, or create your own spelling of one or both words e.g.
- Tunafish becomes toona&Fish2
- Rocketship becomes rokiT7shiP
- Doghouse becomes DAWG~howz8
Good password practice - Key Messages
- Never share your password with someone else. No exceptions, system administrators do not need your password. Your username and password provides you (and theoretically ONLY you) with access to the information you need to fulfil your role, while denying access to anyone who isn't authorised. The only thing that maintains this is the diligent protection of your password which is why you need to protect your passwords and make them strong. Remember all activity done with your username and password will be attributed to you.
- Never use dictionary words. Attackers use programs that try all dictionary words (including a dictionary of any language).
- Use easy to remember passwords, so that they don't need to be written down.
- Change your password regularly.
5.Do you want to sign up? Here’s what you do
Bearing in mind how busy we know you all are, we have made the process to sign up as quick and easy as possible.
To sign up, just complete the overleaf form.
Upon receipt we will:
- Email confirmation of receipt of your sign up pack and rollout timeline
- Amend your school structure so the approver sits in the correct position to approve all data
- Set up your log in’s and email to you
- Keep you updated on all new forms as they become ready and support you in using these
What are you waiting for, complete the form overleaf to sign up and start saving money for your school.
Appendix 1
SAP E-Forms for schools sign-up form
If you would like to sign up for SAP e-Forms for schools, please complete the following details and return to your BSC Administrator, BSC, 4th Floor, Block 4, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester GL1 2TG.
We will then contact you with your log-on details and to discuss any training requirements specified on this form.
Section 1: About youYour Name:
Your Position:
Your Email Address:
Your telephone number:
School Name:
School Headteacher:
School cost centre:
Section 2: Using the system
Your School data inputter: (Name)
The school data inputter will be the person who inputs school data onto the forms. They will be supplied with a log on and will be able to input data for all staff within your school.
Your school approver : (Name)
Approver email address :
The school approver will be the person who approves forms. In the case of an individual approving their own record, an email will be generated to the Chair of Governors. Further details about this process are included below.
Section 3: Sign up option
There is no charge to use e-Forms, in fact you will get a special discount for using P&C traded services e-forms. The discounts are only available for a limited period so we encourage you to sign up now. Remember this will also mean that you can start to use and get the benefits from e-forms immediately and will receive all e-forms as they become available in the next few months. Discounts are only offered on the basis that you will use e-forms for all your staffing returns, no paper submissions will be accepted.
Unsure about using e-Forms? We also offer a free trial option with no commitment. Once you are comfortable using e-Forms you can sign up to take advantage of the discounts offered.
Please indicate below which option you prefer.
I would like to sign up for 2 years and receive 3% discount on my traded services fee.
I would like to sign up for 3 years and receive 5% discount on my traded services fee.
I would like to trial e-Forms for free with no commitment and no discount.
Section 4: License Requirements
For completion by the individual named above as responsible for data input:
Applicant declaration:
I / hereby declare that the SAP user logon given to me to access
the system will be used by me only and the password will be kept confidential and not divulged to any other person. I shall use this authority/facility given to me to access the computer system with care, and to do only those tasks as required for the School’s official work that has been assigned to me. I shall also ensure the School’s information/data is not divulged without the prior permission of my Head teacher. I am aware that if any non-compliance to the above declaration is found, action may be taken against me.
Date: Applicant signature:
For completion by the individual named above as responsible for approving e-forms:
Approver declaration:
I / hereby declare that the SAP user logon given to me to access
the system will be used by me only and the password will be kept confidential and not divulged to any other person. I shall use this authority/facility given to me to access the computer system with care, and to do only those tasks as required for the School’s official work that has been assigned to me. I shall also ensure the School’s information/data is not divulged without the prior permission of my manager. I am aware that if any non-compliance to the above declaration is found, action may be taken against me.
Date: Applicant signature:
Section 5: Chair of Governor Information and Approval
For completion by the Chair of Governors:
I authorise the named approver above as a SAP e-forms user. I am aware that in the case of a record being entered for the form approver with payment implications, an email will be generated to my school email address. It is my responsibility to contact my Pay and Conditions administrator within 5 days of the email date if the payment has been made erroneously so that it can be stopped.
Signed: Name:
Date :
Please also provide a valid e-mail address: