COS Date Change-Standard Operations Procedure (SOP)
The scheduled COS date that a Volunteer is given at the start of service is the date that Living Allowance and Readjustment Allowance payments, work permit expiration dates, and other admin issues are tied to. A date change affects many units of the office so communication is important.
A Volunteer can change their COS date, but must go through the following procedures. It is the PCV’s responsibility to get the proper signatures; the VSS may assist if necessary.
1.A flipchart will be available with open COS dates ranging from a month before to a month after the class’ scheduled COS date. PCVs sign up for an open day (there may be a limit of PCVs/day). (Extendees do not sign up,they only give their form to the VSS.)
2.A PCV completes the COS Date Change form. All PCVs must submit a form.
3.The PCV takes the form to their APCD.
4.The APCD signs in approval and the PCV takes the form to the CD for approval.
5.The CD signs in approval and the PCV takes the form to the DPT.
6.The DPT signs, clearing the request, and the PCV takes the form to a PCMO (Medical Unit representative).
7.The PCMO signs, clearing the request, and the PCV takes the form to the Executive Assistant.
8.The Executive Assistant signs, clearing the request, and emails confirmation of the COS date change to the APCD, CD, DPT, Medical Unit, VSS, and PCV.
9.The PCV submits the form to the VSS for entering into VICA/VIDA (database) and filing.
- A PCV discusses a COS date change with their APCD and completes a COS Date Change Form.
- The PCV takes the form to his/her APCD.
- The APCD signs in approval and the PCV takes the form to the CD for approval.
- The CD signs in approval and the PCV takes the form to the DPT.
- The DPT signs, clearing the request, and the PCV takes the form to the Medical Unit.
- A PCMO signs, clearing the request, and the PCV takes the form to the Executive Assistant.
- The Executive Assistant signs, clearing the request, and emails confirmation of the COS date change to the APCD, CD, DPT, Medical Unit, VSS, and PCV.
- The PCV submits the form to the VSS for entering into VICA/VIDA (database) and filing.