Student Biography Form
/This completed form must be attached to any request for recommendation.
Student’s Legal Name:Last First Middle Initial
Student’s Common Name: / Email:
Student at Vancouver College since: / Other school(s) attended:
Recommendation Request REquirements.
Recommendation requests and all necessary documentation must be provided a minimum of three weeks before deadlines. Use the back side of the form if you require more room. Please attach copies of your grade 10 (final), 11 (final), and grade 12 (current) report cards to this form.External Courses: Please indicate if you have taken any external courses, their titles, date of completion, and the grade(s) you received (in grades 9 – 12):
Extracurricular Activities: Please list briefly the activities you have been involved in (grades 9 – 12), your role, the hours per week of your involvement and the duration of your involvement. List all names and titles in full (use the back of the page if you require more room).
Achievements, Awards, Recognitions, Certificates (please include definitions and dates received):
Post-Secondary Institution(s) and/or Scholarship(s) you are applying for which the recommendation you have requested will support:
If you are applying for a scholarship, please list the criteria and how you feel you meet or surpass them:
Extenuating Circumstances: Please list any extenuating circumstances which should be considered in the evaluation of your achievement (e.g. family or work responsibilities, personal or family challenges, etc.):
What adjectives would you use to describe yourself? What adjectives have others used to describe you?
Describe your:
1. Work ethic.
2. Responsibility.
3. Maturity.
Describe your:
4. Independence.
5. Concern for others.
6. Emotional maturity.
7. Personal integrity.
8. Initiative.
9. Academic engagement and intellectual curiosity.
10. Reaction to setbacks.
11. Personal strengths and weaknesses.
Please attach this form to a completed Recommendation Request Form for each recommendation you are requesting.