MAY 15, 2017

The Gibbon City Council, Buffalo County, Nebraska met in an open public session at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall on Monday, May 15, 2017. The Mayor, Council Members and the public were advised of the notice by publishing and posting. No additional items were added to the meeting during the twenty-four hours preceding the meeting.

Mayor Deb VanMatre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Mayor VanMatre advised every one of the Open Meetings Notice posted on the north wall of the Council Chambers. The City of Gibbon abides by the Open Meetings Act in conducting business.

Roll call was taken. Council Members present were: Derrick Clevenger, Albert Krueger, Kevin Hynes, Leon Stall.

Absent: No one

A motion was made by Derrick Clevenger to approve the order of the agenda, seconded by Leon Stall.

Yea votes: Derrick Clevenger, Kevin Hynes, Albert Krueger, Leon Stall

Nay votes: None Motion carried.

Submittal of Requests for Future Items: None

Reserve Time to Speak on Agenda Items: No one

Presentations and Proclamations:

Buffalo County Sheriff Department—Contract Law Enforcement Report: Sergeant Ristine reviewed the Monthly Activity Report. Captain Anderson was unable to attend the meeting. The new deputies are scheduled to work the swing shift from 3 to 3. The injured reserve list is getting shorter. Dave Gibbs will be gone all summer. We have had a lot of traffic stops on HWY 30. With the nicer weather we have had more calls. The Mayor requested more coverage after the last day of school. Council Member Stall asked about the process of dealing with stray dogs. Usually the CSO will respond to the call and check the tags and shot information. If the owner cannot be found the dog will be taken to the Humane Society in Kearney.

WWTP Report and Water Report—Matt Smallcomb: There were 2 permit violations in April. SBR #2 had an upset, killing the biological life in it. We have recovered from that and the basin is about back to normal. SBR #1 is pumped down and we are working on the sludge check valve. We are getting all the new parts installed in the gas building. We ran a new ground wire to the radar unit, and pulled another communication line. All flow to the east lagoon has been shut down. It is still producing gas at this time and will for the next few months.

Water: We repaired the water service at the Open Door Fellowship Church. We are currently getting bids on the sewer extension on West Avenue. We ordered 54 new 1” water meters, and completed 15 locates. We had to replace batteries on the Cat Generator at the water station.

Mayor Report—Deb VanMatre: The Heritage Center dedication ceremony was a wonderful service. I commend the Heritage Center Board for all of their hard work they did to get ready for the ceremony.

We will be acting on the new proposed cemetery rates for the Riverside Cemetery later in the meeting.

City Administrator Report—Chris Rector: We are replacing the bricks on the large planter located in the teardrop. The signs will also be replaced with new signs. The swimming pool will tentatively open on Saturday, May 27th. The pool managers are Megan Christensen and Carmen Krier. The pool is filled and the chemicals are being added. They have begun working on painting the water tower. They will be working on the inside dry area of the tank and then move to the wet area. Then we will disinfect the tank and they will finish the outside of the tower. The pharmacy will open tomorrow located in the Health Center. Hopefully this summer we can paint the old bus barn located in Rosen Park. We had a very successful spring cleanup day and filled eight 40 yard dumpsters.

City Attorney Report—Barry Hemmerling: The paperwork requested by the DEQ has been completed and sent to them concerning the WWTP. He advised the Mayor and Council of a new bill passed in the legislature dealing with the sale of real estate owned by a municipality.

City Treasurers Report—Tonniges & Associates: No one was able to attend the meeting.

Public Hearing: None

Ordinance: None

Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Albert Krueger to approve the Consent Agenda, seconded by Kevin Hynes.

Yea votes: Leon Stall, Albert Krueger, Derrick Clevenger, Kevin Hynes

Nay votes: None Motion carried.

The items approved in the consent agenda are as follows:

Minutes of the April 17, 2017 Council Meeting and Work Session held on April 26, 2017

Claims for the month of May

Buffalo County Sheriff Department Report

Treatment Plant Report & Water Report

Treasurers Report

GVFD Report

Planning Commission Report

Building Permits: #2017-12—Across the Creek Farms—Temporary Concrete Mix Plant—Gibbon Rd & HWY 30

#2017-13—Greg Tubbs—Fence—801 1st St.

#2017-14—Evita Adams—Shed—310 Court St.

#2017-15—Blake and Mary Adams—Garage—708 Drew Lane

#2017-16—Dustin & Michelle Eutsler—Addition—414 3rd St.

#2017-17—Dakota Brehm—Fence—508 South Wind Drive

Gibbon Community Center Report

Library Report

Cemetery Report

Reappointment Curt Mayo—Planning Commission Board

Reappointment Kathy Pierce—Heritage Center Board

Fireworks Application: John & Carla Wieduvilt—98 LaBarre St. (Adam’s Corner Market)

Fireworks Application: Lisa & Bob Morris—203 1st Street

Resolutions and Motions:

Approve Cemetery Rate Changes: The changes discussed by the Cemetery Board and presented to the Mayor and City Council for final approval include: Double charges for Saturday burials, raising the cost per space from $100/$200 to $400, full body burial from $275 to $350, cremation from $100 to $200, infant burial from 0 to $200, winter extra charge (determined by conditions) $100, and perpetual maintenance fee $150. A motion was made by Albert Krueger to approve the rate changes for the Riverside Cemetery to take effect immediately, seconded by Kevin Hynes.

Yea votes: Derrick Clevenger, Kevin Hynes, Albert Krueger, Leon Stall

Nay votes: None Motion carried.

Requests and Referrals: None

Other Items:

The next Regular Council Meeting will be on Monday, June 19, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.

Adjourn: A motion was made by Kevin Hynes to adjourn the Council Meeting, seconded by Leon Stall.

Yea votes: Albert Krueger, Leon Stall, Kevin Hynes, Derrick Clevenger

Nay votes: None Motion carried.

Mayor VanMatre adjourned the meeting at 7:31 p.m.

Vickie Power Chris Rector Deb VanMatre

City Clerk City Administrator Mayor