
Consumer Confidence Reporting Required Health Language(if over 50 ppb)


How do I report manganese in my Consumer Confidence Report?

If you are a community system you must make and provide to your consumers a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) annually. If your community system detects manganese concentrations greater that 50 ug/L in any finished water sample, you must report these concentrations in your CCR in the following ways:

  1. For manganese concentrations greater than 50 ug/L

You must report the concentration (s) in the unregulated/secondary contaminant table of your report as follows. Please use the parts per billion (ppb) unit of measure when referencing manganese in your CCR (50 ug/L = 50 ppb).

Unregulated or Secondary Contaminant / Date Collected / Result or Range Detected / Average detected / SMCL / ORSG orHealth Advisory / Possible Sources
Manganese (ppb) / __/__/2013 / 50 / 300* / Erosion of natural deposits

*US EPA and MassDEP have established public health advisory levels for manganese to protect against concerns of potential neurological effects.

  1. For manganese concentrations above 300 ug/L, in addition to the above CCR table , you must also include the following educational statement on manganese in the CCR report, you should also include a statement of what your system is doing to reduce manganese levels below 300 ppb.

You may use the educational statement below or get MassDEP’s written approval for alternative CCR language. The educational statement for manganese should explain the significance of the manganese detects and if customers need to be concerned by its presence. The bolded required language in the statement below must be included exactly as written in the CCR.

Manganese:Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral found in rocks, soil and groundwater, and surface water. Manganese is necessary for proper nutrition and is part of a healthy diet, but can have undesirable effects on certain sensitive populations at elevated concentrations. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and MassDEP have set an aesthetics‐based Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (SMCL) for manganese of 50 ug/L (micrograms per liter), or 50 parts per billion. In addition, MassDEP’s Office of Research and Standards (ORS) has set a drinking water guideline for manganese (ORSG), which closely follows the EPA public health advisory for manganese. Drinking water may naturally have manganese and, when concentrations are greater than 50 μg/L, the water may be discolored and taste bad. Over a lifetime, the EPA recommends that people drink water with manganese levels less than 300 μg/L and over the short term, EPA recommends that people limit their consumption of water with levels over 1000ug/L, primarily due to concerns about possible neurological effects. Children up to 1 year of age should not be given water with manganese concentrations over 300 ug/L, nor should formula for infants be made with thatwater for longer than 10 days.The ORSG differs from the EPA’s health advisory because it expands the age group to which a lower manganese concentration applies from children less than 6 months of age to children up to 1 year of age to address concerns about children’s susceptibility to manganese toxicity. See: EPA Drinking Water Health Advisory for Manganese

and MassDEP Office of Research and Standards Guideline (ORSG) for Manganese