Fall Semester of 2012

COURSE: Math 127 Trigonometry

Section: 3002

Monday and Wednesday: 11:00 AM to 12:20 PM

W. Charleston: I -312

Section: 3003

Tuesday and Thursday: 12:30 PM to 1:50 PM

W. Charleston: D –211


Office: W. Charleston: I 309-T

Phone: 651-7681

Email: Webpage:

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 12:20 PM to 1:20 PM.

Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM.

TEXTBOOK: Precalculus, 4th Edition, Blitzer (No required of hard copy of the textbook. You will need MyLabsPlus access code and this system will have ebook with it)

We will cover the following chapter:

Ch 04 - All Sections (Test 1)

Ch 05 - All Sections

Ch 06 - Sections 6.1 - 6.3, 6.6 (Test 2 after 6.2)

Ch 09 - Sections 9.1 - 9.3, 9.5(Test 3)


a.  Analyze trigonometric and parametric function properties.

b.  Graph trigonometric and parametric functions.

c.  Verify trigonometric identities.

d.  Solve trigonometric and parametric equations.

e.  Solve triangles using the Laws of Sines and Cosines.

f.  Analyze the concepts of vectors and polar coordinates.

g.  Investigate properties of conic sections.

h.  Apply and extend all concepts.

FINAL EXAM: Section 3002: Monday, December 11 at 11:00 AM.

Section 3003: Tuesday, December 12 at 12:30 PM.

There will be absolutely no Make-up for final exam.

No ‘W’ will be given after November 2.

CALCULATORS: A scientific calculator is required (not your cell phone). You may use in class and on the tests.

EXTRA CREDIT: Absolutely no extra credit work will be offered in this course.

GRADING: Ave. of 3 Exam: 50%

Quiz Average: 10% (MylabsPlus Quiz)

H.W. Average: 15% (MylabsPlus H.W.)

Final Exam: 25%

There will be no make-up Exams, and Final. (I must be notified of the "emergency" BY PHONE on the test day and I must receive the documentation within a reasonable time period depending on the "emergency.")

November 2 is final date to officially drop the semester with the grade of “W”(No ‘W’ will be given after November 2). Pop Quizzes at any time, and tests will be announce least one week in advance.

ATTENDANCE: Class attendance is very important in the study of mathematics. I expect you to attend class regularly and be on time. Also notify me if you must leave class early. If classes are missed, students are responsible for all materials missed and any homework assignment. The rolls will be taken from graded assignments, quizzes, worksheets, tests or randomly. If you stop attending class and do not officially withdraw, you will receive a grade of “F”.

HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned after every class online (MylabsPlus). These assignments will be grade, and use as 15% of your total grade. Each HW has to have 80% or better to go to next HW assignment. Go to to sign in.

GRADING SCALE: 90 -100 = A 80 - 89 = B

70 – 79 = C

60 – 69 = D

Below 60 is an F

Final grading adjustments are left to the instructor. Determining factors are attitude, class participation, and attendance. If the student wishes to receive a grade of “W” after the official drop date (April 6th, 2012), he or she must meet face-to-face with the instructor, outside of classroom to discuss the issue.

Each student’s class grade will be determined by the breakdown above, period. So, please don’t ask for a grade you did not earn through satisfactorily completing the above assignments.

CHANGES: The instructor reserves the right to change the course syllabus, schedule, and policies as necessary. Students will be given appropriate notification in the event of any corresponding changes.


1.  Headphones are not allowed in class.

2.  All cell phones, beepers, pagers, iPods, mp3 players, etc. should be turned off during the class time. This is especially important on the test days!! (No text message)

3.  No computer must be open.

4.  If you have to leave class before the time, you should let me know advance.

5.  Be on time.

6.  Con not use cell phones as calculator.

7.  No children and guests.

8.  The student is expected to behave in a courteous manner towards the class and instructor.

9.  No private conversations with other students and no disruptions during the class time.

Disability: If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for coordination of your academic accommodations. The DRC is located in Student services on each campus. Cheyenne 651-4045, West Charleston 651-5089, and Henderson 651-3086.For those students that would like to perform community service or earn extra money, stop by the DRC to fill out a job interest card. This office hires students as note takers, proctors, scribes and research assistants as needed.

AVAILABLE HELP: If you find yourself having difficulty with the material and would like extra help, then you can

utilize CSN's tutorial services. CSN provides free tutoring for all enrolled math students. There is a free walk-in tutorial lab on all three CSN campuses that is staffed with tutors and math instructors. In addition a student can sign up for one-on-one tutoring sessions, and each credit of instruction qualifies a student up to 4 hours of free tutoring. Visit for more information.

Charleston Campus: The Science and Mathematics Resource Center in Room H-203 offers free tutoring. The tutorial center in the lobby of the D building on the Charleston Campus also offers free tutoring.

Henderson Campus: The Mathematics Tutoring Center in B-201 offers free tutoring.

Cheyenne Campus: The Mathematics Tutoring Center in room 2050 offers free tutoring.

Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent. You are expected to have read and understood the current issue of the student handbook.

*  Information contained in this syllabus, other than the grading, late assignments, makeup work, and attendance policies, may be subject to change with advance notice, as deemed appropriate by the instructor.

MyMathLabPlus Login Instructions

1.) Purchase a MyMathLabPlus Access Code from the bookstore or at This is a 5 by 7 tri-folded card. On the inside of the card, there is a gray strip of tape covering the alpha-numeric PIN code.

2.) Go to and log into MLP. Your username is your NSHE Student ID. By default, your password is the last four digits of your Social Security Number. If you don’t have a Social Security number in the system, your default password is 9999. You can change your password once you logon to the system.

3.) Once in the system you will automatically see a splash screen listing your courses using MLP. Click on a course to enter it. These courses will remain open-access for the first two weeks of the semester, which means you will not be asked for the Access Code Pin until the first login into the course after the end of the second week of the term. This two week grace period is given for those of you waiting for financial aid. This allows you to start working on assignments before the financial aid goes through. During this grace period please do not lose the Access Code purchased from bookstore. I suggest you email the code to yourself so you don’t lose it.

4.) While in the system, you may update your information. Make sure your email address provided by MyCSN is correct, as these will serve as the primary communication means from within this course. There is no internal email system within MLP, so if I send an announcement email from this course it will go directly to the email address that you provided. In addition, CSN already uses your indicated email address as the primary means of communication regarding registration and financial aid.