BabyGym1: Registration Form
Mother’s details:
Name: / Surname:
Language of preference: / Important! The confirmation email, baby registration pack and evaluation questionnaire will be sent according to the languageselected.
Contact number: / Email address:
Residential address: / Province:
Due date: / Type of birth: natural/ caesarean section
Father’s details:
Name: / Surname

*Kindly complete the document and send it with proof of payment to the BabyGym Instructor. Also hand in a copy of the signed document at your first class.


  • Date, time, venue and language of instruction will be communicated on the confirmation email.
  • Dress comfortably.
  • Be on time.
  • Questions are welcome, but keep personal discussions for the end of the session.
  • Remember all your belongings before you leave.
  • Should your address or contact numbers change kindly notify the BabyGym Instructor.

Please do not attend classes if you have a contagious illness.

  1. DATES

BabyGym®sessions are planned in advance.

Attend all sessions to benefit from the program optimally.


Missed sessions will unfortunately not be made up, but feel free to join another group to catch-up.

Kindly phone your BabyGym Instructor in advance if you are not able to attend a session.


Your investment for BabyGym 1® is R 550.00 for the 2 sessions.

Investment is to be paid in full in advance and can be paid by internet transfer or cash. Please attach proof of payment to registration form.

BabyGym Instructor to complete

I, ______ hereby declare that I am a licensed BabyGym® Instructor.

  • I declare that I will present BabyGym® according to the prescribed curriculum and in accordance with the BabyGym® code of ethics.
  • I undertake to present the complete BabyGym program to the clients.
  • I undertake to make all dates of session available well in advanced.
  • I also undertake to make the language of instruction clear in advance.


Signature Date

Client to complete:

I hereby declare that I ______ have read the terms and conditions regarding BabyGym® and fully understand and accept such terms and conditions as binding.

I declare that:

  • I fully understand that neither ______nor BabyGym® Institute South Africa will be held liable for any loss, damage, and injury of whatever nature whether consequential or otherwise however caused.
  • I understand that my vehicle and its contents are parked at my own risk.
  • I undertake to respect the intellectual property of BabyGym® and will not present any classes or workshops using the intellectual property without being a competent and licensed BabyGym® Instructor.
  • I understand that investments are made in advance.


Signature Date