Stokenchurch Parish Council


A meeting of the Council for the above-named Parish will be held at Longburrow Hall on Wednesday, 6th July 2011 at 7.30 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public unless the Council otherwise direct.


1. Acceptance of apologies for absence

2. Declarations of interest (agenda items).

3. To confirm Minutes of 15th June 2011.

4. Matters Arising (information only)

5. Reports/Actions.

6. Notification of Parish Matters (information only)

7. Planning:

·  06590 Outline application for demolition of First school and erection of 6 four bed houses, 12 three bed houses, 12 two bed houses, 3 one bed flats, 4 two bed flats, and creation of new access and parking to serve new public open space (details of access, layout and scale only submitted) at Stokenchurch County First School, Slade Road. (Property Services Manager Bucks CC).

·  06371 Erection of two storey building incorporating 340 sqm convenience store at ground floor and 4 x 2 bed flats at first floor level with associated landscaping and parking at 1 George Road (Acorn Homes Ltd).

·  06275 Householder application for dropped kerb at front of property at Casa, Wycombe Road.(Eaton).

·  06457 Householder application for construction of part two storey/part single storey rear extension and new replacement detached single garage at 9 Mill Road. (Smith & Taylor).

·  06462 Reduce in height by 35%-40% and bring in side branches to reshape and balance the crown to 1 x Large Oak Tree (T1) and fell to ground level and grind the root 1 x Large Oak ( T2) at High Trees, Wycombe Road.(Waldron).

The following planning applications have been permitted by Wycombe District Council:

·  05596 erection of 75 bed care home – Stockwells Yard, Ibstone Road.

·  05853 extended time for erection of detached single storey pool building – Mallards Court, Park Lane.

·  05854 extended time for construction of part single storey, part two storey rear extension – Mallards Court, Park Lane.

·  00996 protective fencing – Stockwells Yard, Ibstone Road.

·  05410 erection of stable building consisting of four stables, feed/hay store and tack room – land adjacent 1 Pophleys Cottage, City Road.

·  05516 erection of 2 x 4 bed detached dwellings – land rear 57 Mill Road.

·  05539 (Appeal A) erection of new 3 bed detached dwelling – 53 New Road.

The following planning application has been dismissed by Wycombe District Council:

·  07204 (Appeal B) erection of 3 bed detached dwelling – 53 New Road.

The following planning application has been permitted with detail reserved by condition by

Wycombe District Council:

·  01003 details subject to condition no.16 (contamination) – 51 Marlow Road.

8. Finance:

·  Bills Payable.

·  Shelving for Parish Warden’s store

9. Correspondence:

·  Invitation to 2011 Councillor briefing event on 25th July at The Council Chamber, Chepping Wycombe Parish Council from 7pm-9pm.

10. Scout/Guide Headquarters.

11. MUGA.

12. Travellers’ sites.

13. Vantage Land.

14.Stokenchurch Library.

15.Slade Road School Site.

16. Licensing for Longburrow Hall.

17. The Four Horseshoes

18. Other Parish Matters.

DATED: 1st July 2011. SIGNED……………………………