Long Buckby Rugby Football Club


1. The Club shall be called 'The Long Buckby Rugby Football Club.'

2. The General Committee of the Club shall comprise of The President, The Honorary Match Secretary, The Honorary Press Secretary, Playing Administrator, The Honorary Club House Manager, The Chairman of Mini/Youth Rugby, Captains and Vice Captains.

3. These officers shall be elected at The Annual General Meeting together with a minimum of eight other members.

4. The General Committee shall have the authority to approve appointments, co-opt other members, appoint and regulate committee meetings and proceedings and shall, as soon as practicable after election, appoint a secretary, a treasurer, a Playing, Selection and Player Disciplinary sub-committee and a Social Club sub-committee.

5. The Playing, Selection and Player Disciplinary sub-committee shall consist of the Playing Administrator, Captains, Honorary Secretary, and five other members.

6. Nominations for officers of the Club shall be lodged with the Honorary Secretary at least fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting.

7. There will be an open meeting in April where sole nominations of Captains and Vice Captains will be decided upon and go forward to the Annual General Meeting.

8. Nominations for Captains and Vice Captains will be lodged with the Honorary Secretary at lease fourteen days before the open meeting.

9. The Honorary Secretary shall have authority to call a meeting of the General Committee of the Club at any time should he deem it necessary.

10. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in June and at least twenty eight days' notice of the date and details of the business to be transacted shall be published.

11. A special General Meeting shall be convened by a requisition signed by no less than twelve members and of which at least nineteen days' notice shall be given to the Honorary Secretary.

12. Notice of alterations to these rules shall be lodged with the Honorary Secretary at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.

13. Any member who has defaulted in payment of the annual subscription shall not be entitled to vote at any Club meeting.

14. The annual subscription for playing members and non-playing members shall be such amounts as determined from time to time by the Management Committee and payable to the Honorary Treasurer on the first day of September in each year.

15. These payments shall entitle such members to a fixture card and membership of the Social Club.

16. Match subscriptions shall be such amounts as determined from time to time by the Committee and be payable to the Club as so determined.

17. The Club colours shall be green.