LUKE1v1 Since-indeed-at-any-rate many attempted to-compose (a) narration concerning the things having-been-and-still-brought-to-fulness among us,
LUKE1v2 According-as the-(ones) having-become eye-witnesses and officers of-the Word from (the) beginning gave-over to-us,
LUKE1v3 It-seemed to-me-also, (one)-having-been-and-still-following from-above in-all-(things) exactly, to-write to-you successively, mightiest Theophilus,
LUKEv4 In-order-that you-might-come-to-know-thoroughly the security of-words concerning which you-were-instructed.
LUKE1v5 It-came-to-pass in the days of-Herod the king of-the Judea (a) certain priest Zacharias by-name, out-of Abia's day-on, and his wife out-of the daughters of-Aaron, and her name Elizabeth.
LUKE1v6 But they-were both just in-sight of-the God, proceeding in all the commandments and just-acts of-the Lord faultless.
LUKE1v7 And to-them was not (a) child, in as much-as the Elizabeth was barren, and they-were both having-been-and-still-advanced in their days.
LUKE1v8 But it-came-to-pass in him to-be-serving-as-priest in the arrangement of-his day-on in-against the God,
LUKE1v9 According-to the custom of-the priest's-office, he-procured-by-destiny to-burn-incense, having-gone-in into the sanctuary of-the Lord.
LUKE1v10 And all the multitude of-the people was praying without in the hour of-the incense.
LUKE1v11 But (an) angel of-Jehovah was-seen by-him having-stood-and-still-standing out-of right(s) of-the altar namely-of-the incense.
LUKE1v12 And Zacharias having-seen he-was-disturbed, and fear fell-on upon him.
LUKE1v13 But the angel said to him, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourself, Zacharias, for-the-reason-that your petition was-listened-to, and your wife Elizabeth will-bear (a) son to-you, and you-will-call his name John.
LUKE1v14 And he-will-be (a) joy to-you and exultation, and many will-be-rejoiced upon his genesis.
LUKE1v15 For he-will-be great in-sight of-the Lord; and by-no-means might-he-drink wine and strong-drink, and he-will-be-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit still out-of his mother's belly.
LUKE1v16 And he-will-turn-around many of-the sons of-Israel upon Jehovah their God.
LUKE1v17 And he himself will-go-before in-sight of-him in spirit and power of-Elias, to-turn-around hearts of-fathers upon children, and (ones)-disobedient with prudence of-just-(ones), to-prepare (a) people having-been-and-still-constructed for-Jehovah.
LUKE1v18 And Zacharias said to the angel, According-to what will-I-myself-come-to-know this? For I myself-am (an) old-man, and my wife having-been-and-still-advanced in her days.
LUKE1v19 And the angel having-answered said to-him, I myself am Gabriel, the-(one) having-stood-and-still-standing-alongside in-sight of-the God, and I-was-dispatched to-speak to you, and to-myself-bring-good-news-of these-(things) to-you.
LUKE1v20 And behold, you-will-be being-silent and not being-able to-speak until the day these-(things) might-come-to-pass, because you-trusted not my words, ones-which will-be-fulfilled with-reference-to their season.
LUKE1v21 And the people (were) anticipating the Zacharias, and they-were-marvelling with his to-be-lingering in the sanctuary.
LUKE1v22 But having-come-out he-was not being-able to-speak to-them, and they-came-to-know-thoroughly that he-had-seen (a) supernatural-appearing in the sanctuary. And he himself was constantly-nodding to-them, and he-was-remaining-continuously dull.
LUKE1v23 And it-came-to-pass as the days of-his public-ministry were-fully-filled he-went-away into his home.
LUKE1v24 But after these days Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she-hid-around herself five months, saying,
LUKE1v25 That thus the Lord has-done-and-is-still-doing to-me in days which he-took-notice to-remove-away my censure among MEN.
LUKE1v26 But in the month, namely-the sixth, the angel Gabriel was-dispatched by the God into (a) city of-the Galilee, to-which Nazareth (was the) name,
LUKE1v27 To (a) virgin having-been-and-still-betrothed to-(a)-man to-whom Joseph (was the) name, out-of (the) household of-David, and the name of-the virgin (was) Mary.
LUKE1v28 And the angel having-come-in to her said, Hail, (one)-having-been-and-still-favored: The Lord (is) with you, you (are) having-been-and-still-blessed among women.
LUKE1v29 But the-(one) having-seen, she-was-thoroughly-disturbed over his word, and she-was-deliberating of-what-quality this greeting may-be.
LUKE1v30 And the angel said to-her, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourself, Mary, for you-found favor beside the God;
LUKE1v31 And behold you-will-yourself-conceive in womb and you-will-bring-forth (a) son and you-will-call his name Jesus.
LUKE1v32 And this-(one) will-be great, and he-will-be-called Son of-(the)-Most-High; and Jehovah the God will-give to-him the throne of-David his father;
LUKE1v33 And he-will-be-king over the household of-Jacob with-reference-to the ages, and of-his kingdom (a) finish will not be.
LUKE1v34 But Mary said to the angel, How will this be since I-am not coming-to-know (a) man?
LUKE1v35 And having-answered the angel said to-her, (The) Holy Spirit will-come-on upon you, and power of-(the)-Most-High will-overshadow you; on-this-account also the holy-(thing) being-born will-be-called Son of-God.
LUKE1v36 And behold, Elizabeth your relative, has-conceived (a) son in her old-age and this is (the) sixth month for-her the-(one) being-called barren;
LUKE1v37 Because every saying will not be-impossible beside the God.
LUKE1v38 But Mary said, Behold, the slave-(girl) of-Jehovah, may-it-come-to-pass to-me according-to your saying. And the angel went-away from her.
LUKE1v39 But having-stood-up, Mary in these days proceeded into the mountainous-(country) with diligence, into (a) city of-Judah,
LUKE1v40 And she-went-in into the home of-Zacharias and she-greeted the Elizabeth.
LUKE1v41 And it-came-to-pass as the Elizabeth heard the greeting of-the Mary, the baby leaped in her belly; and the Elizabeth was-filled-full of-(the)-Holy Spirit,
LUKE1v42 And she-exclaimed with-a-great voice and said, Having-been-and-still-blessed (are) you among women, and having-been-and-still-blessed (is) the fruit of-your belly.
LUKE1v43 And from-whence (is) this-(thing) to-me, in-order-that the mother of-my Lord might-come to me?
LUKE1v44 For behold, as the voice of-your greeting came-to-be into my ears, the baby leaped in my belly in exultation.
LUKE1v45 And happy (is) the-(woman) having-trusted, because it-will-be perfectness to-the-(things) having-been-and-still-spoken to-her from Jehovah.
LUKE1v46 And Mary said, My soul is-magnifying the Lord,
LUKE1v47 And my spirit exulted upon the God my Savior.
LUKE1v48 Because he-looked-on upon the humbling of-his slave-(girl); for behold, from the now all generations will-consider me happy.
LUKE1v49 Because the-(one) powerful did great-deeds to-me, and holy (is) his name;
LUKE1v50 And his mercy with-reference-to generations of-generations to-the-(ones) themselves-fearing him.
LUKE1v51 He-did might with his arm, he-scattered-abroad (ones)-proud in-(the)-intellect of-their heart.
LUKE1|v52 He-lowered powerful-ones from thrones, and he-raised-to-a-height (ones)-humble.
LUKE1v53 He-filled-full-within of-good-(things) (ones)-being-hungry, and he-dispatched-out empty (ones)-being-rich.
LUKE1v54 He-assisted Israel his child (infant-youth), to-be-made-mindful of-mercy,
LUKE1v55 According-as he-spoke to our fathers, to-the Abraham and to his seed with-reference-to the age.
LUKE1v56 But Mary remained with her about three months, and she returned into her home.
LUKE1v57 But to-the Elizabeth the time was-fully-filled (for) her to-bring-forth, and she-bore (a) son.
LUKE1v58 And the-(ones) around-the-household and her relatives heard that Jehovah was-magnifying his mercy with her, and they-were-rejoicing-together with-her.
LUKE1v59 And it-came-to-pass in the eighth day they-came to-circumcise the (pre-teen)-child, and they-were-calling it on the name of-his father Zacharias.
LUKE1v60 And having-answered his mother said, Not-(so), BUT he-will-be-called John.
LUKE1v61 And they-said to her, That no-one is among your relationship who is-being-called by-this name.
LUKE1v62 But they-were-nodding to his father (about) what the-(thing) he-may-be-willing him to-be-being-called.
LUKE1v63 And having-requested (a) (writing)-tablet he-wrote, saying, John is his name. And they all marvelled.
LUKE1v64 But his mouth was-opened instantly and his tongue, and he-was-speaking blessing the God.
LUKE1v65 And fear came-to-be upon all the-(ones) dwelling-around them; and in the total mountainous-(country) of-the Judea all these sayings (were)-being-discussed.
LUKE1v66 And all the-(ones) having-heard put (them) in their heart, saying, So what will this (pre-teen)-child be? And (the) hand of-Jehovah was with him.
LUKE1v67 And Zacharias his father was-filled-full of (the) Holy Spirit, and he-prophesied, saying,
LUKE1v68 Blessed Jehovah the God of-the-Israeli; because he-visited and he-made redemption for his people,
LUKE1v69 And he-raised (a) horn of-salvation for us in the household of-David his male-servant;
LUKE1v70 According-as he-spoke through (a) mouth of-his holy-(ones), namely-the prophets from (an) age;
LUKE1v71 Salvation out-of our enemies and out-of (the) hand of-all of-the-(ones) hating us;
LUKE1v72 To-do mercy with our fathers, and to-be-made-mindful of-his holy covenant,
LUKE1v73 Which oath he-swore to Abraham our father,
LUKE1v74 To-give to-us having-been-delivered fearlessly out-of (the) hand of-enemies to-be-serving for-him
LUKE1v75 In hallowedness and justice in-sight of-him all the days of our life.
LUKE1v76 But you, (pre-teen)-child, will-be-called (a) prophet of-(the)-Most-High; for you-will-proceed-before, before (the) person of-Jehovah to-prepare his ways;
LUKE1v77 To-give knowledge of-salvation to his people with forgiveness of-their sins,
LUKE1v78 Because-of bowels of-mercy of-our God, with which (the) (sun)-rising visited us out-of height,
LUKE1v79 To-appear-clearly to-the (ones) sitting in darkness and in shadow of-death; to-completely-direct our feet with-reference-to (a) way of-peace.
LUKE1v80 But the (pre-teen)-child was-growing and was-becoming-mighty in spirit; and he-was in the wildernesses till (a) day of-his displaying to the Israeli.
LUKE2v1 But it-came-to-pass in those days (a) decree went-out from Caesar Augustus, all the inhabited-earth to-be-being-registered;
LUKE2v2 This registration first came-to-pass (as) Cyrenius (is) governing of-the Syria.
LUKE2v3 And all were-proceeding to-be-being-registered, each into one's-own city.
LUKE2v4 But Joseph also ascended from the Galilee out-of (the) city Nazareth into the Judea, into (a) city of-David, one-which is-being-called Bethlehem, because-of him to-be out-of (the) household and lineage of-David,
LUKE2v5 To-register-himself along-with Mary the-(one) having-been-and-still-betrothed to-him for-a-wife, (she)-being pregnant.
LUKE2v6 But it-came-to-pass in the (time) they (were) to-be there the days of her to-bring-forth were-fully-fulfilled,
LUKE2v7 And she-brought-forth her son namely-the first-born, and she-wrapped him in-swaddling-clothes, and she-reclined him again in the manger, for the reason-that there-was not (a) place for-them in the guest-chamber.
LUKE2v8 And shepherds were in the country namely-the same, living-in-the-fields and guarding (a) guard-period over their flock;
LUKE2v9 And behold, (an) angel of-Jehovah stood-by to-them, and glory of-Jehovah shone-around them, and they-feared great fear.
LUKE2v10 And the angel said to-them, YOU-be not fearing-for-yourselves; for behold, I-myself-am-bringing-good-news-of great joy to-YOU, which will-be for-all the people;
LUKE2v11 That (a) Savior was-brought-forth for-YOU to-day, in (the) city of-David, who is Messiah Jehovah.
LUKE2v12 And this (is) the sign for-YOU; YOU-will-find (a) baby having-been-and-still-wrapped-in-swaddling-clothes, lying in the manger.
LUKE2v13 And (a) multitude of-a-heavenly host came-to-be unexpectedly together-with the angel, praising the God, and saying,
LUKE2v14 Glory to-God in (the) most-high-(places), and peace on earth, among MEN (of?)-well-thinking.
LUKE2v15 And it-came-to-pass as the angels went-away from them into the heaven, the MEN namely-the shepherds also said to one-another, Let-us indeed go-through till Bethlehem, and let-us-see this saying, namely-the-(one) having-come-to-pass, which the Lord made-known to-us.
LUKE2v16 And having-hurried they-came and they-found-out-(by-search) both the Mary and the Joseph, also the baby lying in the manger.
LUKE2v17 But having-seen, they-made-known-abroad concerning the saying, namely-the-(one) having-been-spoken to-them concerning this (pre-teen)-child.
LUKE2v18 And all the-(ones) having-heard marvelled concerning the-(things) having-been-spoken to them by the shepherds.
LUKE2v19 But the Mary was-keeping all these sayings safe, casting-(them)-together in her heart.
LUKE2v20 And the shepherds turned-around, glorifying and praising the God over all-(things) which they-heard and saw, according-as it-was-spoken to them.
LUKE2v21 And when eight days were-fully-filled to-circumcise the (pre-teen)-child, his name also was-called Jesus, the-(one) he-was called by the angel before he (was) to-be-conceived in the belly.
LUKE2v22 And when the days were-fully-filled of-their cleansing according-to the law of-Moses, they-led him up into Jerusalem to-stand-alongside to-the Lord,
LUKE2v23 According-as it-has-been-and-is-still-written in (the) law of-Jehovah, That every male thoroughly-opening (a) matrix will-be-called holy to-the Lord;
LUKE2v24 And to-give (a) sacrifice according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-said in (the) law of-Jehovah, (A) pair of-turtle-doves or two young doves.
LUKE2v25 And behold (a) MAN was in Jerusalem whose name (was) Simeon; and this MAN (was) just and devout, welcoming (the) comfort of-the Israeli, and (the) Holy Spirit was upon him.
LUKE2v26 And it-was having-been-and-still-divinely-informed to-him by the Spirit, namely-the Holy, to not see death or before he-might-see the Messiah of-Jehovah.
LUKE2v27 And he-came in the Spirit into the temple; and with the parents to-lead-in the (pre-teen)-child Jesus, (for) them to-do concerning him according-to the-(thing) having-been-and-still-done-as-custom of-the law,
LUKE2v28 And he himself-received it into his bent-arms, and he-blessed the God, and said,
LUKE2v29 Now you-are-releasing your slave, Despot, in peace according-to your saying;
LUKE2v30 Because my eyes saw your salvation,
LUKE2v31 Which you-prepared according-to (a) person of-all the peoples;
LUKE2v32 (A) light with-reference-to uncovering of-nations and glory of-your people Israel.
LUKE2v33 And Joseph was and his mother marvelling upon the-(things) being-spoken concerning him.
LUKE2v34 And Simeon blessed them, and said to Mary his mother, Behold this-(one) is-lying with-reference-to (a)
falling and (a) standing-again of-many among the Israeli, and with-reference-to (a) sign being-contradicted;
LUKE2v35 But (a) sword will-go-through also of-your soul itself; in-which-case deliberations out-of many hearts might-be-uncovered.
LUKE2v36 And Anna was (a) prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, out-of (the) tribe of-Asher, this-(one) having-been-and-still-advanced in many days, having-lived with (a) husband seven years from her virginity,
LUKE2v37 And this-(one) (was) (a) widow of approximately eighty-four years, who was not departing from the temple, serving with-fastings and with-petitions night and day:
LUKE2v38 And this-(one) having-stood-by in the same hour was-giving-recognition to-the Lord, and she-was-speaking concerning him to-all the-(ones) welcoming redemption in Jerusalem.
LUKE2v39 And as they-finished quite-all the-(things) according-to the law of-Jehovah, they-returned into the Galilee, into their city, Nazareth.
LUKE2v40 But the (pre-teen)-child was-growing and was-becoming-mighty in-spirit, being-filled with wisdom, and (the) favor of-God was upon it.
LUKE2v41 And his parents were-proceeding yearly into Jerusalem in-the feast of-the passover.
LUKE2v42 And when he-came-to-be of twelve years, (as) they (were) having-ascended into Jerusalem according-to the custom of-the feast,
LUKE2v43 And having-made-perfect the days, in them to-be-returning, the child-(infant-youth) Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, and Joseph came not to-know, also his mother;
LUKE2v44 But having-supposed him to-be in the company-of-travelers they-went (the) way of-a-day, and they-were-seeking him again among the relatives and among the-(ones) known:
LUKE2v45 And not having-found him they-returned into Jerusalem, seeking him.
LUKE2v46 And it-came-to-pass after three days they-found him in the temple, sitting-down in midst of-the teachers, and hearing of-them and questioning them.
LUKE12v47 But all the-(ones) hearing from-him were-being-made-ecstatic over the intelligence and his replies.
LUKE2v48 And having-seen him they-were-surprised: and his mother said to him, Child, why did-you thus to-us? Behold, your father and-I being-pained were-seeking you.
LUKE2v49 And he-said to-them, Why (is-it) that YOU-were-seeking me? Were-YOU not knowing-absolutely that it-is-essential (for) me to-be in the-(things) of-my Father?
LUKE2v50 And they themselves-perceived not the saying which he-spoke to-them.