This checklist must be used by all applicants when preparing plans to be submitted with a NHDES Wetlands Permit Application to impact the shoreline of a public waterbody. All items on this checklist are required by NHDES Administrative Rules found with Env-Wt 300-500, the Wetlands Administrative Rules and Env-Wq 1400, the Shoreland Protection Act Administrative Rules. Submittal of plans that fail to include allitemson this checklistmay result in the denial of your wetlands permit application. The plan author must address each item listed below:

Property Details

1. Accurately aligned property boundaries and all pins or bounds observed on site

2. Imaginary extensions of property lines over water, state setbacks, any easements or rights of way

3. Accurate shoreline shape / contour at the:

Full water body elevation for lakes; or

Ordinary high water mark for rivers.

4.Top of bank

5. Aquatic vegetation

Shoreline wetlands and aquatic vegetation delineated by Certified Wetlands Scientist (CWS); or

There is no aquatic, emergent, or wetlands vegetation along this frontage.

6. 3 foot depth contours

As measured relative to full lake level;or

No proposed dock exceeds the standard length nor is there any dredging or rock removal proposed.

7. Grades

All existing and proposed land grades and lakebed contours; unless

This project does not propose the permanent alteration of the topography.

8. Navigational hazards such as submerged rocks with depths, abutting structures;

9. Trees and saplings within 50 feet of the reference line

Location, species and diameter of trees and saplings sufficient to show that, upon completion of the project, the affected grid segment(s) will at least meet the minimum required tree and sapling point score; unless

No tree or sapling removal within 50 feet of the reference line will be associated with this project.

Existing Structures and Proposed Work Details

10. The footprints of ALL existing and proposed structures. You MUSTinclude ALL watercraft lifts,stairs, canopies,and shoreline decks.);

11. Specify length of the structuresover water separate from total length of the structures;

12. Locations and footprints for all structural supports such as cribs, pilings, and concrete pads;

13. Structures

Footprints of all structures at the toe of slope and full lake level; unless

No breakwaters, jetties, rip-rap, or other structures requiring fill are proposed

14. Beaches

The dimensions of all sand areas forming existing and proposed beaches; unless

There are no existing or proposed beaches on this frontage.

15. Footprints of all soil disturbances whether excavation, dredging, or filling and areas temporarily disturbed during the construction process including but not limited to:

  • Construction equipment access roads/ paths;
  • Over-excavation needed to place concrete forms;
  • Over-excavation needed to provide back drainage for walls; and
  • Stockpile areas.

16. Stormwater diversions structures

17. All areas to be replanted or restabilized, including the plants or other materials to be used.

Labels, Legends and Notations

18. Owner’s name

19. Plan author’s name

20. Required stamps for each CWS, engineer, or surveyor contributing to the plan

21. Site address

22. Waterbody name

23. Plan date / Revision Date

24. Scale

Scale used with scale bar; unless

ALL features are clearly and completely dimensioned.

25.Abutter’s names located on appropriate lots;

26.Tax map and lot numbers;

27.Shoreline frontage length:

  • Actual navigable;
  • Straight-line distance measured from where property lines meet shore; and
  • Average of actual and straight-line distances.

28. North arrow;

29. Siltation, erosion, and turbidity control installation and maintenance details; and

30. Construction sequence including project timing, more specifically, if work will be conducted during drawdown.

Cross sections – REQUIRED for Walls, Rip-rap, Canopies and Boathouses

31. Scale or dimensions – project not drawn to scale or dimensioned are not approvable.

32.Existing ground / lakebed contour with elevations;

33.Proposed ground / lakebed contour with elevations;

34.Average slope through the impacted area calculated for each structure as:

  • Highest elevation impacted – lowest elevation impacted
  • Horizontal distance from highest elevation point to lowest elevation point

35.Height of existing and proposed structures;

36.Width of existing and proposed structures;

37.Back drain dimensions;

38.Bedding or drainage stone size and depth / thickness;


40.Toe or footing protection;

41.Stormwater diversion structures;

42. Top of bank;

43.Full lake elevation or ordinary high water line; and

44.Water Levels

Water level expected at time of proposed work; unless

There are no impacts associated with walls, rip-rap, canopies or boathouses

Shoreline Structures Plan Preparation Check List Page 1 of 2