SimSE Code Inspection Model Course Module


The inspection model is a small, short, highly specific simulation model that teaches only a few, very focused lessons (as compared to some of our other models). We chose code inspection as the subject of this type of model because there exists real-world data in the literature regarding the best practices of this process. To keep the model small and specific, we chose to concentrate only on these lessons and ignore other details of the inspection process, such as the different roles and the detailed steps involved in the process. Thus, a player of this model has three main concerns: choosing the right number of people with the right qualifications, choosing the right size of code to inspect, and choosing the right size of inspection checklist to use.

2.How to Use This Module

This module is designed to be used as part of a course in which relevant software engineering concepts (namely, software processes and software inspections in particular) are being taught. SimSE is intended to be used as a complementary component to a course, not as a standalone instructional tool. Therefore, software/code inspections should be introduced to students either before, or in parallel with the students’ exposure to the inspection game (either through lectures (see Section 6), readings (see Section 7), or some other method). SimSE’s main strength lies in its ability to allow students to put concepts into practice that they otherwise would not have the opportunity to experience through other instructional methods.

Before students are given the assignment to play SimSE, it is imperative that they watch at least the SimSE Gameplay video tutorial, and strongly recommended that they also watch the Explanatory Tool and Game Branching video tutorials as well. All video tutorials are available at Our experience with SimSE has shown again and again how crucial the instruction a student receives in learning to play the game is to their success in learning from it. These video tutorials have been designed to specifically highlight and address aspects of SimSE that are critical for students to understand for a maximally effective educational experience. Therefore, we suggest that you not only assign the students to watch these videos on their own time, but, if time and resources allow, show them in class as well, emphasize how important they are to watch, and also point them to the SimSE player’s manual, available at If time and resources further warrant, students should be required to attend a TA-lead training session, in which they are shown the videos, given a printed player’s manual and, and then allowed to try playing the game for a while with the TA (who should have already studied the manual and played SimSE themselves) available to answer any questions they may have.

Students should be given the questions to answer for this module (see Section 8) at the time they are asked to play the inspection model.Having the questions to refer to while they play helps point them to some of the more subtle lessons encoded in the model, as well as provides you, as an instructor, with a way to assess whether or not they have completed the assignment and learned the concepts.

One could use this module as a mandatory part of a course, or else make it an extra-credit assignment. Especially when multiple models are assigned, the exercise is actually quite involved, so somewhere in the order of 5-10% extra credit is recommended.

3.Learning Objectives

The code inspection model is centered around the following lessons, which are collectively taken from [1], [2], and [3]:

  • A code inspection takes place in a group setting. While the office layout of the other models all portray employees working alone (for the most part) in their cubicles, this model’s layout shows a large conference room with several people sitting around a table (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Screenshot of the Conference Room Layout of the Inspection Game.

  • The productivity of an inspector depends equally on their familiarity with the product and their inspection experience. Each employee in this model has a project experience attribute and an inspection experience attribute. Both of these values contribute equally to the employee’s effectiveness in finding bugs.
  • A four person inspection team is ideal, and is twice as effective as a three-person team. The player will find that the most bugs are discovered in the shortest period of time if they use four people, and only half as many are found in the same period of time if they use three people.
  • A larger inspection team does not necessarily equal a more productive inspection team. After each bug is found, the employees discuss it. As the number of people in an inspection team increases, it takes the group a shorter time to find each bug, but an exponentially longer time to discuss each one, as the number of communication links (and opinions) also increases.
  • A code inspection checklist should be no larger than one page. When the player starts the inspection meeting, they must choose one of two different sized checklists to use: a one-page list or a five-page list. Using the one-page checklist causes the inspectors to find bugs the fastest, while the five-page checklist causes their bug-finding process to proceed only half as fast as the one-page list.
  • The piece of code being inspected should be less than or equal to 300 lines, but less than or equal to 200 lines is ideal. At the start of the inspection meeting, the player also must choose from three different pieces of code to inspect, each with a different size (20, 150, and 1500 lines of code, respectively). Inspecting the 150-line piece of code will yield the most productive inspection meeting in terms of the speed with which bugs are found, while the productivity of inspecting the 20- and 1500-line pieces of code is only half as much.
  • An inspection meeting should last no more than 2 hours. In the starting narrative, the player is notified that in this model, one clock tick is equal to one real-world minute. Thus, after 120 clock ticks the developers declare, “I’m so tired…” and their productivity wanes significantly.


A student should have a basic understanding of what a code inspection meeting is and its purposes. (See Sections 6 and 7 for ways to achieve this.)

5.Time Commitment

The average time to play an inspection game is 5-10 minutes, but, of course, it is likely to take several times playing the game for the student to learn the concepts and be able to answer the questions. This is the only model that is short enough to be used as an in-class exercise, but students should be given at least one full hour to play the game and answer the questions (not including any time required for introduction, instruction, supporting lectures, or other preparation).

6.Suggested Supporting Lectures

The slides that accompany Ian Sommerville’s Software Engineering textbook are a good resource. The latest version of these slides are available at The slides forChapter 22 include some about software inspections. This set of slides goes somewhat more in-depth than is necessary for the purposes of this module, so abstracting some of the detail when presenting them would be sufficient.

7.Optional Supplementary Readings

  1. Weller, E.F., Lessons from Three Years of Inspection Data. IEEE Software, 1993. 10(5): p. 38-45. (available online from:
  2. Kelly, D. and Shepard, T. 2002. Qualitative observations from software code inspection experiments. In Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Centre For Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 30 - October 03, 2002). D. A. Stewart and J. H. Johnson, Eds. IBM Centre for Advanced Studies Conference. IBM Press, 5.
  3. Porter, A., Siy, H., Toman, C. A., and Votta, L. G. 1995. An experiment to assess the cost-benefits of code inspections in large scale software development. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering (Washington, D.C., United States, October 12 - 15, 1995). G. E. Kaiser, Ed. SIGSOFT '95. ACM, New York, NY, 92-103.
  4. Myers, G. J. 1978. A controlled experiment in program testing and code walkthroughs/inspections. Commun. ACM 21, 9 (Sep. 1978), 760-768.
  5. Brykczynski, B. 1999. A survey of software inspection checklists. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 24, 1 (Jan. 1999), 82.
  6. Porter, A., Siy, H., Mockus, A., and Votta, L. 1998. Understanding the sources of variation in software inspections. ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 7, 1 (Jan. 1998), 41-79.



First, watch the SimSE video tutorialsat Then download the SimSE player’s manual at Be sure to watch the video and read the manual carefully, as they will highlight several important things that will significantly help you in successfully playing SimSE and correctly answering the questions. Then download the inspection game at (Be sure to download the game and not the model, as the model is not executable.) The download consists of a “readme” text file and an executable game, which you can run by simply double-clicking on it. If you do not have the current version of Java installed on your machine, you will have the opportunity to install it when you try to run a game.


  1. What seems to be the ideal size of an inspection team?
  2. How long should an inspection typically last?
  3. What is the ideal size(s) of checklist that should be used in an inspection?
  4. What is the ideal size(s) of code that should be inspected?
  5. What are the effects of putting more as opposed to fewer people on an inspection team?
  6. Which employees did you find were most effective to assign to the inspection and why?


  1. 4 people
  2. 2 hours
  3. 1 page
  4. 150 lines
  5. They find bugs faster but take longer to discuss and move on to finding more bugs.
  6. As long as the student mentions something about finding a good balance of project experience and inspection experience, or the two types of experience both being important, or something to that effect, they should get credit for this question.

Suggested Explanatory Tool Exercises

Students should be encouraged to work through the following exercises, which will both help them get a better score and answer the questions associated with this model.

  1. There are only six rules in this game, so take a minute to read through them.
  2. Try to find out under what conditions the “DoubleProductivity” action is triggered.(Hint: After each game you play, try to graph this action in an action graph to see if it was triggered.)
  3. Try to find out under what conditions the “GetTired” action is triggered (using the same hint given in question 2).

9.How to Use This Module with Other Modules

This is the smallest existing module. In the past, this module has been successfully used in conjunction with two other SimSE modules, making an assignment that consists collectively of three models/modules and associated questions, and is worth 10% of a student’s final grade.

10.Other Notes

There are several other potentially effective uses for SimSE, most of which have yet to be fully explored:

  • Have more advanced students modify an existing model (or build one from scratch, which should only be used with extremely advanced students) using SimSE’s Model Builder tool and one of the existing models (available at This has been tried, and results published in T. Birkhoelzer, E. Oh Navarro, and A. van der Hoek. Teaching by Modeling instead of by Models. Sixth International Workshop on Software Process Simulation and Modeling, May 2005 (available at
  • Our experience has suggested that an observer presence can have a positive effect on learning in SimSE. Although we have not tried this ourselves in classroom settings (only in controlled experiment settings), some suggested ways to try this are having students play SimSE in pairs, or having them play SimSE in a lab setting while observed by an instructor or TA.
  • Have students play in teams, especially teams that have also done, or are doing, a class project together. This can add both a collaborative aspect to learning, and, if set up to be a competition between teams, can add a competitive aspect.
  • Make the assignment mandatory, rather than optional or extra-credit, to increase motivation.
  • Have students play in a lab setting, both to add a competitive aspect and to allow them to collaborate. Keep in mind, however, that a lab setting generally does not provide enough time to play a game enough to be able to answer all the questions. An appropriate approach might be to allow students to play the game first in a lab session (this would also allow them to ask any questions that may arise), and then let them complete the rest of their playing and question-answering out of class.
  • If a project is also being done as part of the course, have students pick one or more of the SimSE models and write an essay reflecting on comparisons between the SimSE process model(s) and the one followed in their project.


If you have any comments, suggestions, feedback, or experience regarding this course module or SimSE in general, please send an email to Emily Navarro ().


1.Glib, T., Evolutionary Delivery versus the Waterfall Model. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, 1985: p. 49-61.

2.Humphrey, W.S., A Discipline for Software Engineering. 1995: Addison-Wesley.

3.Weller, E.F., Lessons from Three Years of Inspection Data. IEEE Software, 1993. 10(5): p. 38-45.