NewingtonCommunityPrimary School
Prospectus 2012-13
September 2011
OFSTED – July 2012
“Newington is a good school. Pupils are well cared for so they feel safe and secure and behave well.”
“Through the school, standards and achievement have been improving because the quality of teaching and curriculum is good.”
“Pupils have good attitudes to learning and participate enthusiastically. This is because there are high expectations, behaviour management is effective, relationships are good and routines well established.”
Dear Parent/Guardian
I welcome you as prospective parents of pupils at NewingtonCommunityPrimary School, Ramsgate. The school is a two form entry school, with an attached nursery with 52 places, sited on the Newington Estate in Ramsgate. The amalgamation of the two former schools in 2007 has brought substantial benefits for the children of the Newington area, with the continuity provided by an all through primary school with a Nursery
This is an incredibly exciting time as the new school grows and develops with the provision of an entirely new Foundation and Key Stage One element to the school. This has resulted in the building of a brand new Nursery and Reception classrooms with refurbished classrooms in years one and two. The rest of the school has undergone a significant overhaul so that we are now able to offer state of the art facilities throughout the school. In addition to this a Children’s Centre is now open on site and provides support for parents with children under the age of 5. This will mean the site of the new school will provide facilities and the support of professional services for children and their families from birth to eleven.
Our school is extremely well equipped in every way; we have extensive grounds, an IT infrastructure that is the envy of others and a highly committed and well motivated staff who work tirelessly to ensure that the children achieve their potential. The children are encouraged, throughout their time with us, to develop a sense of responsibility for their learning and their behaviour; we expect high standards from the children in all aspects of their school life.
The school is concerned, first and foremost, with children as individuals where every individual is seen as special and important.
OFSTED in July 2012 found that we are a caring and successful school, providing a friendly and secure environment which, as parents know, is so important for the development and growth of their child. They also found that teaching and learning is good and that the behaviour of the children is excellent. However, don’t just take their word for it, come and have a look for yourself!
My staff and I are committed to providing a secure place in which your children can grow and develop and I hope that the website gives you an insight into what lies ahead at Newington, should you decide to entrust your child into our care.
We are a Community school. I hope you will feel encouraged to feel part of our school and to work with us in creating the strongest of partnerships. Together we can achieve great things!
Yours sincerely
Cliff Stokes
Please note that throughout this document we have referred to the term parent, however this term can also take in a significant number of other people:
People who raise children are not only birth mothers and fathers, Adoptive parents, foster carers, stepparents, members of the extended family and grandparents may all be involved in raising children. Therefore, when we use the term “parent(s)/carer(s)” we are referring to the significant caring adult(s) for the children in any type of family.
Mission Statement:
At NCPS, where every child matters, we will inspire, respect and celebrate everyone’s achievement and diversity. We will have high expectations whilst still having fun!
Learning Together: The aims of our school
At NewingtonCommunityPrimary School, we provide a broad, balanced education for all the children in our care. We aim to create a happy, caring and stimulating learning environment in which all children can grow in self-esteem and fulfil their full potential as human beings. In particular we aim:
By learning together to:
- Ensure that all pupils have full access to the National Curriculum and Foundation Stage Curriculum
- Ensure children reach their full potential in all aspects of the school’s curriculum including the National Curriculum and Foundation Stage Curriculum, and in particular in acquiring effective skills in literacy and Numeracy
- Provide children with an education appropriate to the world outside the classroom
- Develop a love of learning and a desire to continue to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their life
- Help them to learn to live together in a community and to show sensitivity to the differences between one another
- Encourage them to become responsible, independent people, who are able to look at and think deeply about the world around them
- Develop a positive sense of moral responsibility and self-discipline
- Develop spiritual awareness and an awe of the universe.
NewingtonCommunity Primary School is a CommunitySchool catering for boys and girls between the ages of three and eleven years. Transfer normally takes place at the beginning of the autumn term, immediately following the child's third birthday. If places are available during the school year, the child could start in the term after their third birthday.
The school stands on a large open site, adjacent to Manston Road, Ramsgate, and opens onto Princess Margaret Avenue. The main building comprises: The assembly hall, dining hall, administrative wing, Staff Room, Headteacher's Office, Deputy Headteacher's Office, library, medical room, fourteen classrooms and a Nursery with places for 52 children. Two rooms are used as Learning Resource Centres and two rooms are used for our Computer Centres. We also have a Family Liaison Officer's Room.
The school welcomes visitors and it is usually possible for anyone to have a guided walk round the school while it is in session. WE ARE PARTICULARLY KEEN THAT PARENTS OF PROSPECTIVE PUPILS SHOULD HAVE THEOPPORTUNITY TO SEE WORK IN PROGRESS AND TO FEEL SOMETHING OF THE ATMOSPHERE OF THE SCHOOL BEFORE ENTERING THEIR CHILD'S NAME FOR ADMISSION. This can be arranged at short notice if a telephone call is made beforehand. Pupils who wish to join us at the start of a key stage will have the opportunity to get used to the school through a planned series of transition events. The same opportunity may be given to individual pupils moving into the area, if prior arrangement is made.
It is our policy to introduce children to creative, stimulating and thought provoking educational experiences which are likely to make a lasting impression and events are frequently arranged with this in mind. In the past we have had visits from Theatre Companies, musicians, actors, the KentCircusSchool, Authors, Poets and various visiting experts who have all contributed to the rich and varied life of the school.
The over-subscription criteria for NewingtonCommunityPrimary School are:
- Children in Local Authority Care – a child under the age of 18 years for whom the local authority provides accommodation by agreement with their parents/carers (Section 20 of the Children Act 1989) or who is the subject of a care order under Part IV of the Act.
- Current Family Association - a brother or sister in the same school at the time of entry and the family continues to live at the same address as when the sibling was admitted or has moved to a new property nearer to the school as defined by the ‘Nearness Criterion’ (below).
- Health and Special Access Reasons - children whose health or physical impairment means they have to attend a particular school. Health reasons must be strong and must be supported with evidence in writing by a medical practitioner. The evidence must demonstrate a special connection between the child's needs and the particular school. A physical impairment must be such that it requires the child to attend a particular school because its buildings do not inhibit his/her mobility.
- Nearness of children's homes to school - we use the distance between the child’s permanent home address and the school, measured in a straight line using ordnance survey address point data. Distances are measured from a defined point within the child’s home to the main entrance of the school as specified by Ordnance Survey.
- Where new build housing development requires a new school or the significant enlargement of an existing school the ‘Nearness’ of schools criterion will allow for a catchment area (defined by a map) to be created for the relevant school. This must be included in the Statutory Public Notice and admissions determination and will be valid for a period not exceeding three rounds of admissions”.
The staff of Newington Community Primary School
Teaching Staff
Headteacher– Mr C Stokes
Deputy Headteacher–Mr M Dechaine
Assistant Headteacher – Miss H Radford
Mr W Beech
1 Teacher Nursery
Mrs K Walker Smith
3 Teachers Reception
Mrs J Hessey Miss O WheatleyMrs K Till/Mrs C Read
3 Teachers Year 1
Mr T Knight Mrs T Kennedy Miss D Appleby
2 Teachers Year 2
Mrs T SandyMrs J Ward
2 Teachers Year 3
Mrs C ReadMrs H Goode
2 Teachers Year 4
Miss D RyderMrs Beech/Mrs Legge
2 Teachers Year 5
Mrs AndrewsMiss L Cullen
3 Teachers Year 6
Mrs J GriffinMrs E Butcher Mr F Smith
NNEB / Nursery Nurses
Mrs G Powell
Nursery Assistant
Mrs V Anderson
Miss Gunn
Support staff
Teaching Assistants
Mrs C BelcherMrs JSykes
Mrs R BuckinghamMrs D Stevens
Mrs J Irving Mrs L Drysdale
Miss H Peters Mrs J Read
Mrs K Hogben Mrs N Morgan
Mrs J Irving Mrs T Keeler
Mrs C SayerMiss H Sayer
Mrs J WinchMrs S Huelin
Mrs D ThomasMrs E Williams
Mrs K DarwishMrs R Vickers-Craddock,
Mrs S GunnMrs S Griffiths
Mrs L StevensMrs N Holton
Mrs J BirchMrs C Gander
Behaviour Mentors
Mrs TGowton
Family Liaison Officers
Mrs J Marks,
Mrs M Newton
Office staff
Office Manager
Mrs J Wells
Clerical Assistants
Mrs S Gunn
Ms S Powell
Ancillary staff
Mrs A Griffiths
Kitchen Assistants
Mrs J Mendez
Mrs T Adams
Mrs D Snook
Mrs H Gardner
Midday Meals Supervisors
Mrs P Collins Mrs K Norton
Mrs K Harris Mrs K Ellender
Mrs G Carmen Mrs S Drury
Mrs L Jeffries Mrs J Johnson
Mrs J Sellwood Mrs D Pelling (Playground Supervisor)
Mrs D StevensMrs Y Goldsmith
Site Manager
Mr K Hughes
Mr L Staples
Cleaning Staff
Mrs M Matthews
Mrs H Kneller
Mrs K Norton
Mrs J Johnson
Mrs T Willis
The Governing Body
Governors usually serve a four-year term on the governing body. During our first term in existence we have recruited an entirely new team of Governors. The role of governors is now far reaching with wide ranging responsibilities. In order to carry out these responsibilities effectively, we have formed a Strategic Group and six ‘Governor Pairs’. The Governor Pairs are responsible for the following areas of school life:
- Health and Safety
- Finance and Personnel
- Core Curriculum
- Foundation Subjects
- Foundation Stage
- Assessment
- Every Child Matters
These meet separately, before presenting their recommendations to the full governing body.
The newly constituted governing body will consist of:
LEA GovernorChair of Governors
Cllr M Harrison / Community
Vice Chair of Governors
Mrs L Gardner
Rev Shola Aoka / LEA Governor
Cllr R Nicholson
Mrs P Jefferson / Community
Mrs J Brandrick
Mr C Stokes / Teacher Governor
Mrs H Goode
LEA Governor
Mrs D Read / Staff Governor
Mrs C Sayer
Parent Governor
Mrs P Bird / Parent Governor
Mrs C Luckhurst
Parent Governor
Mrs F Stringer / Parent Governor
Mrs D Read
In order to be effective, the governors, both corporately and individually, are participating in training sessions. They have also met with staff and visited the school regularly, sitting in on lessons and working with the children.
MorningSchool:8.50a.m. – 12.15p.m. (Key Stage 1 - 12.00)
AfternoonSchool:1.10p.m. - 3.15p.m.
Morning Nursery: 8.45 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.
Afternoon Nursery: 12.10 p.m. - 3.10p.m.
It is important that children are not late for school. Late arrival in the classroom can be upsetting for your child, and can affect the smooth running of the school.
Equally consistent and regular attendance is essential for children to be able to achieve their full potential. Therefore we will be working with the Education and Welfare Service, to issue a Penalty Notice where a pupil has attendance or punctuality that is a cause for concern.
Although we are aware that such measures may appear to be harsh, attendance isnot only a parental responsibility but also a pupil’s right.
Absences- If a child is absent and we have not been informed, we 'phone' home to enquire why the child is not at school. Therefore, if for any reason your child is not at school, please telephone the school office as early as possible, stating the reason why.
Absences from school must be reported in the first instance to the school office, but must be confirmed by a note from the parent, when the child returns to school. This should be addressed to the class teacher.
Lateness - All children arriving after the start of the school session MUST report to the school office to be recorded on the school’s register. Any child arriving more than 10 minutes after the school session has started will be recorded as taking unauthorised absence unless a suitable reason for the lateness is given. (i.e. doctors or dental appointment).
Family holidays during term-time – The school strongly discourages the removal of a child from school during term-time for any reason including family holidays. Should you, however, wish to apply to the school governors for permission to withdraw your child from school during term-time you must complete a leave of absence request form (available from the school office) at least two weeks prior to the start of your holiday. The governors have the power to agree or refuse any request. Legally no more than ten school days absence may be authorised per academic year.
The Governors have decided that no absences will be authorised during the month of May due to the Statutory testing that takes place at this time of the year
Teaching Time
Teaching time excluding collective worship, play times, lunch breaks and registration time is as follows:
Key Stage I (Infants) 21 hours a week
Key Stage II (Juniors) 23 hours 30 minutes a week.
Attending Our Nursery
To help the Nursery staffs ensure that your child feels happy and secure in our setting, would you please take a note of the following:
Arrive on time for the start and end of each session – 8.45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. or 12:10 – 3:10 p.m.
Ensure that your child attends every session.
Notify any absence to the Nursery by phoning before 9:15 a.m. for morning children and 12:45 p.m. for afternoon children, on the first day of absence.
If your child is absent for a period of time without notification, you may lose your child’s placement.
Collect your child promptly at the end of each session – children can become very distressed if they are left waiting when their friends have gone.
Please let the Nursery staff know in advance if someone different will be collecting your child – even if it is the parent of another child at Nursery. Please introduce other adults to Nursery staff so that we can recognise faces!
In an emergency, we ask that a signed letter, explaining the change in the collecting adult, be sent with that person.
If your child has been absent due to sickness/vomiting, we ask that 48 hours of recovery are allowed before returning to Nursery.
Please inform staff of any changes that may affect your child at Nursery e.g. medical, social or emotional problems – if we are aware of any difficulties, we may be more able to support your child fully.
Supporting your child
In our Nursery we are proud of the relationships that are developed between staff and children. To aid the children’s feeling of well being, we operate a Key Worker system. This means that although all the staffs work with the children, one member of staff is allocated to a group of children and as a result, a strong relationship is formed with both the child and family. This has proved very effective in developing the children’s sense of security and personal development. The Key Worker is also there to support you, as a parent, with any issues you may wish to discuss and share.
During the session, the Key Worker continually assesses the children, and this informs staff of what your child’s next steps will be and therefore enables your child to reach their full potential. The children do not realise that they are being assessed and enjoy the interaction between staff and themselves.