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HQs, 1st BDE (FA)(OSUT), 95th DIV (IT)

Lawton, Oklahoma

25 September 2000



USAFACFS PAM 350-4 The Cannon Crewman’s Handbook (1 SEPT 95)

STP 21-1-SMCT Soldier’s Manual of Common Tasks (1 OCT 97)

95th Division REG 350-1

USAFACFS REG 385-1 Fort Sill Range Safety Regulation

Fort Sill Range Map Stock NumberV783SFTSILLRM 1:50,000 (Inclusive in parts of Sheets 6253 IV, 6253 I, 6353 IV, 6253 III, 6253 II, and 6353 III.)

Time Zone Used Throughout the Plan: Sierra

Task Organization:

HQs, 1st BDE


BDE S-4CW4 Neal 1-355 (Ft Worth - GP)(-)

GP I (LOG)BDE S-4 2-354 (Carrollton - GP)(-)

1-355 (1 person) GP I (Food SVC)

2-354 (1 person) 1-355(1 person) Group II

GP II (LOG) 2-354(1person) 1-354 (Tulsa)(-)

1-354 (1 person) GP II (Food SVC) 2-355 (Wichita Falls)(-)

2-355 (1 person) 1-354 (1 person) 3-355 (Tulsa)(-)

3-355 (1 person) 2-355 (1 person)

3-355 (1 person)

7th BDE, 95th DIV (IT) (DS)

FA Committee,CO A/2-379th (FA)

2-379th CMT/LOG



a. Enemy: Omitted.

b. Friendly Forces:

(1) 95th Division will train individual soldiers to Army standards to meet Total Army requirements and during all levels of mobilization, be prepared to provide assets to TRADOC.

(2) USAFATC will provide a Testing and Evaluation Team (T&E) to validate the 7th BDE Committees.

c. Attachments/Detachments: CO A (DET)/ 2-379th (FA)/ 7th BDE FA Committee, 2-379th CMT/LOG in Direct Support.

d. Assumptions:

(1)Phase I, 3-4 MAR 01, we will assume that there are going to be 72 troops in training; 31 from the 1-355th (including support personnel) and 41from the 2-354th (including support personnel).

(2)Phase II, 7-8 APR 01, we will assume that there are going to be 91 troops in training; 31 from the 1-354th (including support personnel), 30 from the 2-355th (including support personnel) ,and 30 from the 3-355th (including support personnel).

(3)During the exercise there will be 10 Brigade Support personnel, 25 FA instructors, and 20 CS instructors.

(4)The Advance Parties from each Group will arrive prior to their respective Main Body to ensure ample time for receipt of billets.

e. Weather and Terrain

(1) Weather. Weather during March/April is rather unpredictable, so a variety of conditions must be initially planned for at this time.

(2) Terrain (of training sites) Field Artillery EOCT will occur at the 1-78th Motor Pool which has a hard surfaced Motor Park with various vehicles and limited shaded areas. The Common Skills EOCT will occur in the BDE HQs building and surrounding grounds which has both grassy and motor pool areas with limited shade.



1st Brigade (FA)(OSUT) will plan and support FA and CS training and certification in two phases for all Brigade Line Battery Cadre (DS, 1SG, XO, and BC). The FA and CS training and certification will be conducted by the 7th Brigade Committees vic ND 573361 FT Sill’s 1-78th Motor Pool area and BDE HQs on 3-4 MAR 01 and 7-8 APR 01 to certify Line Battery Cadre to Army Standard prior to Annual Training.


a. Commanders Intent. It is my intent that we will effectively plan, provide support personnel and supplies to all testing elements so that they may effectively train, evaluate, and re-certify all of the Line Battery Cadre to Army Standards.

b. Concept of the Operation.

(1) Phase I (3-4 March 2001). The 1-355th REGT and 2-354th REGT will close on Fort Sill NLT 0800 03 March 2001. Operations Officers will have a roster of all personnel on the site that need to be certified, ten copies. Eight rosters will be turned over to the Committee and one will be given to the Brigade S-3. Certification will begin at 0800 03 March 2001 immediately following the in-briefing/ safety briefing. All units will begin CS EOCT on Saturday morning at the BDE HQs Motor Pool. The FA EOCT site will be opened at 1300 for those that have completed the CS EOCT and stay open until 1700. On Sunday, the FA EOCT site will be open from 0800 until 1700 or all Cadre are certified. The CS EOCT site will be open from 0800 until 1200 if required until the remaining personnel are certified.

(2) Phase II (7-8 April 01). The 1-354th REGT, 3-355th REGT, and 2-355th REGT will close on Fort Sill NLT 0800 07 April 2001. Operations Officers will have a roster of all personnel on the site that need to be certified, ten copies. Eight rosters will be turned over to the Committee and one will be given to the Brigade S-3. Certification will begin at 0800 07 April 2001 immediately following the in-briefing/ safety briefing. All units will begin CS EOCT on Saturday morning at the BDE HQs Motor Pool. The FA EOCT site will be opened at 1300 for those that have completed the CS EOCT and stay open until 1700. On Sunday, the FA EOCT site will be open from 0800 until 1700 or all Cadre are certified. The CS EOCT site will be open from 0800 until 1200 if required until the remaining personnel are certified.

(3) Support Phase. The Advance Party will arrive at the 1st BDE USAR Center prior to the main body during normal duty hours. They will bring with them their units equipment, supplies, and administrative support materials. Weapons will be immediately stored in the Arms Room. Logistics personnel will sign for billets and linen (if needed) NOTE: Advance Party Personnel will occupy their respective Battalions’ assigned billets for the duration of the exercise. Billets will be cleared and prepared for turn-in before the main body departs.


(a) Food Service TM member will take all direction from CW4 Neal. All evening meals will be served at the BDE HQs. Changes to the schedule will be dealt with based on training requirements and changes. The food service personnel will maintain proper accountability.

(b) LOG TM members will take all direction from BDE S-4. A water point will be established at the training site and replenished as needed.

c. Sub-unit Missions.

(1) 1-354th will test on 7-8 April 2001.

(2) 3-355th will test on 7-8 April 2001.

(3) 2-354th will test on 3-4 March 2001.

(4) 1-355th will test on 3-4 March 2001.

(5) 2-355th will test on 7-8 April 2001.

(6) 7th BDE FA Committee will train and certify 1st BDE Drill Sergeants to one standard in FA Tasks vic ND 573361 FT Sill’s 1-78th Motor Pool area on 3-4 March 2001 and 7-8 April 2001 to assist 1st BDE in meeting 100% certification goals. The committees will also secure all Training Aids for all FA tasks the day prior to training.

(7) 2-379 CMT/LOG will train and certify 1st BDE Drill Sergeants to one standard in CS Tasks at the BDE HQs area on 3-4 March 2001 and 7-8 April 2001 to assist 1st BDE in meeting 100% certification goals.

(8) Should the need arise, BDE S-3 will assist the 7th BDE FA Committee in any MEDEVAC procedures so that training may continue unheeded. In the event that a VIP arrives on site, the BDE S-3 will be the point of contact and will show the VIP around the site and brief the exercise. Any changes occurring in training that will effect the schedule will be handled by the BDE S-3 and the proper personnel notified. At the conclusion of the testing phase, the BDE S-3 is responsible for securing a copy of the standardization cards. In the event that a discrepancy occurs between the Committee and Cadre, the BDE S-3 will mediate, with final arbitration being with the 1st BDE CDR.


d. Coordinating instructions.

(1) Each BN will provide an Advance Party to include: a logistics team member (that is signing for the billets), a food service member, and selected AGR personnel to participate in the Support Phase of the operation. The Advance Parties will arrive prior to their main body’s arrival at Fort Sill, OK.

(2) Each BN needs to coordinate their own transportation to Ft Sill.

(3) Each BN will sign for their own billets.

(4) Each BN will provide a list of participants to the BDE S-3 that are being certified in the tasks and support personnel NLT 15 January 2001. Upon arrival at Ft. Sill, an actual accounting of personnel that are present for certification will be presented to the Committees and Brigade S-3.

(5) Battalion S-3s are responsible for maintaining control of the standardization cards. Prior to departing FT Sill, a copy of all standardization cards will be submitted to the BDE S-3.

(6) Each BN will provide: Coordination needs to be made through the BDE S-4 for storage in the Arms Room. Prior to arrival, please mark each weapon with your unit designation for ease of identification.

(7) After Action Reviews are due in to the BDE S-3 NLT 7 days after departure from FT Sill.

(8) Transportation in and around FT Sill will be by the transportation that you got here in.

(9) Prior to the start of training each day, each BN CDR must report the status of his BN to BDE at the Training Site by name any individual AWOL, Sick Call, etc.

(10) Safety Briefings must be given: by the Commanders the drill prior to Warlock and prior to re-deployment from FT Sill and by the Committee OICs prior to the start of training.

(11) BN S-3s should prepare hip pocket training schedule for down time during the train up and testing portion. Ensure that you have the proper training materials on hand.


(12) During movement to FT Sill, all units should try and stay as grouped together as possible. In the event you are delayed, initial communication should be made to your home station, which should in turn call BDE with a status report of those involved by unit and name and the course of action those individuals are taking to get to FT Sill. CDRs are responsible for insuring accountability of personnel during training.

(13) Any failure or missed training will need to be made up on the individuals time. BDE will not fund orders for individuals to come to Ft. Sill to test.

(14) BN S-4s will bring the following: Cleaning materials (i.e. soap, pine sol, and scrub pads.), supplies (i.e. toilet paper, paper towels, and large trash bags), equipment (i.e. 200 series locks for billeting/vehicles and weapons, weapons ranks, and chains for racks.), and Water Jugs.

(15) Units conduction operations during this weekend outside of this OPORD will need to coordinate their own support for those operations.

(16) Each unit will provide the following equipment: Ten (10) 30 round M16A2 magazines, Two (2) M203 Launchers (mounted), Two (2) M-60 Machine Guns, Decontamination Supplies M291 (SDK), Four (4) M16A2 Rifles, Dummy Rounds for M60 and M203, and M-60 Cleaning Patches.

(17) T&E Committee will provide the following equipment: Stopwatches, NBC Signs, First Aid Mannequins, Materials for Prevent/Treat Shock, M18A1 Claymore Mines, AT-4, Compasses, Maps, Self-Aid Nerve Agent Antidote Injectors, and SALUTE Situation Boards.


a. Class I:

(1) Rations schedule, Phase I.


(2) Rations schedule, Phase II.

(a) Meals will be requested based on the numbers of personnel submitted by the 15 January 2001 suspense.

(b) Hot A’s will be served at the BDE HQs unless otherwise directed.

(c) The LOG TMs will set up and maintain the water point at the training site.

(d) MRE’s will be issued to each BN’s supply personnel in the advance party for further distribution to their BN.

b. Class II. Clothing/ TA-50.

(1) Uniform and Equipment Common to All: IV. SERVICE SUPPORT

a. Class II. Clothing/ TA-50.

(1) Uniform and Equipment Common to All: BDU’s, ID Card, Military Driver’s License, ID Tags, Ear Plugs, M-40 Protective Mask (fitted to soldier), LBE, Kevlar Helmet, Two (2) ammunition pouches, First Aid Pouch, Canteen w/ cup and cover.

(2) In addition to the above, each individual should include at a minimum in their packing list: BDUs (1 set), limited civilian clothing (1 set), sun screen, personal hygiene items, shower shoes, towels, laundry soap, seasonal jackets and gloves, and long underwear as needed. BN CDRs will have the final word on additional items.

c. Class III. POL. Prior to turn-in of vehicles, they will be cleaned and fueled.

d. Class IV. Ammunition. Each unit will provide 5 Blank Rounds per Individual (M16A2).


e. Class VI. Personnel Items. Personnel items will be limited in nature and are at the discretion of the BN CDRs. Their will be no fire arms, grills, alcohol, or pets.

f. Class VII. Major End Items. BDE S-4 will request from ECS 162: Covered M1008 (2 each).

g. Class VIII. Medical Supplies. BDE S-4 will have on hand replacement first aid medical supplies. Combat Lifesavers will bring their Aid Bags.

h. Medical Support at the training site will be provided by organic Combat Lifesavers. Sick Call each morning will be at the Emergency Room as there is no ‘Sick Call’ on weekends at Reynolds Army Community Hospital. Transportation will be arranged through BDE S-4 by the TF CDRs staff. Emergency medical attention will be handled at Reynolds Army Hospital.


a. Command:

(1) The Chain of Command is the BDE CDR, BDE XO, followed by the BN CDRs by date of rank. The BDE CDR and XO will be located at the BDE HQs. The BN CDRs should be located with their units during training.

(2) Site Locations:

1-354th Male Billets: TBD

1-354th Female Billets: TBD

2-354th Male Billets: TBD

2-354th Female Billets: TBD

1-355th Male Billets: TBD

1-355th Female Billets: TBD

2-355th Male Billets: TBD

2-355th Female Billets: TBD

3-355th Male Billets: TBD

3-355th Female Billets: TBD


FA Training Area: ND 573361, 1-78th Motor Pool

CS/HV Training Area: BDE HQs

Mess Point: TBD

b. Signal:

(1) Should a problem arise, the BDEs phone number is (888) 567-7536.


(2) MEDEVAC can be reached by landline at 911, on post.

(3) FT Sill MPs can be reached at 911, on post.

(4) In the event that your family needs to get in contact with you (emergencies only), the BDE number will be manned from 0700 till 1700 daily. Upon arrival, you should advise your family members of what building you are staying in and the number for the MPs.

Battalion CDRs should ensure that a roster will be developed to make this process run smooth.

(5) The local Red Cross can be reached at (580)442-2426/2586.

(6) The Field Officer of the Day’s number is (580)442-4912.





