Item ID Number: 10048900
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which one is an animal?
Option 1. cat
Option 2. red
Option 3. toy
Option 4. black
Key: 1
RIT Range: 141-150
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048910
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which one can you eat?
Option 1. car
Option 2. box
Option 3. apple
Option 4. book
Key: 3
RIT Range: 141-150
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048920
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which one is not a color?
Option 1. red
Option 2. yellow
Option 3. orange
Option 4. hat
Key: 4
RIT Range: 141-150
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 1-2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048930
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: I can bounce a ______.
Option 1. glass
Option 2. ball
Option 3. fire
Option 4. dish
Key: 2
RIT Range: 151-160
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #91, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048940
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: To eat, you need a ______.
Option 1. coat
Option 2. girl
Option 3. pig
Option 4. spoon
Key: 4
RIT Range: 151-160
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048960
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which one is not part of a bike?
Option 1. wheel
Option 2. seat
Option 3. engine
Option 4. brakes
Key: 3
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048970
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which person does not belong in a family?
Option 1. mother
Option 2. teacher
Option 3. father
Option 4. son
Key: 2
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105, Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10048990
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: January, February, March, ______.
Option 1. Sunday
Option 2. spring
Option 3. cookie
Option 4. April
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #95/105, Grade
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049000
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which animal belongs in a zoo?
Option 1. cat
Option 2. bees
Option 3. dog
Option 4. elephant
Key: 4
RIT Range: 161-170
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 5.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #105. Grade 2
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049020
Passage or Graphic: They are the only mammals that fly. They are very helpful to farmers because they eat so many insects. Bat droppings are used as a fertilizer. Bats are an important part of our ecosystem, even though many people are afraid of them.
Stem: The writer thinks bats:
Option 1. are scary and awful
Option 2. are an important part of our ecosystem
Option 3. eat fertilizer
Option 4. sleep all night
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03a
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Bias, Assumption, Stereotype
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 1
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: District #270, Grade 3
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049030
Directions: Read the story.
Passage or Graphic: At recess time, the 4th grade class was playing a fun game of soccer on the playground. Three 6th graders joined the game and things got rough. The 4th graders decided that they would never allow any 6th graders to play with them again.
Stem: What bias do the 4th grade students have?
Option 1. They think 6th graders are better players.
Option 2. They think 6th graders are not fun to play with.
Option 3. They think only 4th graders should play soccer.
Option 4. They think all 6th graders play roughly.
Key: 4
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03a
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Bias, Assumptions, Stereotype
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049050
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which group could be classified as parts of the body?
Option 1. eyes, nose, eyeglasses
Option 2. hands, feet, mouth
Option 3. see, taste, smell
Option 4. jacket, hat, boots
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “none”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 2
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “none”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049060
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which word is not like the others?
Option 1. pig
Option 2. zebra
Option 3. rose
Option 4. rabbit
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “none”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “none”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049070
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Hilarious belongs with which group?
Option 1. little, small
Option 2. big, large
Option 3. funny, laughing
Option 4. high, tall
Key: 3
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049080
Directions: Read the story.
Passage or Graphic: Sarah was going to the amusement park. She was so excited! She told all her friends that she was going to ride the Merry-Go-Round, the Ferris Wheel, and the Bumper Cars.
Stem: What other ride would Sarah go on at the amusement park?
Option 1. pet the rabbits
Option 2. win a prize
Option 3. ride the giraffe
Option 4. Roller coaster
Key: 4
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049110
Directions: Read the story.
Passage or Graphic: Mindy and Matt had been hiking all day long. They had covered 17 miles, hills included. By dusk they had finally stopped. Mindy immediately grabbed her water bottle. Matt took out fruit juice and lemonade.
Stem: From the above passage you can tell that:
Option 1. Mindy and Matt were hungry.
Option 2. Mindy and Matt were thirsty.
Option 3. Mindy and Matt were tired.
Option 4. Mindy and Matt were going home.
Key: 2
RIT Range: 171-180
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 8
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049130
Directions: Read the passage.
Passage or Graphic: Mary Ann worked all afternoon to clean the house. She folded the clothes and put her little brother’s toys away. She washed and put away all of the dirty dishes in the sink. She even vacuumed the carpets in the house. When her mother came home she said, “I am so happy you cleaned the house! You are such a good daughter!” Mary Ann’s face beamed!
Stem: What word best describes how Mary Ann feels?
Option 1. tired
Option 2. hungry
Option 3. sleepy
Option 4. happy
Key: 4
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03a
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Persuasive Elements
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049160
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: To which of the five senses does this set of words appeal: hot, cold, rough, soft?
Option 1. touch
Option 2. smell
Option 3. taste
Option 4. hearing
Key: 1
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Persuasive Elements
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049170
Directions: Read the passage.
Passage or Graphic: Jim and John went outside for recess. Jim took a basketball with him. John wanted to play with the basketball too. Jim did not want to share the ball. They both began to argue. Finally, John shoved Jim down and took the ball away from him.
Stem: How could Jim and John solve their problem?
Option 1. John should not ask to play with Jim’s basketball.
Option 2. Jim should not take the basketball outside for recess.
Option 3. Jim should share the basketball with John.
Option 4. Jim should shove John back.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 1
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049190
Directions: Read the analogies and fill in the blank.
Passage or Graphic: bird is to fly
fish is to swim
Stem: Boy is to ______.
Option 1. girl
Option 2. play
Option 3. walk
Option 4. talk
Key: 3
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 3
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049200
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which group is a list of feelings?
Option 1. excited-sad-proud
Option 2. cold-happy-honest
Option 3. tired-thirsty-friendly
Option 4. intelligent-emotional-embarrassed
Key: 1
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 4
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049210
Directions: Read the passage.
Passage or Graphic: Susie had been raking the leaves for her grandmother. She raked all the leaves into a large pile and then she put the rake back in the garage. She looked up at the sky and saw it was getting dark. She decided she had better start to head home. All of a sudden, a gust of wind hit her face and raindrops splattered on top of her head.
Stem: What information tells you that Susie is about to be caught in a storm?
Option 1. She had finished raking leaves.
Option 2. The sky was dark.
Option 3. The wind began to gust.
Option 4. The sky was dark, the wind began to gust, and raindrops splattered her head.
Key: 4
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.01.d, 752.01.f, 752.03.e
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 5
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049220
Directions: Read the list.
Passage or Graphic: hook, worm, rod, reel
Stem: The above items are used for ______.
Option 1. fishing
Option 2. flying
Option 3. boating
Option 4. bait
Key: 1
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 6
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049230
Directions: Look at the list of words.
Passage or Graphic: Computer
Digital Camera
Stem: How are the above items alike?
Option 1. All the words have the letter “C.”
Option 2. Everyone uses these items.
Option 3. They all have viewing screens.
Option 4. They are all cool.
Key: 3
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: “None”
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 7
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Idaho Falls Content Alignment: “None”
Item Entry Complete: Y
Item ID Number: 10049240
Passage or Graphic:
Stem: Which group of words are all examples of fruit?
Option 1. raspberries, pears, apples, ice cream
Option 2. raspberries, pears, corn, ice cream
Option 3. raspberries, pears, apples, cherries
Option 4. raspberries, pears, apples, green beans
Key: 3
RIT Range: 181-190
Copyright Info:
Idaho Standards Alignment: 752.03.c
Learning Cont. Goal: Evaluative Comprehension
Learning Cont. Subgoal: Classify, Thinking Skills
Learning Cont. Bullet #: 8
Learning Cont. Page #: 2
Item ID Number: 10048900
