Have we not wondered or worried about the inroads of Shari’ah (Islamic) Law into our society? If you have thought about it and read concerning such, you better be concerned. We have been reading about the ”Accommodation" Of Islamic Law in Europe, and it’s beginning here in the U.S.A. We must not let this happen!

I am reminded of the “The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares” in Matthew 13:24-30. Notice verse 25, “but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.”

It has been this type of sleeping that has plagued men for generations. Good people and peaceful nations, many times, just wink at sinful aggression. Hitler’s Nazism overwhelmed Europe while most of us slept, not willing to grasp or act to stop the madness. The Empire of Japan, during this same time period, was with armed might engulfing the East. Finally, because of our unwillingness to act in a timely fashion, a brutal war had to be fought between Nazi Germany and Japan.

Truly, “while men slept, his enemy came.” Can we not learn from history and act?

We are faced with a growing threat that is as real as those in the 1930s’ and throughout the war years of the 1940’s. Orthodox Radical Islamic Terrorism and the Encroachment Of Islamic Law is here and now. Their aim is to destroy Western Culture and create a worldwide Islamic State. Mark that down!

“The Muslim believes that justice is the supreme purpose of the Shari’ah. He views the Shari’ah as a complete set of laws for the guidance of mankind.” (Extracted from chapter entitled “The Shari’ah by Preston Silcox, Book title: Islam – From God of Man? Page 124, 2003 Spring Bible Institute Lectureship, David P. Brown, Editor”)

“How can anyone who values freedom of conscience, equality before the law and other such Western jewels not have a healthy fear of Islamic law, which values none of these things…” "Islamophobia is not merely a phenomenon of unparalleled fear, but it is the duty of every one who wants to safeguard Europe's future. Europe means Rome, Greece, Enlightenment and Judeo-Christian roots. Europe is a continent of castles and cathedrals, not of mosques and minarets." (Extracted from an article, “We Are Losing Europe to Islam” by Diana West, September 18, 2008)

“Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbors, but mischief is in their hearts.” (Psalm 28:3)

NOTE: For similar information notice article on Shariah Law Infiltrating the USA: