Activity 1.1.5d Engineering Careers – Book


Have you ever wanted to be an author of a chapter book? Now is your chance to share your knowledge of engineering careers with students in your elementary school. Do you think elementary students know what an engineer does? There are many different types of engineers, and they all have very interesting careers.


·  GTT notebook

·  Computer with Internet access

·  Technology career book resources

·  Printer

·  Binding machine (optional)


In this activity you and your partner will research a type of engineer and write a book for 1st - 3rd grade students that explains this career. Your book should be non-fiction and 8-10 pages long. The book must be illustrated.

1.  You and your partner will research an engineering field and find facts to put in your book that would interest a 6 - 8 year old (1st - 3rd grade student).

2.  Follow the guidelines below while creating your engineering career book:

·  Book must have a front and back cover.

·  Cover must include title, author, and illustrator.

·  Book must have inside title page (dedication page is optional).

·  Chapter books must include a table of contents. Table of contents must list topic and corresponding page number.

·  Chapter book must be at least three chapters long.

·  Each chapter should be at least two pages long with a minimum of two paragraphs on each page.

·  Each paragraph must be indented, have a topic sentence, a supporting sentence, and a closing sentence.

·  Book must be illustrated. Pictures may be drawn, cut out of a magazine, or brought from home.


1.  What was the hardest part of writing the book for you and your partner?

2.  Did you read your book to an elementary student? If so, what was his/her response?

3. What new information about this type of engineer did you learn while researching for your book?

Scoring Rubric for Engineering Careers Book

Book has front and back cover. _____/10 points
Front cover includes title, author, illustrator, and picture _____/10 points.
Book has inside title page (dedication page is optional). _____/5 points
Books includes table of contents. _____/5 points
Chapter book has three chapters (5 points each). _____/15 points
Each chapter is at least 2 pages long. _____/5 points
A minimum of two paragraphs on each page. _____/10 points
Each paragraph is indented, has a topic sentence,

a supporting sentence, and a closing sentence. _____/20 points
Book is illustrated. _____/10 points

Teamwork – Each partner contributes his/her talents

to the completion of the project. _____/10 points

TOTAL = _____/100 Points

Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Copyright 2010

GTT – Unit 1 – Lesson 1 – Activity1.1.5d – Engineering Careers - Book – Page 1