President: Rain Kemperman, 238-5392

Vice-President: Dave Phillips, 517-774-0071

Secretary: Jan Fifer, 238-4974

Doris Heinemann, 238-4225

Treasurer: Linda Snedeker, 238-8050


Architectural: Bob Daney, 419-215-1439

Beautification: Jean Morrison, 238-2748

Helping Hands: Sandy Bowles, 238-4176

Barb Lawrence, 238-2011

Hospitality: Janis Hand, 238-4905

Sandy Bowles, 238-4176

Newsletter: Tammy Wright, 238-2182

Political Action: Dave Whitehead, 238-5572

Social: Trina Fantauzzo, 238-5452

Rain Kemperman, 238-5392


Kinderhook Township Hall

The township hall is available for use by all township residents. If you are interested in using the hall for any reason, contact Cindy Carpenter, Kinderhook Township Clerk for more information at or 238-8182.

Kinderhook Township Meeting Dates

Mondays (except in May) @ 7:30 P.M. at the

Township Hall

797 S. Angola Rd.

April 27 May 26 June 29 July 27




Plan your social calendar at

Next Events

Spring Cleanup, April 18

Saturday, April 18, 9:00 am – noon

Contact: Jean Morrison, 238-2748

Meet in the lot across the street from Brad & Deb Beck’s, .745 Marias Dr.

Pancake Breakfast, May 2

Saturday, May 2, 7:00 - 10:00 am

Contact: Jan Fifer, 238-4974

Kinderhook Township Hall

Garage Sales, June 12 & 13

Friday & Saturday, June 12 & 13 at 9:00 am

Contact: Trina Fantauzzo, 238-5452

Annual Picnic, July 11

Saturday, July 11 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Contact: Tammy Wright, 238-2182

In case of rain, picnic will be held at the Kinderhook Township Hall

Board Meetings

The 2009 board meeting are scheduled for (2009 date and host are listed):

April 8, Ann Buchanan, 238-9688

June 10, Jan Fifer, 238-4974

August 22, 10-Noon, Annual Meeting, Kinderhook Township Hall, Rain Kemperman, 238-5392

September 9, Brent Withington, 238-8660

All meetings begin at 7:30 pm unless noted.

SSNA Dues Notices

REMINDER – it’s that time again!

Again, for 2009, dues are $35.00; members may also wish to donate an additional $5.00 to the Flag Fund for the care and maintenance of the flags at the Copeland Rd. entrance. See enclosed flyer.

Thank you for your continued support!

SSNA Members Get Compost Site Use

Did you know that we have a compost site for dues-paying members? Sign up now & learn where!


Janis Hand & Sandy Bowles, Co-Chairs

John & Erin Morrell, 734 Tomahawk Trail. John and Erin have a daughter, Emma (age 6), and a German Short Haired Pointer named Hunter. John works at Benjaman Franklin Plumbing and and Erin works for Branch ISD as a Speech Pathologist.

If you see these (or other) new neighbors please introduce yourself and welcome them to the neighborhood.

New neighbor? Graduation? New baby? Whatever the occasion, call Janis (238-4905) or Sandy (238-4176). The Hospitality Committee welcomes new neighbors and sends cards for various occasions.


Sandy Bowles, Chair


View the Shawnee Shoals Protective Restrictions & Covenants online at

As an organized community, protective restrictions, covenants and limitations are in place to protect and ensure the beauty, integrity, and safety of our neighborhood.

Considering adding on, knocking down, or building new? Bob can help you sort out the Township Zoning Rules and Association Covenants to make your construction project a more enjoyable experience. Call Bob at 419-215-1439 or email at .

SSNA Covenants…

Dear Neighbors,

In the next few months, we, the Shawnee Shoals Neighborhood Association Board, will be undertaking a review of the Protective Restrictions, Covenants, and Limitations filed with the Branch County Registrar of Deeds for our neighborhood. These restrictions were first filed and enacted in 1979, and have not been amended since 1992. A lot has changed in those 17 years! We have set a very aggressive schedule for this review and plan to have it completed, approved and filed before the Annual Meeting in August 2009.

As proposed changes are decided upon by the Board, we will be informing you of those proposed changes in the newsletter, as well as on the Yahoo!Group (sub-scribe: shawnee_shoals-subscribe@yahoogroups .com).

We are asking for your help in this matter, too. Please feel free to submit your suggestions to me in writing ( or 766 Tomahawk Trail). In addition, you will be asked to approve the changes that the Board recommends based on your suggestions and the input of other neighbors. With your help, I know that we can develop a set of covenants that will allow us to maintain the beauty and integrity of our neighborhood for years to come!

Thank you for your help & support.

Rain Kemperman, SSNA President


REMEMBER…if you see rubbish in our neighborhood, please pick it up. We are ALL members of the Beautification Committee.

Thank You.

If you see vials similar to these in your yard or on the streets in our neighborhood, DO NOT pick them up. Notify the police of the location immediately; they will collect the vials for testing for the presence of potentially dangerous substances.


Dave Whitehead, Chair

Just a friendly reminder…. Please remember to lock your home and vehicles whenever you are away. If you see any suspicious activity, notify the State Police.

Please be conscious of your speed when going through our neighborhood. If you see repeated speeding, call the State Police and report the make & model of the vehicle, license plate number, and typical time of day observed.

Weed Control Scheduled for June

Mid-June is the scheduled time for the water weed control treatment, done by Jim Donahoe of Aquatic Weed Control (574-533-2597). He will notify you with signs and instructions of water use, when the treatment is being done.


Birthdays Anniversaries

May 1 Stella Beerman

4 Jim Wright

5 Viktoria Owens

6 Brandon Hartman

8 Dom Fantauzzo

11 Robert & Sandy Bowles

14 Brian Farmer

15 Sandy Withington

16 Hugo Miller

17 Amy Miller

19 Jake Zabonick

20 Matt McCauley

21 Norm Heinemann Norm & Doris Heinemann

25 Janet Harriman

27 Kirk Kashian, Garrett Laplano

29 Ed Dobson

30 Doris Heinemann

Jun 3 Ed & Lucia Haas

4 Ron Laplano

8 Erin Yearling

9 Twig Walkup

19 Rain Kemperman Jim & Karen Yakel

22 Bob Stempien

24 Larry Huss

26 Ed & Teri Dobson

Craig & Marene Wood

Greg & Trudy Morrison

27 Laurel Sedlacek

29 Bob Daney, Charlie Buchanan

30 Don Schlie

Jul 1 Bill Fifer

4 Cindy Carr

5 Nathan Withington

10 Dick Grice, Lucia Haas

16 Nicole Helminiak

17 Don & Leslie Schlie

18 Terry Callahan

20 Karen Yakel

21 Tracy Chase Nyle & Sue Pickett

23 Tom & Faith Rodak

24 Jerry & Becky Reed

27 Leslie Schlie

Please contact Tammy Wright (238-2182) if you want your Birthday and/or Anniversary added to the list!!

Need Juice and Milk Caps

Laurie Whitehead needs juice and milk caps to help her classroom children with patterning skills. So save those caps and give Laurie a call on 238-5572 for pick up/drop off.

Upcoming Events and Info in our Area!!

Relay for Life plans are underway!!!

Plans are under way for the 2009 Relay for Life. Outlined below are the events and fundraisers that are planned.

Relay for Life Event at Heritage Park (Friday & Saturday, June 12 & 13) events include:

24 hour walk – No limit to team members. Walk from 3:00 pm on June 12 to 3:00 pm on June 13 (except from 5:30 to 6:30 pm for the Survivor’s parade).

Auction – Saturday, June 13 at 12:00 noon

Survivor Parade – 5:30 pm Friday, June 12 during the beginning of the Kick Off of the Relay.

Luminars – Light the path of the relay. They can be purchased for $10 in honor/memory of a special person in your life (need to purchase by 5/1). Name of this person is written in a Relay book plus announced at the Relay. Luminars can be sold right up to Relay, but won't be printed in book...dead line for book is May 1.

Health Fest (June 13) – Tips on health and free lunch sponsored by Coldwater Health Center & Hospital.

The Relay for Life donations raised by this team and other teams in the area go to:

1)  American Cancer Society for Cancer Research

2)  Branch County (for those individuals within Branch County battling cancer)

3)  Rainbow Camp

4)  Transportation to doctor if needed

Over the last 10 years, over $1,000,000 has been raised by Branch County. Last year all Branch County teams raised $110,000.

If you want more information, wish to volunteer some of your time, wish to walk as part of the team, or have questions about anything listed above, contact Connie Wood at 238-5210 or Kitty Wilcox at 238-4340 or (570) 270-6011.

Thanks to Tom & Kathy Cowman

Ever wonder who takes such wonderful care of the Tomahawk entrance to our neighborhood? Thanks goes to Tom & Kathy Cowman for the mowing and maintenance of the Tomahawk entrance. All of us in the SSNA appreciate it!!