Transition From Prison Ministry Program

Ministry Action Plan


Statement of Purpose:

The Transition From Prison Ministry Program [TPMP], a program of the Board of Christian Social Action, will grow in love of God and neighbor by assisting individuals who have recently been released from prison to make a successful transition back into their community.

Our Performance [Sept, 2016 – Aug, 2017]

  1. Major Accomplishments:

●Retained several experienced members of reentry teams.

●Added 4 new individuals to reentry teams and recruited 2 individuals to rejoin the group.

●Reestablished our relationship with Bridges and received several referrals.

●Established a relationship with Women at the Well, a reentry program that works with women being released from Mitchellville.

●Received several referrals through the members of the congregation, who were aware of the program.

●Worked with individuals reentering society from Fort Des Moines.

2. Critical Success Factors:

●Received referrals from several sources which eases the burden on relying on one referral source.

●Had several team members attend the Right Door Conference, which dealt with helping individuals reentering society.

●Retained several team members long enough for them to gain valuable experience and a greater understanding of their role in the program.

●Slowly building our numbers of dedicated team members.

  1. Primary Disappointments:

●Despite some headway, still having trouble maintaining a steady flow of referrals.

●Despite advertising and trying to recruit new members for a training, we could use additional team members.

●We currently have more referrals than we have teams, yet oddly have times when we have teams ready and can not find a referral for them.

Preparing For The Upcoming Year [Sept, 2017 – Aug, 2018]

  1. Essential Goals:

●Referrals - Explore other referral sources and build relationships with appropriate programs in order to have steady stream of referrals for our teams.

●Enrichment - Provide training/growth/educational opportunities for TPMP team members in order for us to be able to build better relationships with the individuals were are trying to help.

●Recruitment - Recruit new team members and/or approach old participants about rejoining the program in order to meet the need of people who could benefit from our program.

  1. Strategies To Meet Goals:

●Referrals - Explore possibilities of forming formal relationships with Fresh Start, state’s women’s halfway house, and Fort Des Moines, state’s men’s halfway house.

●Enrichment - Re-organize meetings to have a 30 minute check-in session followed by speaker/educational topic for the next 30 - 60 minutes - speakers from Bridges, PO officers, Project Iowa, Baptist Friendship Center, etc.

●Enrichment - Have a delegation attend the Right Next Door day long conference again this year.

●Recruitment - Ask former members to rejoin, post meetings and ask for new mentors in current happenings, follow-up with interested people from new members class and have people do personal asks to friends/fellow congregants.

Resources Needed to Succeed:

1. Church Resources:

●Volunteers to dedicate their time to the ministry.

2. Community Resources:

●Programs that support our mission and send referrals to the program.